Apple WWDC 2024 rumor roundup

08 June 2024
Here’s what to expect from the upcoming Apple Worldwide Developer Conference.

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Big hopes for RCS support. I'm only keeping WhatsApp because of some of my contacts using iphone

    ** Apple will be redefining the AI acronym to stand for "Apple Intelligence" **

    no, no, no!! they obnoxiously put their name in it, that's it...

      Finally Scheduled messages is coming to IOS something Android has had for years. Now Jerry Rig Everything can upgrade to Iphone as this was the feature that stopped him from moving from Samsung to Apple.

        • L
        • Lilian
        • 3cc
        • 09 Jun 2024

        "summary feature" - very "exciting" AI feature. Completely unnecessary features, just to say they are using AI.
        It's not clear if people are able to cut through this crap or they get "excited" about "web pages summary" and "reply suggestions".

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • THy
          • 09 Jun 2024

          "Calculator App: Finally coming to iPad"

          Stop the presses. Apple makes a calculator app.

            Boring as usual. But interesting for Boring fanbase