BlackBerry might be up for sale soon, is looking for partnerships

12 August, 2013
The company's Board of Directors has formed a special committee to explore possible options.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t1$
  • 12 Aug 2013

The only reason for this cause of BlackBerry is the pricing on their phones. There's nothing much BlackBerry can do but to survive in this cold world, BlackBerry can do two things. Firstly, BlackBerry should cut costs on their phones to reach the masses to get devlopers support and secondly they should have faith in their BB10 OS. Otherwise, Microsoft needs a manufacturer and BB should sell off to themself. Anyway, RIP BlackBerry.

    • Y
    • Yash Pal Singh Baghe
    • Y}K
    • 12 Aug 2013

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      • V
      • Vivek S
      • tA{
      • 12 Aug 2013

      bb10 is good OS which is better than any OS but the hardware and pricing make blackberry a flop

        • D
        • AnonD-59657
        • IVQ
        • 12 Aug 2013

        Google may buy BB for the patents especially in security technologies, nothing more than that.

          • D
          • AnonD-59657
          • IVQ
          • 12 Aug 2013

          After BB, the next would be Nokia.
          If Nokia smart enough to offer Android Lumia, there is still some hopes.

            • D
            • AnonD-79632
            • QGM
            • 12 Aug 2013

            AnonD-24476, 12 Aug 2013possibly microsoft would be the first company to make stra... morewindows operating system would just make blackberry fail as much as bb10 is failing, read statistiocs, nokia is actually dissapointed with windows os progress.... Windows is nothing groundbreaking atall.

              • D
              • AnonD-16100
              • 0kG
              • 12 Aug 2013

              i just happen to know a company that wants to be a software and hardware company, that lacks in the exact places where blackberry shines(OS level - notifications, social...) and has way too much money on its hands, do you know who i am talking about?!

                • D
                • AnonD-24476
                • 7qB
                • 12 Aug 2013

                possibly microsoft would be the first company to make strategic alliance with BB(RIM)
                Year ago MS had approached RIM to use WP8 in future BB phones but RIM rejected it stating they are confident abt BB10 OS.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-146586
                  • vbK
                  • 12 Aug 2013

                  Shit manufacturer going towards its fate. Even trash cans don't have any space left for a company which is innovation less, prices its products insanely.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-79632
                    • QGM
                    • 12 Aug 2013

                    If google buys it they wont accomplish anything, just look at motorola, it was bought buy google and they have done nothing with it, just introduced the insulting moto x with terrible specs at a very high price.

                    Blackberry just needs to leave this bb10 software stuff, join the open platform android, and then many users will have a reason to buy the blackberry, becauyse frankly, there is simply no more reasons to buy a blackberry anymore.

                      • v
                      • vslayer
                      • v0X
                      • 12 Aug 2013

                      uh, 12 Aug 2013I do not see anyone buying BB.. Samsung:... nah... Impossi... moreYou forgot that the best voip service are in this phone the bbm whoever buys it its a huge to them

                        • p
                        • peter.yu
                        • RdQ
                        • 12 Aug 2013

                        until some of the big name businesses who let their staff use other device got hacked, and making a huge loss or problem, people will not appreciate what BB is built for... until that day, people will only complain there is "no apps", too expensive, under power...
                        of course, if a company which use BB got hacked and damage first, then it will be time to say goodbye

                          • n
                          • nezumi
                          • PHu
                          • 12 Aug 2013

                          Dear Blackberry CEO Thorsten Heins,

                          May your company RIP. Please do hurry up and die for I have always hated your riduculous phones and their equally ridiculous prices.

                          From your most dedicated hater,

                            • V
                            • ViK
                            • GQM
                            • 12 Aug 2013

                            Well if it so, they should choose Apple.
                            Together Blackberry and Apple will make a good to digest fruit salad... Lolz!

                              BB OS actually not a bad OS, it's just.....boring nowadays, you might think that "why should a phone use 2 GB ram and quad core proc? isn't a waste of resource? isn't ridiculous?" if technological advances can make it happen, why not? android still need much improvements, but still, you can do many things with your phone, and that what's makes android phone interesting

                                • u
                                • uh
                                • P@1
                                • 12 Aug 2013

                                David, 12 Aug 2013Why are everybody looking for android? It is really good?... moresorry dude, but if I'll throw your question back to you "what is the biggest innovation in BB?"
                                there is no such thing as 'big' in this industry. but if you look at the small changes (like increase in size), you will see that we have reached quite far from the old nokia 5110 to samsung note 3 or any hax android or wp8..

                                  • p
                                  • peter.yu
                                  • RdQ
                                  • 12 Aug 2013

                                  i doubt it will be sold... first road block will be the Canadian gov, then the US will block it, unless it is sold to a US company at a huge discount... more likely will have someone else make the hardware, or partner with microsoft, of even bigger chance to go private.
                                  only chinese companies willing to pay premium at this time but they won't get it due to the cold war attitude someone has

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-48321
                                    • fvG
                                    • 12 Aug 2013

                                    Well,it's about time if you ask me :D

                                      • D
                                      • David
                                      • gDW
                                      • 12 Aug 2013

                                      Why are everybody looking for android?
                                      It is really good? I use it but for sure it's a mistake! every time they launch new phone, more processor speed, more heat, more ram, more everything, and the system continues to lag, continues with the same ugly system, because they do not care about the image! And I woill not talk about the quality of the phones!
                                      Everybody knows that the Samsung screen when is sunny it's hard to see! have they done anything? and are more!!!
                                      The system OS10 is good, but it's not finished, and has hard work to conclude the system, but the time don't stops, and the others continues in there work, and they are better, because they have a lot of equipments and brands in the market that sells Android, they have good and bad equipments and the others just have two or tree...

                                      Android didn't do any thing that we could say YES finally...but we continue to buy because they have today a processor 1.5 1gbram and tomorrow a processor 1.9 with 2gbRam...

                                      But what changes in the operating system?
                                      We talk about WP or iOS or BB but what was the big change in Android?

                                      have you remember Windows Mobile? look Windows Phone. that is a change.
                                      iOS? looks the same just change the icons, and add some thing...but what is the big innovation? But in android? what have they done?

                                      Android is open source...ya ya ya ...if you made ROOT you loose warranty...WHAT IS THE DIFERENCE???

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-161820
                                        • nxu
                                        • 12 Aug 2013

                                        Anonymous, 12 Aug 2013Samsung probably buys it for a BlackBerry OS(since they don... moreSorry to destroy your dream but they have a practical OS in progress, in partnership with Intel: Tizen OS! Read before talking sh*t!