Intel to spin-off Foundry in an attempt to regain profitability

17 September 2024
The chip-making business will halt its factory projects in Europe.

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ashrobb, 17 Sep 2024The best way to win as customers is by having competition i... moreIt is exactly why 8 gen 4 cost 240 dollars, we nearing the technological limits of foundries, having no competition TSMC can charge whatever the fuck they want, Intel being non competitive means your phones will keep costing more, **** ass.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • xjH
    • 17 Sep 2024

    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024"My only concern is that Intel Foundry may end like Gl... moreProblem is once a monopoly is established, companies will abuse their position to hike up prices. So overall a loss for the customers.

      Artem S. Tashkinov, 17 Sep 2024People have been begging Intel to do just that for a decade... moreWell not quite.
      A decade ago would be 2013-2015, at which time, Intel Foundry was the best in the world. They produced the first 16nm-class chips and in mass production too. And by the end their ++++14nm were class leaders, alongside 12nm-TSMC around 2018.

      This news here is bad news. It is a case of too little, too late.
      AMD will now dominate Desktops and Laptops, Qualcomm will take Ultrabooks and Tablets. Intel is barely surviving by their server market, and dipping into their decades-long savings.

      I suggested something different. Something the CEO probably could have known about and could have implemented. Back in 2019 to start producing their dGPU products, and a shift of Intel Core i9 and i7 processors onto TSMC node. Using their own foundry for less sensitive applications like SSD, RAM, and dGPU production. Also for their less competitive products such as Core i1 and Core i3. With the Core i5 being a toss up. With this strategy, Intel could have justified and split the company into two departments: Intel Technologies and Intel Foundries. Eventually letting their Foundry division either fall into obscurity, or to innovate/compete and gain success. Doing it back then, would be ripping the band-aid off, instead of this slow pull they're doing. Also it would have meant Intel could have been competitive against AMD Zen3, Zen3+, Zen4, and now Zen5. Also timing wise it couldn't have been better as they would have secured funding from USA Gov, and have some breathing room from the chip shortage of 2020-2022. It was a massive failure of a missed opportunity. But that was the CEO's call, and the board members. They failed their staff, their business, and as punishment will be given several million dollars.

      We are living in a clown world.

        Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024"My only concern is that Intel Foundry may end like Gl... moreMonopolies almost universally lead to runaway prices and stagnation.

        I'm not sure that's what the customers want.

          Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024"My only concern is that Intel Foundry may end like Gl... moreThe best way to win as customers is by having competition in the market. Intel foundries failing isn't good for customers. We need good competitors that can stand their ground vs TSMC. They do the best chips, indeed, but they are charging a lot of money for it and the alternatives are less than inspiring.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IT%
            • 17 Sep 2024

            Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024WOW 😳 Malaysia are lucky since Intel didn't pull out u... moreOne of Germany & Poland problem is expensive energy due to conflict
            Thus, it's not competitive anymore

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • IT%
              • 17 Sep 2024

              Artem S. Tashkinov, 17 Sep 2024People have been begging Intel to do just that for a decade... more"My only concern is that Intel Foundry may end like GlobalFoundries, i.e. completely lose its relevance and competitiveness which will leave us with now a de facto TSMC monopoly but then it's already been the case for years now. Samsung has had its share of huge issues as well."

              Crying over a spill milk?
              If intel foundry or any other foundry can't keep up, they better go away.
              We, as the customer will be the winner.

                People have been begging Intel to do just that for a decade now.

                It has finally dawned on them that the foundry business is holding Intel back.

                My only concern is that Intel Foundry may end like GlobalFoundries, i.e. completely lose its relevance and competitiveness which will leave us with now a de facto TSMC monopoly but then it's already been the case for years now. Samsung has had its share of huge issues as well.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • IT%
                  • 17 Sep 2024

                  DeepIn2U, 17 Sep 2024Where is your proof of this? EUV is a patent already. ... moreEUV is the name of way...
                  There is a couple of way to do EUV
                  and SMIC/Huawei just filled a patent application for a new way to do it
                  From other site it say: 8nm

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IT%
                    • 17 Sep 2024

                    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2024Looks like Qualcomm tried to buy it Why?
                    Qualcomm already using the best factory in the world: TSMC
                    Intel fab is 20 years behind TSMC

                      Zuzuz, 17 Sep 2024Apparently, smic from China, just asked for a patent regard... moreWhere is your proof of this?
                      EUV is a patent already.

                      You sound like you're talking BS!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3Lx
                        • 17 Sep 2024

                        Zuzuz, 17 Sep 2024Apparently, smic from China, just asked for a patent regard... moreThat didn't mean west already lost, It just means China will also become a competitor, but this is actually not a bad thing for customers. TSMC is more or less a monopoly, offering the best processes. Samsung still has problems with their nodes and Intel will likely spin off It's fabs and will end up like AMD.

                          • Z
                          • Zuzuz
                          • mA{
                          • 17 Sep 2024

                          Apparently, smic from China, just asked for a patent regarding euv technology. If it's true, the West has lost the battle in chip manufacturing

                            "The announcement also revealed Intel will stop building its plants in Germany"

                            Welp, the pause paints a bleak picture for the Magdeburger Intelchipfabrik (Intel Chip Factory Plant in the city of Magdeburg), especially this year, I've had the chance to visit Magdeburg, the capital city of Sachsen-Anhalt, to see and enjoy the city this June 2024, and the Intel chipset factory is seen as the economic boost that Magdeburg needed.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • YUU
                              • 17 Sep 2024

                              WOW 😳 Malaysia are lucky since Intel didn't pull out unlike Germany and Poland. Damn, wish Intel come to my country. Would like to get a job at Intel 😎

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0p}
                                • 17 Sep 2024

                                Didn't Intel just get a truck load of money from the Chips Act, lol.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • YUf
                                  • 17 Sep 2024

                                  15k in layoffs!? Wow.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 0p}
                                    • 17 Sep 2024

                                    Oh no, this is what AMD did with Global Foundries. Looks like Intel will never make chips again.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • q3R
                                      • 17 Sep 2024

                                      Hoping for the best with the 18A node. Hopefully they can work out their yield issues. It's always good to have another competitor in the chip fabrication market when it's already so small.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 0p}
                                        • 17 Sep 2024

                                        Looks like Qualcomm tried to buy it