Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- D
- AnonD-109004
- 7j}
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-27765, 07 Mar 2013The Nokia 808 Pureview camera is the closest mobile camera ... moreI ve a point to say. Why shudn't nokia shut der mobile industry n start up with a nrw camera business? M sure they can make money with that:)
All dese days i m jus seeing/hearing that nokia has made a superb camera. It jus blows everyone that this!! BS! And here in india, they advertise l920 as a camera rather than as a smartphone.
- r
- robin hood
- nC1
- 07 Mar 2013
Not happy with the decision of NOKIA :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7K
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-84946, 07 Mar 2013Look who is talking about OS crash?? An Android user...!! H... moreAs a many year android user i did not know Android had stability problems. But i had plenty on Windows PC stability problems, and they stopped when i changed to Linux. Very interesting that Android run on the same kernel base, which does not crash but rescue itself through Kernel panic when a driver or hardware or bad program/app misbehaves. Thats quite different from the famous bluescreen isnt it?
- n
- nanananana
- t7X
- 07 Mar 2013
First time on this post?
grab a popcorn and a soda, and proceed to the first comment and GO ON AN ADVENTURE :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- Qrj
- 07 Mar 2013
InaruMejil, 07 Mar 2013I wonder what apple has promisse to Nokia in return.?? I... morehaha Apple use s pen for the next iphone! you must be high who da f.... need useless s pen any way.
- M
- Mani
- U3x
- 07 Mar 2013
maani, 07 Mar 2013A cheap shot played by former market leader nokia, proves t... moreShame in san andreas
- s
- shummy
- wiR
- 07 Mar 2013
samsung stole all copyrights and patents of products should be banned.
- L
- Len
- bJ7
- 07 Mar 2013
There is no medicine for baldness and jealousy. Samsung should team up with Sony and HTC to fight against the jealous of Apple,Nokia and LG.
- D
- AnonD-84946
- U{c
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-121085, 07 Mar 2013innovation indeed..beating and flogging the dead horse symb... moreLook who is talking about OS crash?? An Android user...!! Hahaha nice one, keep it up.
- j
- jay
- ap$
- 07 Mar 2013
alcatel d best
- D
- AnonD-78985
- kx5
- 07 Mar 2013
[deleted post]Purecrap you mean. Sony has the best technology for mobile camera just look at the iphone, galaxy and xperia series. They are all using sony technology and make they own thing in it.
- m
- maani
- 39x
- 07 Mar 2013
A cheap shot played by former market leader nokia, proves their negetive competition strategy. A desperate measure to win the market using Apple ios over nokia phones.....shame on nokia running out of innovation....2 loosers joinig together to be called as 'big looser'....
- D
- AnonD-27765
- t7X
- 07 Mar 2013
incognito, 07 Mar 2013seriously? 41MP phone camera on par with a dslr? dslr is ds... moreThe Nokia 808 Pureview camera is the closest mobile camera to a DSLR. In the near future, Nokia will find a way to perfect the technology which will make DSLR obsolete just like how the point-and-shoot is now obsolete.
- D
- AnonD-105312
- vTQ
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-86387, 07 Mar 2013If you refer to features that samsung have over nokia. Let ... moreomg biggest lol post i found in this thread.
- D
- AnonD-78939
- 2T7
- 07 Mar 2013
All of you fight here and meanwhile apple and samsung are earning $$$
- T
- T
- ANm
- 07 Mar 2013
Well, two dead companies have to be allies. What else can they do?
- D
- AnonD-86387
- wc6
- 07 Mar 2013
If you refer to features that samsung have over nokia. Let me tell something dude. Features is a software. I can buy a mid range phone and can install any software features that what your samsung high end phone has. But technology in other hand. You couldnt buy any phone in the market right now to have the best camera that nokia had offer. You cant do anything to have the best low light shooting tjat nokia had in other phone.features is an optain. Wheter you can want or dont. But tech and good hardware you cant change about it. So nokia is the best.
- D
- AnonD-84946
- U{c
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-78985, 07 Mar 2013Fail I was a Sony Ericsson fan before. Samsung make the bes... moreYap you are right, best smartphones. Galaxy grand-crap display quality, S3( sold just a week back) master of getting stuck in between, Note-II ugliest phone ever, but anyways everyone has different opinions and experiences, you must have experienced what you are saying, I have just got the L820 and it is an awesome device ..I am happy with it at least after experiencing S3. Its my view. Fandroids ignored. End of conversation with Samsung share holders.
- S
- Sorin
- nDI
- 07 Mar 2013
This is a lost of time. Apple and Nokia please make better phones then Samsung and the battle is over very fast.
- M
- Mane
- U3x
- 07 Mar 2013
incognito, 07 Mar 2013seriously? 41MP phone camera on par with a dslr? dslr is ds... moreWhy not completely remove the camera eh??