Flashback: the multiple times that 3D phones failed to catch on

18 December 2022
The Avatar sequel hit the screens this week, which brought back memories of ill-fated phones and their 3D screens (and cameras).

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  • 29 Apr 2023

Android 1, 21 Dec 2022They should bring 3D back. I would buy it! I have seen a 3D... moreI still love the LG Optimus 3D and HTC Evo 3D

    • d
    • djkano
    • gK@
    • 23 Dec 2022

    Android 1, 21 Dec 2022They should bring 3D back. I would buy it! I have seen a 3D... moreTridimensional will launch another 3D smartphone in 2023, check their website (is .info, not .com)

      • A
      • Android 1
      • fFC
      • 21 Dec 2022

      They should bring 3D back. I would buy it! I have seen a 3D phone back then long ago and it was impressive!
      3D without 3D glasses, straight from the phone.

      Bring it back guyz! With compatible 3D movies of course.

        • d
        • djkano
        • gK@
        • 20 Dec 2022

        If 3d smartphones continue launching they did not fail, they are a niche, a niche that survived other trends that were... well, only trends.
        After the devices you said on the article, some more 3D phones appeared. And in early 2023 at least 1 new model will appear. Is not a trend to boast, is a niche for people who enjoy 3D, and will continue taking 3D photos and videos, and use 3D in their lives no matter what trends brands want to impose.

          • S
          • SestoPT
          • nw6
          • 20 Dec 2022

          3d is a gimmick that will never catch up...

          Also they specifically talk about VR... VR is also another gimmick.
          I admit it can be the future of consoles (for a real TRULY immersive experience), but 99% of it's usability is wasted, because when in VR you can not move around (yourself in real life).
          Even in this article, it's saying in professional markets there are plenty of applications for VR.... it's wrong... fake...
          There is indeed a TON of applications in Professional level, for Augmented Reality (AR) not Virtual Reality (VR)........

          a TRUE REVOLUTION is AR.
          AR when fully evolved, will simply make all mobile phones in the world obsolete...
          you can simply put your AR glasses that will be your "mobile phone" and you will be wearing it like all the time you are awake... that indeed is a TRUE revolution.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • XTk
            • 20 Dec 2022

            I think 3D flops just because creators/companies don't want to invest more in its development, doesn't matter if people like it or not. 3D contents & devices are relatively cheap and has no additional benefit to the creator/manufacturer apart from the revenue for selling the movie or the 3D device (phone, camera, TV, etc).
            Meanwhile VR/AR is expensive to develop so VR headsets are given high price tag, companies can sell addons like controllers, it has specific use e.g VR games so game companies can make & sell VR games, various sensors in the headset can be used to collect data, etc.
            From business perspective, VR is the way forward.
            From my perspective, 3D is still the best.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4GA
              • 20 Dec 2022

              Autostereoscopic screens are amazing.

              This is a case of people failing a product, not the other way around. It's really a shame the masses like such dumb things or we could have 3D phone screens....

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3dq
                • 20 Dec 2022

                Just like VR. A gimmick that's been only pushed by big corp (ie.: Meta). It's just awful. Thanks but no thanks.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • x0k
                  • 19 Dec 2022

                  Anonymous, 18 Dec 2022Cant wait for VR/AR to disappear as well. It has no use fo... moreCope. The VR industry has grown 32% since last year and is projected to keep increasing.

                    • R
                    • Red is dead
                    • iEH
                    • 19 Dec 2022

                    Anonymous, 18 Dec 2022u forgot overhyped RED hydrogen :)was looking for this comment

                      Peter-B, 18 Dec 2022There's this (which focuses on Samsung's Galaxy B... moreAhh I see thanks

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tVt
                        • 19 Dec 2022

                        as long its innovative than apple . thats good enough..

                        who care it works or not ?

                          Ah, the good old innovating days of cellphones. I don't think any current cellphone maker is interested in anything but bad iPhone clones.

                          The critical component missing is the ability to hold the phone very close to your face while focusing your eyes towards infinity. This would require some very fancy microlensing or an entirely different form factor (projection on glasses). It would definitely take R&D investment at a time when there's almost none.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • nSH
                            • 19 Dec 2022

                            I've always liked the 3D on the Nintendo 3DS (the New models not the original). Works great and a very unique experience.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • nm2
                              • 18 Dec 2022

                              One of my hobbies is 3D photography, I think the main reason that I'm still using 3D is that I saw this video not long after it was uploaded (so a decade ago):

                              This way I can view 3D content without any special device. A previous commenter mentioned the cross-eyed format too, but I can see both, cross-eye and parallel-view or SBS (Side By Side) formats, the difference is that in the cross-eye format the left image is on the right and the right image is on the left while in the parallel format it's in the opposite way.
                              I don't know why, but my brain sees/perceives the image bigger when I view 3D images in parallel format than in cross-eye, so if you're new to this, then I recommend you to try to learn how to view the parallel format rather than the cross-eye format. (Yes I know, it sounds strange but I've checked it multiple times and the difference in image size is noticeable and it's not because of the difference in display-eye distance between the two formats.)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • jg8
                                • 18 Dec 2022

                                I still have my LG Thrill (3D).
                                Too bad, because I really loved this technology. Even on the phones, the 3D is still slightly noticeable which makes it grand for me.
                                As for the Nintendo 3DS, I think it would have been great if they made all the old nintendo games (including the DS) become 3D on the 3DS.
                                I would have loved to play Contra in 3D.
                                I remember use to love staring at 3D TVs in the electronic stores.
                                Do they even sell 3D TVs anymore????
                                Maybe on amazon.com???

                                  IpsDisplay, 18 Dec 2022When we gonna get a flashback on projector smartphones.. ... moreThere's this (which focuses on Samsung's Galaxy Beam series):


                                    When we gonna get a flashback on projector smartphones..

                                    One day the projected/3d or hologram something like that will catch on the execution of the technology just isnt ready yet

                                    I think when we get a break through in energy then the revolution will start.. but for now greed and pol itics stiffle innovation

                                      • b
                                      • blue
                                      • p4x
                                      • 18 Dec 2022

                                      VR is trying desperately to be "the next big thing", but so far it only fails. AR has some limited use for industry, VR has only a ton of disadvantage.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • JFk
                                        • 18 Dec 2022

                                        These are probably the phones you thought of when you read the headline.
                                        Yeah, cause you've put one of those in the headline!!!
                                        How smart, only you are... Interesting.