Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 dimensions emerge

25 April 2023
The upcoming Z Fold5 will have minor size differences compared to its predecessor.

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We need more competition in the western market, it doesn't matter how awesome some chinese foldables are If we do not have a proper way to buy them. I won't import through shady dealers considering the lack of warranty and the delicate nature of this inner screens.

    Sorry but how is this actually news worthy? Why do samsung have triple the news feeds on here and half of them literally about nothing? It honestly feels like gsm are obligated to push any info about samsung devices no matter how pointless it is.

      A2, 25 Apr 2023You're right that the gap itself may allow foreign par... moreThat's what I've tried to convey. Just another point of view I haven't seen much around, maybe it'll help someone when deciding whether to buy this expensive phone or not.

        Anonymous, 25 Apr 2023You really are trying to defend something just because you ... more"You really are trying to defend something just because you had the opportunity to test it for a week."
        I'm trying to counter-argument your statement that experiencing the device is not necessary to form an opinion. Focus.

        "Do you think I haven't?"
        You've had plenty of opportunities to state so yet didn't, so that naturally formed an assumption you didn't.

        "I've held it and spent time with it long enough to conclude that is not for me."
        That is a statement I can fully support. You've tried it, didn't like it, it's not for you - that's the end of discussion for me, you are the best one to judge if you like it or not.
        If only you've tried to phrase it like that in the beginning, instead of trying to subjectively argue that the objective non-flat folding construction is stupid, I wouldn't try to present a counter-argument showing positives of such a solution. You need to learn to distinguish your personal preference from subjective opinion.

        "Not just the 4 but almost every samsung foldable before that. And so I'm talking from experience, before you go wild with your false assumptions. I have used this device and I have the money to buy it as well. But it's just a disappointment to me."
        Cool, don't buy it then, I fully support your decision. Maybe try a little bit less selling your personal preference as an objective truth of the device quality?

        "Hence I didn't buy. As for your other arguments, you're wrong there. IDC to explain"

          • r
          • rigurat
          • qFK
          • 25 Apr 2023


          Been exposed to Vivo X Fold, and everyone else that folds.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vGF
            • 25 Apr 2023

            Akarius, 25 Apr 2023"How TF is it immune to sand and other things when the... moreYou really are trying to defend something just because you had the opportunity to test it for a week. Do you think I haven't ? I've held it and spent time with it long enough to conclude that is not for me. Not just the 4 but almost every samsung foldable before that. And so I'm talking from experience, before you go wild with your false assumptions. I have used this device and I have the money to buy it as well. But it's just a disappointment to me. Hence I didn't buy. As for your other arguments, you're wrong there. IDC to explain

              Anonymous, 25 Apr 2023"makes it pretty much immune to any internal screen da... more"How TF is it immune to sand and other things when the humongous gap itself is the one to allow for stuff to enter inside ? Your comment is against logic"
              It's immune in a sense that sand can't get trapped between two sides of the screen touching each other. Maybe my phrasing wasn't the best in this case but you should get the point now.

              "And second, if they figure out how to make it close shut then that pretty much solves it and there is no need to bother about things getting in"
              See, that's where actually having the device in your hands helps. Because even when closed and while screen halves don't touch each other in current iteration, there is still a warning that sand and dust may damage the screen, and that warning is displayed at the end of initial setup. Something that comes from the experience with the device instead of theoretical opinion with no grounds in reality. Just saying.
              Also: what if sand gets inside before you manage to close it shut? What was that about logic, again?

              "Finally, one doesn't need to actually buy it to know that its an unfinished product"
              I disagree. Having the phone in your hand allows you to feel the cold metal, getting to feel how much the hinge resists and how easy (or not) it is to position the screen at any angle you want, you get to organically judge the material quality - it is exactly the experience you won't get by just looking at pictures or reading a review. It's EVERYTHING. I was skeptical about this hinge mechanism or the narrow front screen, reading how everyone complains it's too narrow. But in reality, the outer screen turned out to be easier to use with shopping lists than my regular phone, precisely because how narrow it was, which allowed me to operate it one-handed - something I can't do with my old phone. It changed my mind 180 degrees because that's exactly what physically interacting with the device allows you to do - to practically experience it and put it against your preconceived notions, validate it against your opinions. You can't substitute that and simply saying "I have practical knowledge without experience" is ironically the lack of logic you accuse me of.

              I didn't buy the ZF4, I just had the opportunity to test drive it for a week and I'm glad for it because it changed my mind in some areas, while confirming my thoughts in others, just for the record. I still recommend to give it a shot if you can get your hands on one for a week (or even a few days) - if after that you won't change your mind then stay with your opinion. You're entitled to it. Just don't sell me the crap that without doing something you know better than someone who actually did, it's a hallmark of narrow-minded ignorants.

                • A
                • A2
                • GL}
                • 25 Apr 2023

                Anonymous, 25 Apr 2023"makes it pretty much immune to any internal screen da... moreYou're right that the gap itself may allow foreign particles to enter between the folded halves - but it is not going to be a problem if they are not pressed together.

                Whereas for an ideally flat-folding screen the risk of getting hard particles on the sensitive screen AND rubbing them into the screen is real.

                I agree the Samsung solution is not as good-looking as it could be, but I'll take function over form.

                  • E
                  • Ezekiel
                  • wiR
                  • 25 Apr 2023

                  Using fold 4 but i so wish Samsung adds a periscope zoom lens in their fold series...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • pt4
                    • 25 Apr 2023

                    AnonD-937325, 25 Apr 2023Vivo X Flip ate this up as a light breakfast.good joke

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • vGF
                      • 25 Apr 2023

                      Akarius, 25 Apr 2023After test-driving Z Fold 4 for a week, and expecting the t... more"makes it pretty much immune to any internal screen damage due to sand/dust getting inside while being worn in your pocket?"

                      How TF is it immune to sand and other things when the humongous gap itself is the one to allow for stuff to enter inside ? Your comment is against logic

                      And second, if they figure out how to make it close shut then that pretty much solves it and there is no need to bother about things getting in

                      Finally, one doesn't need to actually buy it to know that its an unfinished product

                        Anonymous, 25 Apr 2023That gap in the middle when folded cannot be unseenAfter test-driving Z Fold 4 for a week, and expecting the tragedy of this folded state gap to kill me, I have to say it didn't bother me at all. Which brings my question to you: do you understand that this gap, while certainly not most elegant in the style department, makes it pretty much immune to any internal screen damage due to sand/dust getting inside while being worn in your pocket?
                        Which also creates another question: if Samsung figures out how to fold the screen flat, how will you feel like if a grain of sand damages the screen? Will you demand repair or swallow it as your own fault for not checking if it's clean?
                        And finally: have you even used ZF4 or are you just commenting without actually having the device in your hand and using it for a few days to see what it's about? Just wondering how many of you gap-haters have actually had the chance to use it.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-937325
                          • 0G}
                          • 25 Apr 2023

                          Vivo X Flip ate this up as a light breakfast.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vGF
                            • 25 Apr 2023

                            That gap in the middle when folded cannot be unseen

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • XTA
                              • 25 Apr 2023

                              ugly hinge.. anybody couldn't stand that