Nokia CEO talks hero device, phablet, carrier exclusivity

03 May, 2013
Stephen Elop said a 'hero' device will launch by the end of June, with carrier exclusivity in the US.

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  • D
  • AnonD-5096
  • v$A
  • 03 May 2013

dat means no Nokia EOS ?? :-(

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mjP
    • 03 May 2013

    lol, 03 May 2013last days of agony - dying nokia will go under in year time... moreyou talk about nobody's wishes because you're...well, nobody:)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • MkX
      • 03 May 2013

      bring windows phone 8 to the phillipines,

        • D
        • AnonD-60243
        • N7A
        • 03 May 2013

        Nokia should do better,they shoul distribute their phones well.

          • D
          • AnonD-54736
          • NUw
          • 03 May 2013

          Exclusively available to Rogers and at&t. (north America)
          On Rogers, it will be launched in black color only. And after three months, a sugarcoated statement from Nokia Facebook page will say"you asked we heard" and now all other colors are available.

          Nokia Lumia 900 was priced the best.

          After using Nokia Lumia 710, I don't think Nokia should priced their flagship device more than $499.99 And exclusive to one carrier.

            • l
            • lol
            • ScD
            • 03 May 2013

            last days of agony - dying nokia will go under in year time - nobody wants their unreliable overpriced crap

              • M
              • Man
              • v0q
              • 03 May 2013

              I've been 15years Nokia user and I really Love Nokia, their devices from 3310 to Lumia, Windows phone are very easy to handle, cause it's very soft, camera are nice and have a Quality. Perfect performance, alot can do.
              So', what can I say for?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • iwp
                • 03 May 2013

                Nokia is always the hero.

                  • A
                  • Anonymous
                  • 6{g
                  • 03 May 2013

                  nah nokia 6''.. ill go for note 3 for sure

                    • S
                    • Striker
                    • 0EV
                    • 03 May 2013

                    AnonD-78115, 03 May 2013Awwwhh.. Another colorful brick! Well, for you and your iphone it may be a brick, but for a lot of famous tech sites and people, actually, it is the best device of the year. Bing it, dude. It is 2013.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-134497
                      • sSP
                      • 03 May 2013

                      AnonD-78115, 03 May 2013Awwwhh.. Another colorful brick! but still much better than the ugly ones or short ones. Decide your category

                        • D
                        • AnonD-78115
                        • KSi
                        • 03 May 2013

                        Awwwhh.. Another colorful brick!

                          Looks like Elop is osborning Nokia's current Lumia devices, AGAIN. If your new device is available in July, you do not tell about it in public two months earlier, especially if you are not going to officially announce it. Too long delay between launch and general availability has been Nokia'a problem for a long time.

                            • A
                            • Adomas
                            • 0FW
                            • 03 May 2013

                            Here they go again with their stupid exclusivity... How can they want to get back to the competition when their top devices are only available just in hew countries???? I would fire their whole marketing department!!! Perfect example: Lumia 920 got available just like a months ago here in Ireland. C'mon... seriously??????