Gemini AI makes its way to Google Messages

29 June 2024
Gemini AI continues its march across the Google ecosystem.

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Now it needs to make its way to the dustbin

    The only valid use of AI may be programming, as a tool to lessen the load on a developer
    Other than that, AI for management as in gmail is I think, unnecessary
    Integration into voice assistant to do tasks better and with accuracy should be the way to go
    If companies wanna integrate ai so much

      FatShady, 29 Jun 2024Tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyy????Ain't nothing but a heartbreakkkk

        This is stupid!

        People will be more distracted to use AI then use a simple basic function of a phone = to communicate!

        It's bad enough the UI is hotgarbage to begin with so Google does what it does best clutter up everything.

        Took them 10yrs to get Android done right and now this?!

        What a joke.
        Glad I don't use Google Messages - tried it for 30 misn this morning switched default back to Samsung Messages and disabled Google messages.

          Tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyy????