Huawei Pura 70 series officially teased

15 April 2024
Huawei is rebranding its flagship P-series.

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[deleted post]Might makes right. It's right, because "we say so". That's how. It's called "Rules Based World Order"

    MindTheGap, 15 Apr 2024> but without GMS services it's impossible to use i... moreGMS and Google Notification system are the two worst security/Privacy holes in Android. Glad to hear you got rid of it!

      Can't wait for Huawei to get back into the game... it'll still take a few years and iterations. They are sorely lacking in Soc (CPU/GPU/NPU/DPS) now whereas they used to be the leader.

        • g
        • gG
        • a35
        • 15 Apr 2024

        Dani.2077, 15 Apr 2024HUGE HUAWEI fan too, but without GMS services it's imp... moreTry out micro G + aura store. You wouldn't be able to update Google play services, but that would not affect anything (probably?). With that you can install and run all Google apps and the the apps that use GMS, natively.
        Installation is not as straightforward as gbox or using a phone that actually has GMS, but with 5-7 minutes working on it, there will be no difference between Huawei devices and others in terms of using GMS.

          MindTheGap, 15 Apr 2024> but without GMS services it's impossible to use i... moreYes and I have find out that it works better without the's much faster.

            Dani.2077, 15 Apr 2024HUGE HUAWEI fan too, but without GMS services it's imp... more> but without GMS services it's impossible to use if you're not in China
            It's been months since last time I uninstalled GMS on my Samsung, and still got no issue until now (considering I'm not relying on GApps much). It ain't impossible y'know. 🤷🏻‍♀️

              [deleted post]They would have by Xiaomi

                • S
                • Stoon
                • fw8
                • 15 Apr 2024

                the logo looks like an elevator button

                  Phone Critic, 15 Apr 2024Huawei Pura70 - Kirin9000S Huawei Pura70 Pro - Kirin9000S... moreWith Snapdragon? Is it a joke?

                  The models with Kirin should be China Exclusive and models with SD8G3 should be for the export.

                    Pura?!! Isn't that an Australian brand of milk....

                      Dani.2077, 15 Apr 2024HUGE HUAWEI fan too, but without GMS services it's imp... moreGoogle is a poison.

                      I discovered it few years ago and today I cannot go back to this spyware.

                        yalim, 15 Apr 2024that golden era ended by P30. I was a potential P30 buyer b... moreIt's not greedyness, it's business.

                        With inflation everything is more expensive, R&D, raw materials, their costs are also higher because of the sanctions... etc, etc... If you take everything in account they are still cheaper than Samsung.

                          David 040882, 15 Apr 2024On one side, I agree. Huawei's prices are way too high... moreI remember when Huawei came to the EU, it was with the Huawei Honor 6, the price was 200€...
                          The fact is that they followed the flagship prices.
                          And it is normal.

                            Hills od, 15 Apr 2024What's 'Pura' please?Sensor unknown level entry in China currently and wants to expand 2027 to EU

                              MrSTTEK, 15 Apr 2024They were only on top for one quarter. Don't make it s... moreOf course they saw what is going on and they killed the most dangerous competitor...

                                Huawei Pura70 - Kirin9000S
                                Huawei Pura70 Pro - Kirin9000S
                                Huawei Pura70 Pro+ - Kirin9010
                                Huawei Pura70 Art - Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 4G
                                Huawei Pura70 Ultra - Snapdragon 8 Gen 3s 4G
                                1. 899€
                                2. 999€
                                3. 1149€ (Chinese Exclusive)
                                4. 1499€ (Chinese Exclusive)
                                5. 1649€ (????????)


                                  What's 'Pura' please?

                                    Anonymous, 15 Apr 2024P doesn't stand for "Photography" anymore?Pure photography.

                                      SomeRandomGoose, 15 Apr 2024How did they get greedy? They were consistently innovating ... moreWell for starters their midrange up until 2019 were fantastic for the price minus the EMUI iOS clone the hardware was solid but after that they just bumped the price up and kept reusing older chipsets that were not on par with what Xiaomi or even Samsung had for those prices. Kirin 710a for example was being used extensively even years later

                                        Finally! So we should see them very soon!