HMD Skyline brings its Lumia looks to India

17 September 2024
It's already available and in stock.

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Minu, 19 hours agoI have never discriminated people for paying less for a pho... moreI appreciate you taking from your time for such a detailed reply.
What you don't want to understand, there's nothing wrong or broken with my nokia 6.2, there's nothing that has to be fixed. The firmware update is thr culprit, the software isn't optimised. They quickly forged a android 11 update and rushed it to users without bothering brushing up and optimised the code. Thus phone is capable of running smoothly, it has always did on android 9 and 10. It used to he buttery smooth. After android 11 it has become unusable.

Similar to how beta versions of IOS would lag even on the latest most recent iphone device on the market. That doesn't mean users have to take their iphones to an apple shop and fix it under warranty.

I am frustrated because this phone has a great display minus the temporary burn in. I could have used it as a small tablet for light weight games, YouTube or Netflix. But using it now is painful because scrolling and switching between apps always have severe frame drops and it could freeze/ be unresponsive.

Nokia didn't pay attention to this phone because it was a budget phone or it didn't sell as much as they had anticipated. Even the android 11 was delayed by almost 1 year from their promised schedule. This practice is unacceptable. They should have treated their budget devices the same way they treat their more expensives devices.

Other than that, i fully understand your point. Also during my first year and a half using this phone, i was in love with nokia again and android one as if it were symbian days. It was as smooth as high-end phones released alongside it. No difference. And i thought to myself my next phones would be nokia only. The optimisation was great, 4gb ram was much better than 6 and as good as 8gb ram on other brands like realme and Xiaomi miui (before hyperos).

    • M
    • Minu
    • ter
    • 19 hours ago

    Claudesp33d, 17 Sep 2024Discriminating consumers who pay less for a midranger isn&#... moreI have never discriminated people for paying less for a phone compared to its maximum retail price. I had proven to an anonymous user that this phone is a better purchase over the subpar iPhone 13 base model in the earlier comments, nothing else. You can get better specifications or value from other brands, and you can clearly notice that those alternatives are in my favourite devices list as well.

    You may need to re-read my comments well, or you should specify which comment I've discriminated those users in the first place. If you use Google Translate to translate my comments, I recommend you to use a more accurate translator app for your usage.

    I've noticed that all users who complain on forums, don't understand why they exist in the first place. They are only used for discussions and inquiries with peer users, not for complaining or providing feedback to companies directly. The same applies to your 6.2's case as well. You clearly didn't make use of the mandatory 2-year warranty provided with the phone, or at least contacted HMD regarding your issue. Complaining in forums would not resolve those issues, unless you have contacted them and provided them any form of evidence regarding your issue.

    As an independent advisor and moderator of several other online communities (Oppo Global, Vivo, MIUI, Flyme, Google Pixel Help, Infinix Xclub, former Nokia phones and Microsoft mobile community, Microsoft Answers and Samsung community), I've given tips and solutions to resolve possible issues for end users. I haven't been paid a single cent of money from any company, for providing solutions in all those communities, both as a moderator and an independent advisor in each. You might have noticed me somewhere in them too.

    In all (if not, most) other communities outside of the Nokia phones community, the employees avoid giving official contact details to community members to complain the issues directly to the respective companies, including their official email addresses, while neglecting the issue and marking them as "resolved" or "locked" after a grace period of few days. I've experienced this notably in the Pixel Help, Microsoft and Samsung communities. Those communities have their own rules, and we're required to abide by them, whether we agree or disagree with the peer moderators.

    HMD had provided official contact details to complain regarding those issues directly, through moderators of their community. Most of the so-called users don't give any update regarding their situation after a moderator or peer member responds, and they tend to spam new forums and respond to the same forum under burner accounts, under the same topic afterwards. It's simply a menace for moderators to maintain one-sided forums lacking proper communication. We can neither speak up for those users or defend the companies, in case if we don't own those specific devices (given that I'm using a Nokia 8 and being part of communities of brands I've never used, personally).

