Google I/O 2013 tickets sell like hot cakes, all sold out now
- t
- theejhay
- wYB
- 22 Mar 2013
is galapad 7 a good tablet?planning to buy one.
- f
- fakkad
- PyA
- 14 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 14 Mar 2013when will GSM Arena be changed to LTE Arena since GSM is outdatedOutdated?!! What would be the % of LTE users as against cellphone users worldwide?
- D
- AnonD-123714
- PQ7
- 14 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 14 Mar 2013when will GSM Arena be changed to LTE Arena since GSM is outdatedWell the problem there is that taking up that option would require them to change their domain name everytime a new cellular network standard launches. Seems like alot of hassle over nothing to me...
- D
- AnonD-86012
- LaG
- 14 Mar 2013
All wainting for a free Nexus pack ( Nexus 4,7 and 10 ).
- D
- AnonD-48321
- iA0
- 14 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 14 Mar 2013when will GSM Arena be changed to LTE Arena since GSM is outdatedRight after they release 10G ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 14 Mar 2013
when will GSM Arena be changed to LTE Arena since GSM is outdated
- p
- penhann
- 3Is
- 14 Mar 2013
my great wish is nexus phablet !!! oh god i need it !!!
5.5 - 6 in
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0X
- 14 Mar 2013
i cant wait & so excited for nexus 5, nexus 8, & nexus 11!!! good thing i didnt buy any last gen nexus devices :3
- D
- AnonD-57609
- rq0
- 14 Mar 2013
waiting for Xperia Nexus
- D
- AnonD-69197
- LK3
- 14 Mar 2013
I cant wait, I got a ticket!!
- z
- z
- YbM
- 14 Mar 2013
read it online and it's free.
- D
- AnonD-105795
- xA1
- 13 Mar 2013
My wish list is the Nexus 7 2G. I want to keep the same dimension and form factor with increase screen size to 7.5-7.7 so the bezel will be smaller. I don't care about specs cause I know it gonna be awesome tablet.
- l
- lolza
- B{g
- 13 Mar 2013
please let there be a nexus 5 with tegra 4 for only 239 bucks. and usb otg and rbg screen and max 4.5-4.7 screen.5 is jsut too darn big god damn it !
- z
- 13 Mar 2013
Damn!! Wish I could go. I'd love the freebies! Lol
- H
- Hmm
- n$f
- 13 Mar 2013
Woo whoopee do
- j
- jk
- 13 Mar 2013
At least holo is better than metro that hurt my eyes .
- D
- AnonD-45184
- 4XZ
- 13 Mar 2013
please let this hint at a new colour scheme. tired of holo.