HarmonyOS 4 announced with modernized look, new customization options and Live Windows
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Pb
- 04 Aug 2023
Anton., 04 Aug 2023So arrogant when the US banned them, and look at them now..... morewait, rectangular notification popups now are all dynamic islands? I think you are the one with apple living rent free in your head
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Aug 2023
kek, 04 Aug 2023Chinese iOS looks terrible. It has been like a decade and t... moreso does apple
- A
- Avon B7
- 0W@
- 04 Aug 2023
Anunu, 04 Aug 2023For the love of android, stop copying apple. If I want appl... moreIt wasn't that long ago that virtually every major change in one iOS release came from Android. That has continued with iOS 17 with Apple finally understanding that users want customisation options. Very Android. In fact, some of the technological changes announced this year sounded very much like the backbone features of HarmonyOS.
EMUI was always (years now) a mix of different UI styles. Pretty consistent over the years. Lots of people like it. HarmonyOS continues that approach.
- A
- Avon B7
- 0W@
- 04 Aug 2023
An0n, 04 Aug 2023Another AOSP based os is useless without their ecosystem an... moreOpen Source isn't interested? Where did you get that from. Didn't you watch the presentation? Open Harmony is growing.
- A
- Avon B7
- 0W@
- 04 Aug 2023
yalim, 04 Aug 2023700 million devices worldwide...could someone expand "... moreHere in Spain I have a few HarmonyOS devices. The same devices are distributed across numerous EU countries.
- D
- AnonD-1044551
- Nu7
- 04 Aug 2023
Looks dope ngl🗿👌
- A
- Anonymous
- sXP
- 04 Aug 2023
Thank god Samsung and Pixel haven't really added Dynamic Island to android devices. Seems like it is mostly the Chinese copycats implementing dynamic island
- d
- derrr
- 2xJ
- 04 Aug 2023
Anonymous, 04 Aug 2023LoL Harmony OS 🤣🤣🤣 Ohh, the founder of Huawei is using iPh... moreAnd the rest that you conveniently left out that this is 4 years old news 2019 when he said that he bought Apple iPhones for his family when he left China. He did this because iPhone has a good ecosystem and when my family are abroad. Stale news....
- A
- Anton.
- 8xX
- 04 Aug 2023
yalim, 04 Aug 2023700 million devices worldwide...could someone expand "... moreThey didn't have 700 million devices even when they had Google hahaha imagine now
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Aug 2023
LoL Harmony OS 🤣🤣🤣
Ohh, the founder of Huawei is using iPhone instead of Android phone 🤭🤭
- A
- ArthurGD3
- Rp8
- 04 Aug 2023
This is really pathetic, how much more blatant can this copy of iOS 17 be? Like is Huawei that void of any creative talent?
- y
- yalim
- mu4
- 04 Aug 2023
700 million devices worldwide...could someone expand "worldwide", please? out of 200+ countries, who cares or buys huawei except China?
- r
- rizki1
- 6cn
- 04 Aug 2023
An0n, 04 Aug 2023Another AOSP based os is useless without their ecosystem an... moreRemember Tizen OS?
- A
- Anunu
- Q9y
- 04 Aug 2023
For the love of android, stop copying apple. If I want apple-like features, I'll buy a damn iPhone. And what happened to their own operating system- this is based on android
- Z
- Zero
- EU0
- 04 Aug 2023
An0n, 04 Aug 2023Another AOSP based os is useless without their ecosystem an... moreEven Samsung is trying to live without Google with Microsoft and is failing so hard that Apple is getting the marketshare very fast.
Google is screwing so hard that if their best customer goes with Microsoft and fails, and your option is not good, Apple is now the best option.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fxT
- 04 Aug 2023
Best OS that Apple and Samsung have to copy sooner or later
- k
- kek
- GBh
- 04 Aug 2023
Chinese iOS looks terrible. It has been like a decade and they are still using those rectangular glass-like blocks for notifications.
- A
- Anton.
- 8xX
- 04 Aug 2023
So arrogant when the US banned them, and look at them now... Copying Apple stuff, because in China all teenagers and people under 35 want their iPhone
- justasmile
- vjq
- 04 Aug 2023
Wait what a dynamic island? lemme put on my glasses first-
Oh, I wasn't dreaming