Samsung to fix Vivid mode with a toggle in next Galaxy S24 update

08 February 2024
The new phones are not as vivid as people expected, and Samsung found a solution.

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I rly dont care im satisfied with my settings but again right have to be right 👌🏻

    • S
    • Stoon
    • rXK
    • 08 Feb 2024

    Samsung should use LiveDisplay from LineageOS

      Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣Colour calibration is not fully hardware-based.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • m62
        • 08 Feb 2024

        How so many people here think this is an hardware issue is beyond me. Calibration is done via software and the panel is good, that isn't the issue. It's a simple software fix, nothing serious whatsoever.

          If this turns out to be true, then the sheer fact that Samsung isn't simply reverting back to the "old vivid" means that the "S24 vivid" was intended, like Samsung Spain explained.

          Also, that the alleged first step on the yet-to-arrive update with 3-step slider will be the "S24 vivid" also points to that being the intended default vivid. So, the S24 vivid was not a defect.

          It's really nice to see that Samsung will, however, be providing granular options to the user.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • bJb
            • 08 Feb 2024

            Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024It's personal preference but I'm shocked how so m... moreI owned all phone brands, only Samsung is undersaturated..

              Late!! still an excuse since 3 week ago.

              Why not just ask the du'm . A.I fix the problem.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Mw8
                • 08 Feb 2024

                It's personal preference but I'm shocked how so many people are into oversaturated colors over natural.
                This is one of the reasons why iPhone users are making fun of Android users.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vaS
                  • 08 Feb 2024

                  Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣This isn't the Galaxy S20 camaera but let's not talk about that so as not to offend samsung fans. We all know that they own the gsmarena comment section so we must behave ourselves. 😎

                    Screen needs to be burned first, before Samsung fixes it.

                      Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣It's not a flaw, let alone a hardware one. You must be very smart.

                        • j
                        • jamesz
                        • tSm
                        • 08 Feb 2024

                        Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣and your source is? fake news sites

                          Isn't that a good thing though? I mean, I certainly would like a color profile that's just north of natural but not crazy saturated.

                          Maybe the people complaining are just casual users who know nothing about what a well-tuned display looks like. Sucks for them I guess 😂

                            Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣How could colour saturation be a hardware-related problem lmfao.

                              [deleted post]It's not a band-aid if the color profile is not a hardware defect to begin with

                                Anonymous, 08 Feb 2024Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣It's not a hardware problem. It's a new more natural color profile choice of Samsung that many didn't like since there is an option for natural to begin with

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uS%
                                  • 08 Feb 2024

                                  Wow software patch can now fix a hardware flaw? 🤣