Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- d
- dave83
- 05i
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-84946, 07 Mar 2013Samsung has some shares of sharp but not sony, samsung and ... moreyou are aware that samsung actually make some of sonys panels?
they bought their shares in Superlcd too.
your only paying for sony logo on a lot of the products...
- ?
- Anonymous
- xii
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-87800, 07 Mar 2013If Nokia will help Apple fight with Samsung, then they wil... moresorry but samsung producing amoled and samsung mobile are different branches of company
- s
- sushil
- ut}
- 07 Mar 2013
brandon, 07 Mar 2013What a joke, Nokia is trying to help squash Samsung because... morenokia+apple=Samsung
- T
- Truth
- 6iP
- 07 Mar 2013
Apple will now steal all Nokia's idea and make their time even harder than before. Bad move from Nokia. Samsung is rising star so, everyone is jealous.
- D
- AnonD-87800
- Nxn
- 07 Mar 2013
If Nokia will help Apple fight with Samsung, then they will suffer with their supply because they are dependent from Samsung for their AMOLED screens.
- T
- Tanzim
- uNV
- 07 Mar 2013
brandon, 07 Mar 2013What a joke, Nokia is trying to help squash Samsung because... moreWell said :-)
- D
- AnonD-78985
- kx5
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-84946, 07 Mar 2013Samsung has some shares of sharp but not sony, samsung and ... moreDo some research sony and samsung are partner.
- D
- AnonD-84946
- U{c
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-78985, 07 Mar 2013No fail Sony was the first to do it. Sony, sharp and samsun... moreSamsung has some shares of sharp but not sony, samsung and sony are rivals in TV technology not partners. Sony has upper hand in TV, home theaters etc.
- y
- you loner
- Mfx
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-121085, 07 Mar 2013openly stated fine print..then why do you whine 41 m... moreexactly.. you're a pro photographer, not a design engineer, or an optical engineer. So you know Nothing about how sensors are made or why nokia put the technology they did in the ppureview. thats like saying im a race car driver, but taht automatically makes me a pro at taking about engines.
and you should swtich jobs to being a professional lonely whineyasss loooser who sits on a thread bashing a phone cause it got better photo quality ratings than most point-and shoot cameras...
and yes you're right about the lens.. nokia was smart and put carl ziess lenses in all of thier phones... they were smart about it putting decent quality camera lenses unlike samsung who puts trashy crap in their phones. o yea.. and btw way.. sony WAS a leader in cameras 5 decades ago until they dropped their cybershot series cell phones.. and thats why, now they're a nobody.
good luck in life buddy... clearly you have no photography contracts.. must be a reason for that. go whine to your mommy "my dear".
- S
- Striker
- n3s
- 07 Mar 2013
This is good news. The two best companies, the current and the previous leaders join forces against the yellowish thieves from Asia. Wish them success in emptying the thieves bags from the stolen profit money. They deserve it!
- D
- AnonD-78985
- kx5
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-84946, 07 Mar 2013Oh brother sorry to say but bendable oled was shown of way ... moreNo fail Sony was the first to do it. Sony, sharp and samsung are partner by the way.
- D
- AnonD-87222
- 3ZH
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-84946, 07 Mar 2013Oh brother sorry to say but bendable oled was shown of way ... moreThen Google "Samsung flexible oled ces 2011"
- S
- Syed Hasham
- PAm
- 07 Mar 2013
Thats called a real player Apple is afraid from Samsung Apple will use Nokia and other compnies too to beat Samsung after when Samsung going down Apple will turn to Nokia and will show his real face to Nokia.hahaha Stupid Nokia.
- D
- AnonD-1640
- svM
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-121085, 07 Mar 2013openly stated fine print..then why do you whine 41 m... more i had nokia n8 now i have a sony ericsson and its camera sucks big compared to nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- vI7
- 07 Mar 2013
i will love to see samsung smashed.
- f
- fazil
- t1$
- 07 Mar 2013
Saamy, don't worry you not alone .lot of smart people with you.
- D
- AnonD-83099
- RYc
- 07 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 07 Mar 2013When will you sammy boys be finished bending your crappy OL... moreThe display on the Note 2 is great. What is crappy about it?
- E
- El Maestro
- Iaf
- 07 Mar 2013
The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
- D
- AnonD-84946
- U{c
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-87222, 07 Mar 2013Samsung is the biggest contributor to the OLED technology. ... moreOh brother sorry to say but bendable oled was shown of way in 2011 by Nokia and samsung has stolen their idea and now showing it in CES 2013.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7K
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-87222, 07 Mar 2013Samsung is the biggest contributor to the OLED technology. ... moreWhen will you sammy boys be finished bending your crappy OLEDs? I have Note 2 and the display really sux bigtime, bending it would not help, trust me