Samsung to implement new blue phosphorescent OLED panels in 2025

21 November 2023
The phosphorescent material offers 100% internal luminosity efficiency.

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andibad, 22 Nov 2023Off course marketing fanboy will love this news, oled which... moreLive with your inferior LCD crap then. I had been using an A51 with AMOLED display since November 2020, no problems.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • AZd
    • 26 Nov 2023

    geez.. this comment section... can we have 1 single constructive opinion maybe in a lifetime?

      andibad, 22 Nov 2023Off course marketing fanboy will love this news, oled which... moreThis comment makes no sense since you aren't even getting the technologies right. IPS isn't relevant here: LCD is. It's LCD vs OLED. But see my previous comment for why you're technically wrong anyway.

        Foxtrot2Novmbr, 24 Nov 2023Does it solve the screen burn in??Nothing will ever solve burn-in. You'd need a material that's utterly immune to wear (impossible). Even LCDs wear out, but because the pixels aren't lit individually, you'll never see burn in on a per pixel base. Instead, the entire screen will get dimmer over time, which you won't notice. Basically, keep the brightness and the display timeout counter low, actively work on avoiding burn-out or just accept it. Keeping the screen cool will also help (basically, using it out in the sun is the worst case scenario). But burn-in will never go away for good.

          Does it solve the screen burn in??

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • sXb
            • 23 Nov 2023


            How are the microleds coming on ?

              • j
              • jhgfds
              • Hq4
              • 22 Nov 2023

              Anyone against foldable . HAVE NO IDEA . While you use your silly old generation styled phone everyone else with a foldable Z like form factor is wheeling in the benefits they offer , they are strong the crease is not noticeable and if you purchased a second hand one there about 25 % less in price and fully functional in great condition.

              There is no excuse . Foldables are the future and have been since 2019 hah geez it's time for the next foldable form factor

                • P
                • Potato
                • 0W{
                • 22 Nov 2023

                Double the price! Half the lifespan!

                  Mills, 21 Nov 2023Samsung is digging themselves a big ditch with this one. 55... moreWell i dont think so.
                  They did not quit foldables and flippables even this tech is complete garbage,
                  Main screen durability is equal to soap stone or chalc repair is very high and for said reasons not many people buy foldables or flipables.
                  At first it was a hype.
                  Now only people who dont know what better to do with money buy folds and flips.
                  Even the trade of for new device is really small.
                  Used foldables are usualy in bad shape and condition to be used again by someone else.

                    Anton el papy, 21 Nov 2023crap!! It better bring a 100w fast charge and a better batt... moreI agree. Buying a 2000 eur device with new technology just to realise its life span its reduced from 5 years on average to maybe 3 is a huge no.
                    Then new panel replacement since its new technology will cost maybe twice as much.
                    Samsung panels are already very expensive.
                    S23 Ultra new screen is 700 euros price of new screen plus repair at your casual service centre. Wonder or rather dont wanna know how much would cost repairing new screens.

                      Digdigfig, 22 Nov 2023Ah yes, nothing quite screams "buy our newest device&q... more5 years of buggy OS support? LOL. iOS has been a dumpster fire since iOS 15 that even Apple is allowing you to stick with the -1 version on every new iOS releases. And with the slumping sales of iPads, components with shorter lifespan will be embraced by Tim Cook to bring those quarterly reports back up.

                        potato4k, 22 Nov 2023Time for OLED iPads perhaps? Nothing interest Apple more th... moreAh yes, nothing quite screams "buy our newest device" like 5 years minimum of software support. If you want to talk garbage about apple at least mention things they are bad at like repairability.

                          andibad, 22 Nov 2023Off course marketing fanboy will love this news, oled which... moreThough no LCD tech in existence, not even the fastest TN panels can beat pixel response time of an OLED. I've had gaming TN monitors (1ms), I've had gaming IPS monitors (4ms), I currently have OLED gaming monitor (0.01ms) and my god the responsiveness is just insane. There is ZERO motion blurring like it was quite noticeable on IPS (and way less on TN) due to pixels shifting their states, just the feel of moving mouse and the result absolutely instantly reflecting that on screen, you have to experience it to really understand it. And also that on top of perfect blacks that again only OLED displays can achieve.

                          Durability is something you have to take into account. LCD can be on in same state for days and it just won't really care. OLED does. I've changed my Windows theme to dark for obvious reasons and I now use full black image for screensaver with very short time so it just blanks the entire screen after 5 minutes of inactivity. If you're mostly a gamer, I don't think burnin will be an issue. If you only do productivity, get a high end LCD display because windows elements will burnin eventually as they'll always be in same spots, hour after hour, day after day. Burnin on phones also shouldn't be an issue. I've not seen it on any AMOLED that I had in last 15+ years.

                            I think most people would prefer an OLED panel that lasts longer instead of being phosphorescent.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • tZj
                              • 22 Nov 2023

                              Anonymous, 22 Nov 2023Stolen? They were able to file a suit and settled on a mul... moreMan, the amount of 'keyboard experts' like you that never do any research b4 flapping their gums is just sadly pathetic. International companies have sued in Chinese patent courts and won.

                                Off course marketing fanboy will love this news, oled which is have short lifespan than ips panel, and even they trying shortened the lifespan. Oh hey their fanboy will claiming it as innovation and modern tech.

                                Their planned obsolescence design, is become more more ridiculous to make their customer constantly bought their product yearly. And the fanboy saying it as innovation design.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • XTA
                                  • 22 Nov 2023

                                  - the lifespan of the blue phosphorescent diodes is about 55% of the fluorescent blue diodes.

                                  i think its win win for samsung like always they did, make it shorter life span

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 70d
                                    • 22 Nov 2023

                                    SShock, 21 Nov 2023QD-OLED in itself is a bad design even though it achieves g... moreHave you ever heard of dark mode?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • vaS
                                      • 22 Nov 2023

                                      Anonymous, 22 Nov 2023No. I'm the one who never faced burn in. I'm not ... moreYou never facing burn in doesn't mean it's not real. And we don't need to be glued to the screen to find out this is bad if they released this (which they aren't).
                                      And why would you cripple the screen that you paid for?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • vaS
                                        • 22 Nov 2023

                                        potato4k, 22 Nov 2023Time for OLED iPads perhaps? Nothing interest Apple more th... moreYes. 2024 batches are rumored to be oled.