Google is allegedly merging Chrome OS into Android

19 November 2024
The reason makes no sense to us, but maybe it will to you.

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Sorry I don't get what the confusion is.

Android has superior technology stack compared to ChromeOS, owing to mainline AOSP development being biggest market monopoly & the only major FOSS mobile platform today, supported by various vendors & stakeholders like Samsung, Huawei, Sony, Motorola , Intel, Qualcomm, Mediatek & also Android TV manufacturers. That includes advanced improvements to 4G/5G, bluetooth, GPS & chipset support which will soon find their way to laptops. Thanks to Android TV, they inherited rich tech stack of desktop-class hardware & peripherals due to multiple-HDMI, ethernet, smart home (Matter), large 4k & 8k displays & other desktop-like requirements.

I mean it would take so much hard work doing the same thing again with ChromeOS. It is natural they build future Chromebooks over Android which will only require UI adaptation & desktop-class multi-tasking.

    Anonymous, 24 Nov 2024I don't buy that. GCP and wide majority of cloud run o... moreIndeed not tech reason but mobile apps are better supported than websites/browser versions. This is also reduces need to maintain update chromeOS where internally can just be chrome browser inside Android.
    There are also rumors of Qualcomm laptop chipsets of going more affordable. ChromeOS laptops are mostly affordable

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sgj
      • 24 Nov 2024

      Anonymous, 24 Nov 2024I don't buy that. GCP and wide majority of cloud run o... moreWell x64 more exactly, I'm getting old.. haha.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • sgj
        • 24 Nov 2024

        zodiacfml, 20 Nov 2024Hard to tell. If this happens in fullest form then Google w... moreI don't buy that. GCP and wide majority of cloud run on x86 for max perf / throughout, and still maintain crazy amount of x86 code.
        It's not for tech reason to me. They just don't care about Chrome os anymore.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • sgj
          • 24 Nov 2024

          Pretty sure they do that to maximize dev profits. I mean, merging code, reduce teams of devs, they don't care users or serious promoting something new and risky like an os. Just tens of billions benefits , greeddy to earn a few millions more, that's how they are. Not tech compagnies but just greendy.

            Anonymous, 19 Nov 2024 Fuchsia OS was dead when Google announced it.Fuchsia OS were dead even before google announced it.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • buX
              • 22 Nov 2024

              Petrosb, 21 Nov 2024First things first: iPhone vs Android iPad Vs Android T... moreSaw a lengthy comment and was hoping to learn from you.

              But upon reading multiple times but could not get your points. You should try to structure your thoughts, write it, then shorten it. Summarize? Keep it simple.

                First things first:
                iPhone vs Android
                iPad Vs Android Tablets
                Macs Vs Chromebook (Chromebox etc)
                Till now the ChromeOS was build upon Linux kernel but now Google decides to move upon Android kernel in order to be mpte compatible with the android apps, better integration with phones and the One Playstore ;)
                Before that there was a time when you had to download apps from Chrome Web store! Now thats gone amd you left with pwa (progressive Web applications) you vatn install them usually by visiting the website. so there was not all in one place. Plus then playstore came and did things even more confused:
                For example you had Google Keep app from Website as PWA, then the Chrome Web store version was still "alive" as *"chrome apps"*
                and finally got a new playstore version! That's now the "all in one place" for Chromebooks.
                *Chrome apps was ceased and replaced by the PWAs*
                Right now for example there are 2 versions of the most apps and as i use a Chrome OS Flex which doesn't support Playstore neither android apps I use the Google photos web version. What i observe is that the atv version doesn't support zones features that's the play store app has! Like video editing or better gallery and Google Photos integration.
                So the applications you can install through the play store are actually "Chromebook versions" which are better optimised for chrome OS than just Android apps on a big screen.
                Now with that move we don't know what to expect from Chrome OS neither the future of chrome OS flex which will be totally different product to maintain and support.

                  • A
                  • AlexS
                  • Ggr
                  • 21 Nov 2024

                  "Why can't they just be diligent like Samsung who always tries to provide DeX? Even though they're doing some weird stuff with it now... the "Classic" DeX is the real desktop experience we need on every stock android version out there,"

                  Precisely, it is not that complicated, but then layers and layers of managers would be without jobs.

                    Hard to tell. If this happens in fullest form then Google will stop putting ChromeOS on new X86 chips and go Arm, movign forward.
                    Emulated Android apps on x86 is possible but not without issues.

                      • B
                      • Bot10
                      • 0gK
                      • 20 Nov 2024

                      Anonymous, 19 Nov 2024Oh yeah I heard about that, the thing I don't understa... moreit isn't tho, i think he may be talking about the search engine's monopoly.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 6xA
                        • 19 Nov 2024

                        Why can't they just be diligent like Samsung who always tries to provide DeX? Even though they're doing some weird stuff with it now... the "Classic" DeX is the real desktop experience we need on every stock android version out there, it's already been figured out, just develop something similar and make it available for everyone, doesn't take a genius to realize it's way cheaper this way.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • jsQ
                          • 19 Nov 2024

                          Big Brother, 19 Nov 2024I am guessing this has more to do with the DOJ case against... moreOh yeah I heard about that, the thing I don't understand is how ChromeOS is defined as a monopoly per DOJ. ChromeOS has no competition and no company is harmed economically due to ChromeOS. US laws are quite confusing. That is why Alphabet was created too in part.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 099
                            • 19 Nov 2024

                            Anonymous, 19 Nov 2024Right. Trust the company which introduced the disaster k... moreWell if you want a real laptop windows is the way to go. Even my 13 years old laptop runs windows 11 fine.

                              • B
                              • Big Brother
                              • F6E
                              • 19 Nov 2024

                              Anonymous, 19 Nov 2024Google must know something that I don't. They must kno... moreI am guessing this has more to do with the DOJ case against them than an actual strategy for market success. The DOJ has indicated their intention is to force Google to sell off Chrome to break up the monopoly. Making Chrome OS irrelevant by replacing it with Android could make its sale easier to stomach. And if Android becomes the OS of choice for their budget laptops, then they can retain the education market under the Android umbrella.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Iby
                                • 19 Nov 2024

                                This actually makes perfect sense once you consider that the only real use case for Chromebooks is as a lower priced alternative to iPads in the education space.

                                  Waraduk, 19 Nov 2024The end of Fuschia OS 😱 Google like to killing their projec... moreI think it’s important for people to remember that Google is an advertising company, not a consumer electronic company.

                                    I don't see the harm in merging chrome OS into android, as long as android is the one gaining features from chrome OS and throwing out the bad stuff.

                                      More like Joke OS

                                        This is HOT garbage!
                                        F Google if they do this!

                                        There is nothing to gain by doing this for Android users!