    The Nokia phones community had a grace period of 3 months (the maximum grace period I've come across in any community before becoming locked, archived or marked as "solved"), when the other community threads get locked in a few days or weeks. The sole responsibility of complaining directly to a company, is at the end user's hands. Employees have no connection to forums, unless they are part of it.

    Also, HMD wouldn't be aware regarding those issues, unless they've been contacted directly. You can still get the 6.2 fixed at an official service centre, albeit at a concessionary rate due to being out of warranty.

      • r
      • ravi4ever
      • y2g
      • 18 Sep 2024

      Nokia used to be over priced, now these as well. The Pricing guy is same!

        Minu, 17 Sep 2024It's high time you should understand the difference be... moreDiscriminating consumers who pay less for a midranger isn't an excuse as well. My experience was very good with android 9 and 10. The phone was butter smooth. With the final android 11 update, it bogged down despite debloating the already light weight android one android 11. Several factory reset attempts.
        My nokia 6.2 was the 4gb ram version. I can only imagine how bad the experience has become for owners of the 3gb ram variant. The same problems were also introduced to nokia 7.2 as well. Please google android 11 problems for nokia 6.2/7.2.

        By today's standards these two phones are still capable of at least running their own os smoothly. I am not asking for smooth heavy duty or gaming performance. When a phone with such light weight os and specs becomes barely able to navigate through it's own menu offline smoothly.then something is wrong.

        So why do i advise against hmd? If they could do this to one of their phones, they could always do it to future phones as well.

        I already bought 3 other phones after nokia 6.2, so it's not a problem for me anymore. But i made a promise to myself to never buy hmd again, as well to warn other people of this brand.

          Honestly looks very promising. In next 3 months or before Xmas the orice will go down by 30% then this phone will be bestseller.

            Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024Add a lil extra cash and just get the iPhone 13 in upcoming... moreRather get overproiced HMD phone with actial specs than outdated iphone 13 with laughable charging speeds, 60HZ screen, tiny disk space and USB 2.0.
            HMD is miles better.

              • B
              • Bailey
              • p%4
              • 17 Sep 2024

              Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024As hard as you try to shill for HMD, the conclusion is stil... moreAnd how do you know?

                • M
                • Minu
                • ter
                • 17 Sep 2024

                Claudesp33d, 17 Sep 2024Hmd fangirl lol 🤣🤣🤣 that's what she say when she can&#... moreIt's high time you should understand the difference between constructive criticism and defending. It seems you have a poor English knowledge for not comprehending comments well.
                Do I support them? Yes.
                Am I satisfied with what I have used from them? Yes.
                Do I see anything they need to improve on? Yes.
                Am I defending them for their mistakes? Definitely not.

                This isn't the first time I've highlighted how tone-deaf your comments are, as well as your lack of common sense through your responses. Learn to comprehend others' comments well before deliberately bashing on brands, claiming you haven't had a good experience with them. That proves your negligence and ignorance from refusing to learn from your own mistakes, not the weaknesses of that company. If somebody had a bad experience with a brand, it wouldn't be the same across every product in that brand. Same applies to other brands like Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple, Infinix and all other brands, not just HMD.

                Reacting to any comment with a cross only shows your disagreement, not the reality of the situation. Learn to respect others and opinions, whether you agree or disagree with them. That's why I don't bash brands on here. It's simply a waste of my own time and energy.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • U@a
                  • 17 Sep 2024

                  Claudesp33d, 17 Sep 2024Hmd fangirl lol 🤣🤣🤣 that's what she say when she can&#... morehmd is bad quality ? tell that to my 4 years old nokia 4.2 ..

                    • s
                    • swaraj
                    • U@a
                    • 17 Sep 2024

                    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024you seem to one of those special people that believe that m... morenobody is trying to match apple . its only you who probably has apple logo right next to jesus .

