AAA games for iPhones and iPads aren't very popular

29 June 2024
People prefer more casual mobile games.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vae
  • 30 Jun 2024

These AAA tiles eat more than 1 percent battery per minute on my M1 iPad. The tablet was getting very hot and still gaming experience was not that great. I didn’t want to kill my 1000 dollar device by just playing a game that I already have on PlayStation and PC.

After resident evil village and 4 remake, I have ignored rest of AAA titles on iPad or iOS. Maybe if they perform well on Apple TV, could use that as console. But I don’t that happening anytime soon.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vaS
    • 30 Jun 2024

    jiyen235, 30 Jun 2024who knew that paid games wouldn't be as popular on a p... moreThe masses hate paid games but seem to have no issue dropping thousands of dollar over a long period of time for their gacha games without them even noticing until it's too late.

    And yew, Gplay users are mostly cheapskates. Which is why they send this first to iPhones. And yep, the game I bought on Android 5 stopped being playable on Android 10.FFXV is still incompatible with the Android 13 phone I used to have. What a mess.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vaS
      • 30 Jun 2024

      Zero, 30 Jun 2024"Analysts believe people prefer simpler and more casua... moreWuthering Waves was plagued with issues but still raked in 140M in its first month. As much as I'd like to dunk on Iphonepowa for making fun of Android's lack of AAA games, I'm not sure if this is even a good thing.
      And it's a literal Genshin ripoff. They even used Genshin assets on their promotional videos.

        NeonHD, 30 Jun 2024Honestly, the only AAA game I'm actually surprised tha... moreThere have been 50 million downloads on my phone's Play Store.

          They are asking full prices for a game that can only run on devices starting at a $1000 while delivering a subpar experince and then wondering why people aren't buying it. Love the concept though, i have always wanted to play pc games on my phone.

            NeonHD, 30 Jun 2024Honestly, the only AAA game I'm actually surprised tha... moreIt's a paid game, that is why.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PFj
              • 30 Jun 2024

              Most of Apple iPhone buyers worldwide are:
              1. Rich businessmen always busy
              2. Office managers always busy
              3. Office young workers who love to flaunt brands
              4. Rich lads with dedicated gaming PCs
              5. Americans (obviously doesn't portray ROW)

              That should tell you why.

                • F
                • AnonF-1006353
                • JBi
                • 30 Jun 2024

                iPhoneMaXPowa, 30 Jun 2024At least A17 Pro is capable to run AAA games which just sho... moreThey'd run more performant, just compare 3d mark. The fruit phone is a toy in comparison.

                  • V
                  • Versatile Gamer
                  • PFj
                  • 30 Jun 2024

                  NeonHD, 30 Jun 2024Honestly, the only AAA game I'm actually surprised tha... moreMinecraft feels like handicapped game experience, with boxy graphics that makes feel as if you are back in Windows 95 era. It is so stupid to think of why people even pay for that stupidity. The feeling is so bad I think my real world reality is better than playing this thing. It is not for adults, but not for kids either.

                    iPhoneMaXPowa, 30 Jun 2024At least A17 Pro is capable to run AAA games which just sho... moreWell, you can just sideload and they'll run much better with the 12gb ram they have compared to 8.

                      Honestly, the only AAA game I'm actually surprised that didn't get much downloads was Minecraft. I don't get how it only still has 10M+ downloads on Gplay, for what is possibly THE most popular game.

                        who knew that paid games wouldn't be as popular on a phone as free games!? What a revelation this was!

                        At least this was great for marketing purposes and I think that's all that Apple wanted, to let people know that these are "Pro" chips capable of running triple A games but if you pushed settings low enough you could run even Cyberpunk, not sure what the point was, in practice the games aren't THAT great to look at on these phones.

                        Besides, who's buying these phones to play games specifically? 50 dollars ain't chump change, if I paid so much I'd want to play the game at the best possible conditions, like on a console or PC.

                        The biggest takeaway for me is the fact that ubisoft charges 50 bucks for AC Mirage and Capcom charges 30 bucks for the masterpiece that is RE4. Ubisoft never stopped scamming eh lol

                        People don't really care about AAA games on phones, why pay such huge amounts for a truly subpar experience? And that's not even including the awkwardness of a touchscreen or using the phone as a display with a controller.

                        What Apple should've done, if they knew even a little about the gaming market, is to try putting indie games on Apple first. Return of the Obra Dinn, Slay The Princess, Shadow Tactics, Katana Zero and SIMPLE games like Outlast, Mario, Sonic or critically acclaimed games like OMORI and Undertale. So many games to choose from and they chose AC Mirage lmao. Try porting GT7 or a Forza game or something. If you can't get nothing else just get Cuphead man. Like seriously there's so many games and these guys chose AC Mirage ffs.

                          Most of the late AAA games suck, while mobile games offer a better experience for free. Also must consider that from those AAA games that are good, they are more enjoyable on a big screen and not on a phone or tablet size screen.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4TB
                            • 30 Jun 2024

                            They will only Grow and better

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • L2s
                              • 30 Jun 2024

                              PV games that should be ported to mobile are platformers and games that are easy to play with touch not shooters.

                                Zero, 30 Jun 2024"Analysts believe people prefer simpler and more casua... moreNot to mention solo leveling arise that's raking in the money 🤑💰

                                These developers are just clueless

                                  iPhoneMaXPowa, 30 Jun 2024At least A17 Pro is capable to run AAA games which just sho... morePathetic quality graphics, frame rates and gameplay and you're talking about powerful. Lol. Even the most powerful m series soc is so pathetic for running games.

                                    Zero, 30 Jun 2024"Analysts believe people prefer simpler and more casua... moreNone of those are the AAA titles you mentioned

                                      iPhoneMaXPowa, 30 Jun 2024At least A17 Pro is capable to run AAA games which just sho... moreSpecifically optimized to run on one platform is not showing that the platform is powerful.

                                      To compare them to console, laptop or desktop computers. AAA games have minimum hardware requirements and recommended requirements. So all the AAA games need to support like 10 years of different hardware and there come all sorts of problems in games

                                      It's basically why game studios like to make games on console over computers is that they need to optimize the game to run smooth on a single hardware specs that are for console.

                                      Same is with this AAA games on iPhone as optimize to run smooth on the single hardware specs

                                      If you can take battlefield from computer and install it on the iPhone and get it running smooth like on laptop or desktop then we can talk about being powerful hardware

                                        • S
                                        • S24Plus
                                        • thh
                                        • 30 Jun 2024

                                        The only games I play on mobile is Civilization VI, Dead Cells, and Bandori. They just need to port the right games. Most AAA games aren't good on phones but games like Civ VI is playable and perfect for mobile. I jsut do some turns here and there, take break and come back to it when I feel to.