Android 15 will finally catch up with iOS when it comes to notifications

16 September 2024
You will need to dismiss notifications on just one of your devices.

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geez... google is again hard at fixing non issue... if I have multiple devices then most of the time I do want to have distinct notifications on all of them - for example if I dismiss a notification on my mobile I still do want to see it on my computer to deal with it... IMs usually are smart enough Ti mark chats as read and update notifications across the devices so... non issue...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 803
    • 18 Sep 2024

    Buddy android has always been light-years ahead of apple when it comes to notifications.

      Lol, But I want to receive notifications on all my devices, yes, even if they're the same.

        • M
        • Merlin76uk
        • Cxx
        • 17 Sep 2024

        Ouifuf, 17 Sep 2024I never knew I needed an update so much in my life. I'... moreSame, one of the reasons I hate using my tablet is the notifications bog it down so bad...especially since it's a samsung galaxy tab S7+ which samsung no longer support with OS updates so it's slowly getting slower and slower and less useful...sadly as I really do like it as a tablet just sucks that it's OS is stuck about 3yrs back lol

          Haha 🤣🤣
          Android catching up with Apple on the useless notification that Chinese OEMs always copied as noted by some users. Possibly this is a paid article for Apple and this isn't Phone arena site.

            Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024This issue is for people who like to have many devices, whi... moreARM emulated? All of my mac apps run at least on universal binary, no x86. And lot of them are just aarch64.

              fren, 16 Sep 2024not true it does happen eg if have the same whatsapp accoun... moreIsn't that a Whatsapp thing? Not android?

                • L
                • Luke
                • xIj
                • 17 Sep 2024

                OfficialTRider, 17 Sep 2024Huh, Android notifications are already far superior than io... moreSshhhh, don't tell apple users that android has separate volume control on ringing, notification, alarm clock and so on!! They are still jumping in the morning from the shock of their alarm clock ringing ;)

                  Huh, Android notifications are already far superior than ios.
                  Like, you can reply from notifications without opening up the app, notifications are sorted according to apps and time unlike random mix of all notifications. You can disable or mute them too, you can dismiss all of them at once.

                    • v
                    • vgs21
                    • GQa
                    • 17 Sep 2024

                    These rumours sprung from the sleep with every new iteration of Android and then again goes back to sleep for a year after applying makeup(cosmetic changes).

                      pretty sure this won't make it to the chinese skins 😢

                        I never knew I needed an update so much in my life. I'm so tired of opening up my tablet to 40 notifactions I've already dealt with on my phone

                          2fast2race, 17 Sep 2024I own an S23U, Galaxy 6 Classic watch, an Android tablet, a... moreGenerally gsmarea sounds like paid by Apple or articles are written by someone who doesn't have a clue of Android. But I don't blame them! Chinese OEMs are the main culprit behind it. When Apple renames something from android and do a better implementation, immediately Chinese OEMs will copy it as if it doesn't existed before!

                            I own an S23U, Galaxy 6 Classic watch, an Android tablet, and I use Windows 11 on my PC, constantly syncing with Phone Link, and I have never experienced any of these issues. Everything syncs immaculately across all of them. Also, how poorly written is this, claiming Android is catching up with iPhone notifications when iPhones don't even have notifications. They all just appear in your notification center like a mess, and to find the important ones, you have to spend a lifetime searching. Android has the best notification manager available to any smartphone OS right now. Damn, in Samsung's, we even have notification history, where you can actually see again dismissed notifications from weeks ago. Plus, if someone deletes or edits their messages on a social messaging app, we can always see what it was because of how well the notifications handler and manager are on Android. GSMArena has come a long way, only to become a specs-only website. I haven't seen any proper or articulate articles here for the last decade.

                              • T
                              • Techcraft
                              • f}G
                              • 17 Sep 2024

                              It's IOS actually that needs to catch up to even be comparable to Android when it comes to notifications

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • vaS
                                • 17 Sep 2024

                                IpsDisplay, 16 Sep 2024This must be an issue for stock android users... Anyways... moreYeah. IOS 18's homescreen/lockscreen improvements" weren't written like "this if I'm not mistaken.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 0cB
                                  • 17 Sep 2024

                                  I clear my notifications all the time. Not a big change for me.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • YYX
                                    • 17 Sep 2024

                                    Wait, Android can’t do notification syncing?! Wow! 😂

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • XIG
                                      • 17 Sep 2024

                                      This issue is for people who like to have many devices, which I highly doubt most people are. It makes sense for Apple fans since many of them have three devices from the same company. Something I find extremely hard to happen with me since I may get an iPhone, but an iPad is way too expensive for what it is, which is mostly a note-taking device when Samsung offers much better alternatives. I also would never get a Mac since I need a real CPU, not arm-emulated programs.
                                      What Android lacks is the wide availability of Pixel phones across the globe and an iPhone 16 pro-sized version of the giant S Ultra series from Samsung. Some of us would like to hold pro phones that are smaller than 6.5 inches.

                                        Never struggled with this 😂