Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- D
- AnonD-121432
- U{0
- 08 Mar 2013
to whom so ever concern, becareful with apple buddies:)
more over in the above photo place apple top and nokia in the bottom;)
- D
- AnonD-121432
- U{0
- 08 Mar 2013
To whom so ever concern, becareful with apple buddies:)
- J
- John
- t1$
- 08 Mar 2013
Nokia and apple should make those type of phone which are in the budget of people.....minimum specifications like 4" display, 3.15 m.p,vga front camera,3g,wifi,RAM 512mb,ROM 512, 1GHZ dual core proccessor,with windows phne 8 or apple iOs..... Price@6500-7000 and their profit will be increased 10 times faster than other co. This will make every one crazy and they will definetly buy after heard of advertisement......IF U MAke, then U wil be great....
- D
- AnonD-93854
- 3Jn
- 08 Mar 2013
two crapiestt companis together ooh my life. booooooh. boooooo
- y
- yuri
- 0EI
- 08 Mar 2013
so disappointed with nokia, i never thought im gonna dislike you
- i
- iLOL
- JaK
- 08 Mar 2013
AnonD-23989, 08 Mar 2013Very well said™®©Thank you
- i
- iLOL
- JaK
- 08 Mar 2013
AnonD-114689, 08 Mar 2013nokia has to do this.. they have nothing left.
iAgree.... hence my comment
First they sue (nokia against apple), now they join force.
iStill got my nokia 6230 without the "i" model. They have lost there way after 6310i
Sigh....... v sad
- K
- Kumbar
- t@D
- 08 Mar 2013
Whoever is in favour of samsung, just have a look in top 10 rated phones and top 10 companies in list of GSMarena's ranking.
Its that samsung is releasing at least two new phones every week, and out of so many phones if one or two phones get popular its no wonder.
Still nokia is the best manufacturer for middle class persons. Apple is out of reach.
Still i use nokia 1100 even after throwing it for atleast 500 times in span of 10 years.
- D
- AnonD-23989
- dUT
- 08 Mar 2013
iLOL, 08 Mar 2013It make sense that apple and nokia want a piece of samsungs... moreVery well said™®©
- D
- AnonD-114689
- LBi
- 08 Mar 2013
nokia has to do this.. they have nothing left.
- 1
- 12xu
- M}J
- 08 Mar 2013
dmakun, 08 Mar 2013Dude, You have no clue about what is being discussed here. ... moreGood morning my friend, without any willing of being misunderstood or to offend anyone, as a consumer but also as a logical and rational human being, its normal that people after 2-3 months will buy the new 5s-iph or gs4 and trying to get rid of gs3 or iph5 that the same people few months before have spent 700$ or EUR to buy these devices, swearing that are the best devices ever made??? The same people will give a fight to the shops to buy the new ones. Do you find it a normal and serious behaviour - as a logical consumer who's respecting his salary (or even his parents salary)??? If yes.........
- i
- iLOL
- JaK
- 08 Mar 2013
iLOL, 08 Mar 2013It make sense that apple and nokia want a piece of samsungs... moreCorrection : if you cant beat, join them
My bad
- i
- iLOL
- JaK
- 08 Mar 2013
It make sense that apple and nokia want a piece of samsungs profit. Apples product and os is ageing, shares are falling because of the iph5 and there idiotic CEO Mr Tim but Dim Cook who use his mouth (to slate) then brain (lacking of apple directions and tech knowledge). Nokia has been stubborn with symbian but when they decided to change os, they went for wp8 (epic fail) hence the sale of HQ and closed down one the factory.
Apple shares are dropping..... iPhone 5 biggest upgrade disappointment
Nokia sold finnish HQ and rented the building instead....... opt for wp8 os, nuff side
Samsung has won mobilephone of the year (consecutive for 2 years) and there revenue is going up every month, quarterly and yearly.
This is business, they got to make money some how.
Nokia old slogan : connecting people
Nokia new slogan : If you can beat them, join them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mvn
- 08 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I'm not a lawyer or anything, but can't Samsung sue them ba... moreBut clearly it is Samsung's utter refusal to "fight fair" that has brought this whole thing on.
- Z
- Zeus
- M7r
- 08 Mar 2013
Neither more nor less, It is a wrath of the Falling Titans.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0U1
- 08 Mar 2013
This type of behavior promotes a very negative idea overall. If someone's better, sue'em! What's next? Suing the high-school star quarterback because he is better than you and you have to sit on the bench? "Come on coach! When we were 5, I was the one who knew first how to throw a football!!!" Really? Is this it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0U1
- 08 Mar 2013
I'm not a lawyer or anything, but can't Samsung sue them back with a harassment suit? It's so lame that these things are happening. This is the main reason I didn't buy Apple products and now Nokia as well. It is so sad that we now live in a world where if someone is better than you, sue them! How about improving your products Apple and Nokia? Fight fair!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Y2
- 08 Mar 2013
AnonD-121136, 08 Mar 2013lets just wait for this to go to court it will be like some... moreThere's an evidence Duhhhh.
- D
- AnonD-121136
- srd
- 08 Mar 2013
lets just wait for this to go to court it will be like some badass CSI sh*t like
Nokia: your honor we found semen on samsungs fone and in fact that semen is from us
Apple: i double that your honor.. in fact we patented that semen.
Samsung: it doesnt mean its semen its the same dna as your semen...
Judge & Jury: We find the defendant not guilty..
Nokia + Apple: But...
Sweet Brown: Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
- d
- dmakun
- N9@
- 08 Mar 2013
AnonD-88512, 08 Mar 2013I don't want to get into your economics discussion, but jus... moreI'm NOT saying because i didn't see anyone or know anyone using a nokia L920 then it's not selling, what i am saying is it seriously raises questions FOR ME about the true sales figures of the device. This doesn't mean the device is not good but when i compare the number of people I've seen touting a galaxy phone or iPhone, i have to wonder if at all it is selling well.