iPhone 15 Pro Max showcases its might on AnTuTu

19 September 2023
The A17 Pro chipset holds a 27% advantage over its predecessor in the GPU tests.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • YYX
  • 19 Sep 2023

George USA 299, 19 Sep 2023And who really cares? Do GSMArena people want community ser... moreThe vast majority of iPhone users don’t care about Android phones and their users, so why do almost all of them care so much in return? I’m starting to seriously believe that it’s because they can’t afford even an entry-level iPhone, lol.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • YYX
    • 19 Sep 2023

    George USA 299, 19 Sep 2023I agree, they make gaming PC and consoles for a reason - Wh... moreExactly. They’re unplayable garbage games. Also, I’d like to add that if you can afford at least a current midrange smartphone, you can afford a much more capable PC/console, so no excuses.

      • G
      • George USA 299
      • Ibx
      • 19 Sep 2023

      Anonymous, 19 Sep 2023using an iphone block your roadway to better innovative tec... moreAnd who really cares? Do GSMArena people want community service award for ragesweating every iPhone thread about how $1000 is too much? What is next? Tell people at airport they are wasting their money for taking a first class flight that is only for 2 hours? Overpriced iPhones and people buying them are here to stay whether we like it or not, tough ****

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • IhZ
        • 19 Sep 2023

        George USA 299, 19 Sep 2023Dude it is okay to admit if you have a problem with speed o... moreusing an iphone block your roadway to better innovative technology

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • XQb
          • 19 Sep 2023

          Antutu scores mean nothing
          A17's performance is no different from A16
          A17 has a better GPU and better max potential for CPU that you will never use anywhere because if it is performing at its peak it will heat like crazy

            • G
            • George USA 299
            • Ibx
            • 19 Sep 2023

            Alex 94, 19 Sep 2023I'm not talking about me, read older comments first.Dude it is okay to admit if you have a problem with speed or any other substances, no need to deny it - Denial is a drug on it's own that blocks your roadway to recovery, its okay this is a very safe forum and its okay to admit it

              George USA 299, 19 Sep 2023If you want speed, go withdraw some cash from an ATM and fi... moreI'm not talking about me, read older comments first.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • IhZ
                • 19 Sep 2023

                George USA 299, 19 Sep 2023Yeh real multitasking like playing Genshin Impact while wat... moreDon't use the word fake multitasking cause you will upset the apple fanboys

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Q%m
                  • 19 Sep 2023

                  Even for how many times people who actually know, or AnTuTu themselves saying in their own website that iOS vs Android will never be comparable to each other because of differing APIs, is never gonna get through everyone's heads 😂

                  We'll never really be able to know if Snapdragon or A series is faster using AnTuTu you know.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 6Qj
                    • 19 Sep 2023

                    antutu scores are NOT comparable between android and ios. what r yall talking about

                      • G
                      • George USA 299
                      • Ibx
                      • 19 Sep 2023

                      Anonymous, 19 Sep 2023Get a real computer if you want to do real work and play re... moreI agree, they make gaming PC and consoles for a reason - Who tf wants so much hardware just to play a game where every 2 seconds is an advertisement ?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • YYX
                        • 19 Sep 2023

                        rizki1, 19 Sep 2023Apple is ready to make this for its users just using Instag... moreGet a real computer if you want to do real work and play real games. These are weak-ass mobile OSs running on overpowered hardware that have watered-down apps and boring-ass mobile games that only appeal to little-ass kids and broke, sweaty internet nerds.

                          Let's wait until the Dimensity 9300, you'll see how it's gonna be better again.

                            • G
                            • George USA 299
                            • Ibx
                            • 19 Sep 2023

                            Alex 94, 19 Sep 2023I dont know about u, but people want speed, even for basic tasks.If you want speed, go withdraw some cash from an ATM and find the guy in the parking lot for some and be sure to not overdose on it

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uCh
                              • 19 Sep 2023

                              the thing with A17 pro is the chips using latest tsmc 3nm

                              based : https://pr.tsmc.com/english/news/3058
                              "Compared with TSMC’s N5 process, TSMC’s 3nm technology currently offers as much as 18% speed improvement at same power, or 32% power reduction at same speed, and approximately 60% increase in logic density. "

                              like tsmc article said, 18%~ speed improvement seems right with what A17 pro getting overall
                              we will see if next year android soc with tsmc 3nm as good as apple a17pro or not

                                • G
                                • George USA 299
                                • Ibx
                                • 19 Sep 2023

                                DaFink, 19 Sep 2023Oh ‘real multitasking’…riiiiiiight 🤔 well he should been... moreYeh real multitasking like playing Genshin Impact while watching the Honor purse announcement and watching a Twitch stream at the same time, not fake multitasking like using Tiktok and reading facebook at the same time damn apple drones with their fake multitasking

                                  rizki1, 19 Sep 2023I refuse improvement? no, this is what most people do. It w... moreI dont know about u, but people want speed, even for basic tasks.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uCh
                                    • 19 Sep 2023

                                    -Trix-, 19 Sep 2023Here is Resident Evil Village https://youtu.be/r2SmFd4aUwo?... morethat vids barely showing play demo
                                    but yeah sure, its 30fps capped barely any drops, i guess it good enough for smartphone and casual gamer

                                    gamer that asking more just stick to steamdeck or their pc

                                      Anonymous, 19 Sep 2023He means real multitasking. Search in Google and you will f... moreOh ‘real multitasking’…riiiiiiight 🤔

                                      well he should been more bleeding specific then shouldn’t he!
                                      I mean how were we supposed to know that when he said multitasking, he meant real multitasking 🤷

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • XBx
                                        • 19 Sep 2023

                                        Patiently waiting for snapdragon 8 + gen 3 to blow a17 and D9200+ out of the water