nubia Z60S Pro and Z60 Ultra Leading Version get price cuts

03 September 2024
The Z60S Pro is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, while the Z60 Ultra Leading Version has the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip at the helm.

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[deleted post]ohhhh 2 updates in a year WOW! .. haha that's funny. The security updates do NOT come quickly, you're lame, go check Nubia's reddit.

    brsdrgn, 05 Sep 2024Genius! The post is about Nubia Z60s Pro and z60 ultra lead... moreYou're a clueless company shill. How much are you getting paid to make up BS?, just interested to know.

    I honestly can't understand anyone defending a company who've never owned there devices, it's just weird.

    Gonna carry on commenting because you make me smile!

      Demonicale, 05 Sep 2024Dude, I have an issue with buying phones and returning them... moreYour opinion is not confirmed.

      Do you read other comments here from the people who uses the 'mentioned device'?

      Why do you keep mentioning redmagic? The subject is Nubia Z60 models? Do you read the header of the topic?

      It's like using Samsung A series and mentioning ultra series not getting any update at all.

      Redmagic is a different model.

      Just because you used redmagic doesn't confirm the facts about z60.

      It looks like the company seeing the feedbacks amd started to give OS support for 3 years.

      No user reporting bugs like you mentioned.

      The updates still come. Not like you mentioned no support at all.

      Redmagic is not the subject here. I don't care. I don't care about what you dealt with.

        Demonicale, 05 Sep 2024I'm not commenting on your posts again, you've ne... moreGenius! The post is about Nubia Z60s Pro and z60 ultra leading version.

        You write there's no OS support and full of bugs which were not true.

        I disproved it by taking the statement from tehir official website.

        You called me fanboy even though I'm not even using Nubia phone.

        Later you started to talk about using other models.

        Does using other models prove your arguments true?

        They are all wrong. Even actual users commented here.

        I don't have to own the device. I can go and read the forums, opinions from the actual users, not you who shares wrong/false information.

        It'd be even much better if you don't write any comment at all since you're not sharing any true information. All bs and you're still trying to justify your argument by redirecting the subject somewhere else.

        Other people can go and read your first comments. You're not winning any argument here. Goodbye!

          brsdrgn, 04 Sep 2024You mentioned your friend telling 6 months. Now it dropped ... moreI'm not commenting on your posts again, you've never owned a Redmagic phone, so have no idea how your opinion is valid at all! .. do yourself a favour and buy one, then message me your experience.

          I on the other hand have had 3 of the Redmagic phones and know they have issue's that remained on those phones. YES you do get updates, I didn't say they didn't, but you'll be LUCKY to get maybe 2 in a whole year as opposed to other phone manufacturers. again if this is ok for you, then go for it. But don't believe for one second you get updates often and quickly because you don't.

            brsdrgn, 04 Sep 2024You were calling me fanboy. That was an answer to that. ... moreDude, I have an issue with buying phones and returning them all the time. I've owned Redmagic phones and have stated my opinion which has been confirmed on their sub reddit. If you choose to believe something else, that's cool, but don't state something as a fact when you've never owned a Redmagic phone before and just going on random users.

              I just saw a comment from a guy who ownes a Z50 pro, where he said he received a message from the company which says there will be no more further updets, any kind. And no new android verion neither. The phone is just a bit older than a year so that's a bit cheeky from the phone company.

                The only issues I've had were a few crashes with some of my higher end games but they've since worked out. Everything else exceeds expectations and the screen has outlasted any of my previous phones. An sd slot would be nice tho.

                  Demonicale, 04 Sep 2024You get updates, but they're VERY delayed. Security up... moreYou mentioned your friend telling 6 months. Now it dropped to every 4 months? :)

                  You mentioned no update. Which was wrong.

                  You mentioned full of bugs. Users are not reporting bugs. Which was also wrong.

                  And you still dare to answer here. :)

                    Demonicale, 04 Sep 2024So you admit to never owning a Redmagic phone, so how can y... moreYou were calling me fanboy. That was an answer to that.

                    You jumped on me just because I write what's actually stated and mentioned by the users.

                    So, first thing first, I'm not a fanboy. You realized that.

                    Second, you don't own the device either. I don't have to own the device to know anything about it. Should I trace all your comments about every news. You seem to have an opinion about so many devices. So, you own them all?

                    Share your opinion after you've done your fact check! You're disproven here many times.

                      RM Gamer, 04 Sep 2024Agree, I've owned several RedMagic phones and I can sa... moreYou get updates, but they're VERY delayed. Security updates should be monthly, not every 4 months or so. As for OS updates, yeah again, you rarely get them.

                      If you're happy with that then it's cool, but let's not pretend they pump out regular updates all the time because they don't.

                        brsdrgn, 03 Sep 2024I use vivo. Never used Nubia. Instead of admitting your ... moreSo you admit to never owning a Redmagic phone, so how can you possibly comment or know anything about them?. I've owned many, you've never had one, so your comments are useless.

                          • R
                          • RM Gamer
                          • eCg
                          • 04 Sep 2024

                          [deleted post]Agree, I've owned several RedMagic phones and I can say they are better on providing updates to their devices, my RM7 from 2022 just received 2 updates this year*(2024) . But, the nubia Z series since my brother had this are also receiving regular system and security patches though just a bit slower. It's not literally 0 updates as someone is saying here.

                            Demonicale, 03 Sep 2024Seems we have a fanboi here. Have you actually owned one of... moreI use vivo. Never used Nubia.

                            Instead of admitting your bs spread policy of course mention

                            'i have this friend that friend bla bla bla'

                            There's a whole thread in xda.


                            People mention no bugs, updates coming frequently.


                              Gamerish, 03 Sep 2024No not really. Nubia's doing good in Asian countries, ... moreThe world isn't Asia though, they need to do better globally.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • kuj
                                • 03 Sep 2024

                                Demonicale, 03 Sep 2024Seems we have a fanboi here. Have you actually owned one of... morewhat kind bugs? have you owned it before post bs. i have owned the phone for 3 months now no any bugs.

                                  brsdrgn, 03 Sep 2024What bugs? State some please? Did you check their websit... moreSeems we have a fanboi here. Have you actually owned one of their devices before commenting? .. they are full of bugs and lack of any kind of support / updates.

                                    brsdrgn, 03 Sep 2024Did you check their website before writing that? Did oth... moreI didn't need to, I've owned previous Redmagic phones, so I know what I'm talking about. I have a work colleague who also has one currently and I asked him when was his last update, which he replied like 6 months ago .. so yeah, I'm going on personal experience.

                                      Anonymous, 03 Sep 2024I think by system updates they meant security patches.So, you won't take your words back and instead focus on the word games?

                                      They mention performance and security!

                                      Are you watching any review videos? They get updates. Not only security patches.

                                      Stop talking bs and write correct information!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YYX
                                        • 03 Sep 2024

                                        brsdrgn, 03 Sep 2024What bugs? State some please? Did you check their websit... moreI think by system updates they meant security patches.