Nokia might release a smartphone with 16-element camera lens

05 May, 2013
Pelican Imaging's 16-lens camera module might debut in Lumia smartphones next year.

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  • M
  • MdN
  • akv
  • 06 May 2013

Anonymous, 06 May 2013Awe. You think you know and understand tchnology...It's cut... moreSure Nokia could make a good Android phone. But would it really help them? I don't see how Android helped Motorola, Sony Ericsson or HTC.

    • D
    • AnonD-29640
    • v0q
    • 06 May 2013

    In my opinion,,, camera features and tech innovations is far better than non-stop growing screens... I think 3.5''-4'' is good enough for a mobile/smartphone.
    Btw,,, i saw a new abbr. below... HTC (half technical crap) i feel sory for it...

      • D
      • AnonD-31621
      • X3t
      • 06 May 2013

      Anonymous, 06 May 2013Awe. You think you know and understand tchnology...It's cut... moreSo what's your point? Me knowing nothing about technology? Hah! You're so funny. It's not about Nokia having Android, it's Android having Nokia. If you know what the difference is.

        • D
        • AnonD-31621
        • X3t
        • 06 May 2013

        Anonymous, 06 May 2013Awe. You think you know and understand tchnology...It's cut... moreMight be. I believe they can make a good Android phone but it's up to Nokia whether they would change their path or not. It's not up to you nor me. So stop saying such irrelevant thins. If you want Nokia tech, you'll go for it whether it's WP or Android. I'm an android user and i'm not satisfied with it so sooner i'll be switching to whatever beast Nokia will announce in a few days.

          • I
          • Ian
          • w0P
          • 06 May 2013

          I have an android phone, and i dont like nokia to go with android, i want them to stay in wp8. android phone will not give you a peace of mind. it will make you obsessed with the phone, like, flashing, removing bloatware in order to get lag free.. what firmware will you choose, ohh longing for update update update.. changing firmware here and there.. its crazy

            • I
            • Ian
            • w0P
            • 06 May 2013

            Let us SUPPORT nokia, we cannot afford to let a company like this lost. they are capable of giving its users a great feature.. well, regarding the OS, lets give it time to mature..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pJS
              • 06 May 2013

              Anonymous, 05 May 2013too bad and sad with windows ugly boring ui...You don't know what you're saying. WP8 is the best.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pJS
                • 06 May 2013

                AnonD-130162, 05 May 2013if only nokia will have android i dont like windows os no g... moreWP is awesome. You probably haven't tried WP8 on a amazing Lumia. Even I thought Android was the best, up until I fell in love with WP8 on a extraordinary 920.

                While it has less apps, it's still 125,000, more than you need, right? And there are some great Nokia apps too, like City Lens - something you Android fanboys can dream of that will never become reality.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-36414
                  • uvb
                  • 06 May 2013

                  AnonD-1227, 05 May 2013Nokia will also be the first to make a light-field / plenop... morewould u speak english?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-138927
                    • 3Jn
                    • 06 May 2013

                    Anonymous, 06 May 2013Nokia doesn't want lag and glitchy/unreliable OS. That's wh... moreIt's all a load of exaggerated crap this lag talk! It's never gonna lag and freeze anything like my X6 lol

                      • D
                      • AnonD-133243
                      • 3TL
                      • 06 May 2013

                      AnonD-1227, 06 May 2013I believe this Pelican Imaging system will have a very low ... more640K ought to be enough for anybody.

                      Bill Gates

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • kg3
                        • 06 May 2013

                        Nokia doesn't want lag and glitchy/unreliable OS. That's why no Android for Nokia.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • nmN
                          • 06 May 2013

                          And of course, let's give the High-End pictures High-End storage. It's not even half an year when Kingston announced 1Tb memory stick.

                          Keep the technic part on the company. If they come in with 16-element camera, they know the size of the files, they know the size of megapixels, they know there won't be any noise.

                          Don't shout if you don't know what you are shouting aloud.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • nmN
                            • 06 May 2013

                            AnonD-1227, 06 May 2013I believe this Pelican Imaging system will have a very low ... moreI just don't understand all these words about low megapixels or a lot of noise with these optics. If Nokia joins this tech with it's Pureview tech the noise and low megapixels will be just trolls. If they say outloud this kind of technology, the noise is handled, so the size of the pictures. Of course if you take them as raw pics, the size will be alot. But yeah, we don't have 128gb chips for phones yet, do we? (YES WE DO.)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4QS
                              • 06 May 2013

                              [deleted post]Awe. You think you know and understand tchnology...It's cute. Anyway this is about phones and thre is no room for you. All they simply pointed out is that Nokia would make a very good Android phone. It's no means for trolling them at all. It's the truth. Plus it would help them out as a comapany DRASTICALLY! People would sworm if they made a high end Android flagship

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1227
                                • rKY
                                • 06 May 2013

                                I believe this Pelican Imaging system will have a very low megapixel. Imagine 16 layers of 13 or even 8 megapixel photos. That will take up too much disk space. just thinking out loud.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1227
                                  • rKY
                                  • 05 May 2013

                                  Nokia will also be the first to make a light-field / plenoptic cameraphone. You heard it here first.

                                    • J
                                    • JR
                                    • Lyt
                                    • 05 May 2013

                                    Perhaps Nokia should consider building cameras instead of smartphones. The once indisputable king of mobile telecomm now seems to have nothing left to offer but nice cameras. So sad.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4QS
                                      • 05 May 2013

                                      AnonD-130162, 05 May 2013if only nokia will have android i dont like windows os no g... moreYes. A nokia Android flagship would just be amazing.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-133243
                                        • 3TL
                                        • 05 May 2013

                                        mike, 05 May 2013Hail Anonymous. Btw, please remain!