Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- f
- franzel_X
- 08 Mar 2013
Dream on iphone, cause its free and no limit!ahahaha
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4B9
- 08 Mar 2013
Carol, 08 Mar 2013Still here?:)). This guys are making money like crazy while... moreI also think that Microsoft has something to do with this also!!!!
- y
- yuri
- 0EI
- 08 Mar 2013
nokia why dont you ask htc first if its really worth it
- D
- AnonD-10684
- 08 Mar 2013
Connecting Apple
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- AnonD-20221
- 9GU
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Lol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the... moreLike they say 'Ignorance is bliss'... So you are comparing the 3gs and the S2 which was launced years later... Not one samsung phonelooks like iphone??? Ever saw the Galaxy S and a Galaxy Tab???
- D
- Denzo
- sy9
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Lol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the... moreAs for the Amoled screens.. the SGS2 phone that I currentyl own has ugly burn in I cant get rid of.. and the SGS3 uses cheaper Pentile garbage.. just low, low quality.. keep dreaming that your palstic piece of shit is as good as the iPhone..
- D
- Denzo
- sy9
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Lol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the... moreFirstly, not one SGS look like an iPhone? Right.. just millions of people, a court case and even GSMArena have mentioned that obviously the icon and phone arrangement was borderline exact.
You dont think iPhone 5 got true 4G?? Whatd oes this mean.. I get an average of about 50-65Mbs download speed.. thats 4 times quicker than my ADSL 2+ connection at home..
There is only one phone in the world that has faster 150Mbps speeds that I know of.. and in real world use.. the iPhone 5 is quicker on LTE than SGS3 and Padfone 2.. ive tried them in the same spots..
You should keep laughing.. because they say laughter usually covers up a deep pain inside.
- D
- Denzo
- sy9
- 08 Mar 2013
Look at what I just found about the SGS3..
SGS3 phones that just die suddenly.. and Sammy fans talk about iPhone quality issues!! Terrible! Evil Company!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mvn
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Lol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the... moreYou really don't get it , do you? Samsung got where they are today by essentially cloning the iPhone (not to mention the iPad).
You can sit here all day regurgitating the tech specs you feel a phone must have to be good.
That doesn't change the fact that Samsung's success is based on theft. It's as simple as that.
- b
- bigtime
- mur
- 08 Mar 2013
yuri, 08 Mar 2013so disappointed with nokia, i never thought im gonna dislike youlike nokia gives a damn care about your interest
- U
- Ubuntu Takeover
- Rbq
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Lol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the... moreThe Samsung Vibrant does in fact look like an iphone.
Other than that, I agree.
- J
- JC
- QdI
- 08 Mar 2013
Denzo , 08 Mar 2013Samsung should be scared.. because BOTH NOKIA and APPLE kno... moreLol i just laughed at everything you said. Samsung made the iphones camera and other internel parts of the iphone. The iphone 5 barely got " True " 4g and still has a crappy 4 inch screen which was like so 2009 . The s3 on the other hand has a 4.8 inch super amoled screen which looks amazing. The 3gs is a crappy phone with a garbage resoultion and doesn't even have a 1ghz Proccessor . The s2 has a 1.2 dual core proccessor with 4.3 / 4.5 inch screen . You can see the differance between a samsung phone and a iphone. Samsung kills it. NOT ONE SAMSUNG PHONE LOOKS LIKE AN IPHONE ! Apple is just scared.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 08 Mar 2013
nokia should concentrate to develop a better (than android and ios) operating system, if can't then should go to google for android.
- D
- Denzo
- sy9
- 08 Mar 2013
iLOL, 08 Mar 2013It make sense that apple and nokia want a piece of samsungs... moreSamsung's Profit??
Apple is still bigger than Google and Samsung.
You think Apple wants Sammys profit??
- D
- Denzo
- sy9
- 08 Mar 2013
JC, 08 Mar 2013Samsung is on top of the game. As for apple and nokia , the... moreSamsung should be scared.. because BOTH NOKIA and APPLE know what its like to be the maker of the best selling phone - to be the maker of a phone without peers.
Remember the 8800, 3310, 8910, 6110 etc.. dominated the 90s.
The iPhone - absolutely changed the game for the whole world.
Samsung..? Copied the iPhone using plastic body and cheap parts and quick processor and shit software..
Sammy should be shitting themselves.. already HTC one and Experia Z has picked up too much.. Nokia, Apple - will crush them. Have you even got an update for the SGS2 to jelly bean without breaking it? lol 3GS runs latest iOS..
- J
- JC
- QdI
- 08 Mar 2013
Samsung is on top of the game. As for apple and nokia , there both scared because samsung will always be superior . Like HTC once said " Instead of apple always trying to sue they should try to compete instead" The S4 will be a beast !
- f
- fazil
- t1$
- 08 Mar 2013
Now both craps against the king. Sammy finish them.
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- AnonD-121435
- Kiy
- 08 Mar 2013
why .. you never think?? .. make phone like a lover ...
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- AnonD-106654
- 3sE
- 08 Mar 2013
600+ comments and climbing lol this HECTIC!!!
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- AnonD-6307
- KA0
- 08 Mar 2013
Two crappiest ?? Are you Insane!!!