Flashback: Symbian Belle almost caught up to Android, but it was too late

03 December 2023
Anna seemed like a major improvement over old Series 60 5th edition phones, but Belle was a massive upgrade and it only came a few months after Anna.

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  • m
  • mausfing
  • JKT
  • 03 Dec 2023

Still have a good old Nokia N8.
I will alwasy love Symbian, these were the good days...

    they should revive symbian but these fucking lazies only want money without exfording themselves barely

      I loved my E7 immensly. The keyboard had Hungarian layout with all our unique characters: áéíóöőúüű!

        Nokia had NFC way back then and Motorola still releases new phones in 2023 that don't have them.

          I still own my Nokia 701. I remember comparing it with the N8 here on GSMArena and decided it was better which it was. I wish the mechanical clock widget was present in Android. It was better than Android back then since it was smoother with better battery life. Nokia should have just partnered with Android back then and I bet they'd have been better than Samsung since their build quality was better. My 701 is still in perfect condition after all these years.

            I think Symbian would have had great future if they didn't stop the development.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0p}
              • 03 Dec 2023

              Would die anyway. OS for phones without Google Apps all end up dead.
              Google will not make for any other besides android and iOS.

              It was obvious microsoft was gonna fail. Funny part was the fanboys asking ppl to access gmail, maps, drive and youtube through browser. 😂😂😂😂😂

                A fate that will not happen to harmony OS