Weekly poll: is the Red Magic 9S Pro your next phone? What about the Red Magic 9S Pro+?

07 July 2024
These are gaming phones, but their practical design and aggressive pricing might appeal to non-gamers too.

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  • U
  • User. Hi.
  • xjH
  • 07 Jul 2024

I'd pick the regular 9s pro every time.
That 1000 man can be a headshot!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • M$W
    • 07 Jul 2024

    They both are so desirable as Xperia 1 vi with that low resolution display.
    No. I wouldn't.

      who even buys phone like these.?

        • G
        • Ggfh
        • b8g
        • 07 Jul 2024

        6500mah over 165w charging anyday of the week. 80w is more than enough