                      Minu, 17 Sep 2024A compact phone that lacks a telephoto camera, any form of ... moreHmd fangirl lol 🤣🤣🤣 that's what she say when she can't afford it, trashtalk it.

                      By the way guys, never buy hmd phones, they're very bad quality. Also software support is very bad. the phone will br fast out of the box, but eventually they will send you software updates to slow down your phone. I will never buy hmd again, and i will never recommend this scam lying brand to anyone. They never reply to customer support and they hire amateur who don't know anything about phones. They also don't respond to customer feedback in forums asking them to fix the lag and freeze issues introduced by firmware update. They just ignore us and that's their way of saying buy a new phone.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 7jW
                        • 17 Sep 2024

                        Minu, 17 Sep 2024It's simply the European method of pricing. They ask f... moreAs hard as you try to shill for HMD, the conclusion is still as simple as that, no one is going to buy this. That's all

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 7jW
                          • 17 Sep 2024

                          Minu, 17 Sep 2024A compact phone that lacks a telephoto camera, any form of ... moreyou seem to one of those special people that believe that more cameras in a phone means better image quality
                          This fake Lumia is no match before the iPhone 13

                            they tried to sell Foxconn OEM phones under Nokia brand, but they had shit build quality and shit software with no software support and failed, now they try same under HMD "brand" after ruining Nokia sticker, good luck finding another fools falling for this

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 7jW
                              • 17 Sep 2024

                              YoloBS, 17 Sep 2024Lumia doppelganger ! I had Lumia 640 and this phone didnt l... moreIKR. This phone doesn't look like a real Lumia at all

                                OfficialTRider, 17 Sep 2024This sounds so European. We don't care about workers, ... more“This sounds so European. We don't care about workers, we want the best for the price.”

                                You do realize you’re a worker too, right?

                                  DomtheCuber, 17 Sep 2024If we look at the HMD Skyline and compare it to any other m... moreThis sounds so European. We don't care about workers, we want the best for the price.
                                  Companies can do that and still pay their workers well if they'll give a little attention to optimizing sales channel and marketing spend. Also, reusable designs with little modifications for differention like they do in car or TV or washing machine or microwave ovens or other manufacturing, can reduce costs.
                                  BTW this is going to flop in India. Big time. Rather buy Samsung phones that are manufactured in India and are cheaper. Bus S23 or something in the upcoming festival sales for the same price.

                                    • M
                                    • Minu
                                    • ter
                                    • 17 Sep 2024

                                    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024Add a lil extra cash and just get the iPhone 13 in upcoming... moreA compact phone that lacks a telephoto camera, any form of end-user repairability, higher signs of planned obsolescence, poor optimization, subpar display resolution lacking higher refresh rates and poor battery life, is a poor purchase over this phone at a similar price.

                                      • M
                                      • Minu
                                      • ter
                                      • 17 Sep 2024

                                      DomtheCuber, 17 Sep 2024If we look at the HMD Skyline and compare it to any other m... moreThey could've made a sensible choice with allowing bootloader unlocks, to circumvent the poor upgrade schedule.
                                      The battery is the biggest weakness of any phone, with their age. Buying a used/refurbished flagship is less sensible, if you take the recurring costs of battery and display replacements into account. Otherwise, the performance may be better, but today's chipsets are relatively efficient while being based on older flagship hardware.

                                        • M
                                        • Minu
                                        • ter
                                        • 17 Sep 2024

                                        YoloBS, 17 Sep 2024Lumia doppelganger ! I had Lumia 640 and this phone didnt l... moreNot Microsoft's mediocre devices, but the Lumia design is there because of holding Nokia's design patents that were acquired by HMD from Microsoft.

                                        The looks aren't that different for the body from the Lumia 9xx series and N9, but the camera design and the display design make this look generic in comparison to Nokia-branded Lumia devices.