Huawei offices in Belgium get searched amid a corruption probe in EU
- David 040882
- srr
- 20 Mar 2025
Vegetaholic, 19 Mar 2025****** communist, this is not a joke. Huawei should be comp... moreYou know what's dangerous and pathetic? You thinking that Huawei is the only smartphone company that does shady things like using your data, spying through smartphones, and whatnot. But whatever, it's not like your American brain could accept that
- V
- Vegetaholic
- n5R
- 19 Mar 2025
David 040882, 14 Mar 2025It's interesting how only Huawei is being either sanct... more****** communist, this is not a joke. Huawei should be completely sealed of from rest of the world. One of the most dangerous companies on the planet.
- O
- Obvious
- K7i
- 17 Mar 2025
As expected from Chinese tech companies, funded by CC.P. Bribery is a means to win or dominate and can be very bad for the general users. Never allow bribery.
- jiyen235
- 16 Mar 2025
IQ200, 16 Mar 2025Probably because most of people equalize things that wester... moreOk 👍👍👍
- F
- Fazliddin1
- 8q8
- 16 Mar 2025
IQ200, 16 Mar 2025Agree. The most inetersting thing is that Huawei unlike oth... more100%
- I
- IQ200
- LiP
- 16 Mar 2025
David 040882, 14 Mar 2025It's interesting how only Huawei is being either sanct... moreAgree. The most inetersting thing is that Huawei unlike other Chinese companies are using 5G infrastructure controled by "private company" named Huawei and they are building those on US and their allies territory.
And the sad part is that most of people deffending chinese in this case just because they had great experience with Huawei phones which have nothing to do with Huawei's main bussiness.
Yet.. what do you know about China? Why is noone talking about what are they doing in their homeland and outside. Hmm? Why? You like their world more? Good. Then go there and try to write a comment on GSM Arena from there.
- I
- IQ200
- LiP
- 16 Mar 2025
Anonymous, 14 Mar 2025A Huawei hater instigating an investigation into Huawei. I... moreOh hi Cpt. Power.
Why dont you use your login name?
Everone can see your location tag.
- B
- BlahBlah
- LiP
- 16 Mar 2025
People always trying to see the world as black and white. As simple as that. But nothing is that simple. Western companies are just hypocrites and chineses are all saints right? Many people will say they are innocent, but how do they know that? They dont.. Ironically people thinking this way are mostly living in the west. What tdo you know about China? Just things China let us know and that's very opscure knoledge of what we know about western civilisation. People like to oversimplify everything. When they are being asked about this subject, almost noone wll say .. they are both guilty for doing the same thing, but we know only about western "crimes" and thats because those same western web sites shared it with us. So let me ask again.
What do you know about China?
- I
- IQ200
- LiP
- 16 Mar 2025
jiyen235, 14 Mar 2025Apple's a trillion dollar company that hasn't rea... moreProbably because most of people equalize things that western companies do on their "territory" and what chinese companies do on that same west markets. That is not the same. Im China, a private company have different meaning then the rest of the world. But who cares right? People neglecting the real reason which is China and them being a political enemy to west. It can't be compared the same way as other western companies and ehat they're doing to "us, their consumers". But why do people still compare it like it's the same? Because people really like to simplify everything lol. Every year i see people trying to compare iPhones with Andorid phones with sayings like.. but this Android phone has so much more to offer and its price is lower, who would in their right mind buy an iPhone?
I don't know.. maybe people who just prefer iOS more then Android, so what choice do they have? Who cares right? Right. They should just buy whatver most of people buys because thats "normal"...
People.. lol...
- NeonHD
- 6Fi
- 16 Mar 2025
Wow, didn't know the Belgians were so full of themselves.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering they're basically "northern frenchies".
- D
- DaFink
- nxg
- 15 Mar 2025
Anonymous, 15 Mar 2025Just a little FYI, people can, in fact, insult you without ... moreAnytime, bye now
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv1
- 15 Mar 2025
DaFink, 15 Mar 2025Ah so add uneducated to the list of slurs levelled against ... moreJust a little FYI, people can, in fact, insult you without actually being angry with you.
It's a hard concept for some to grasp, I know.
And another thing, for someone called DaFink, you need to do a lot more "finking".
Thanks for entertaining me with your pointless rambling though.
- D
- DaFink
- nxg
- 15 Mar 2025
jiyen235, 15 Mar 2025im not mad, im just disappointed that i put my trust and fa... moreIn other words, you don’t like my opinion. Well I am happy to disappoint you, by all means go watch paint dry!
- D
- DaFink
- nxg
- 15 Mar 2025
Anonymous, 15 Mar 2025You don't seem to understand the concept of innocence ... moreOh and I do understand presumption of innocence yes. As I am obviously not officially involved in this investigation in any way whatsoever though, I fail to see why it should apply, as my opinion will in no way affect the outcome. And it’s not a concept, it’s a principle.
- jiyen235
- 15 Mar 2025
DaFink, 15 Mar 2025Well right back at you, why are you getting mad at my opini... moreim not mad, im just disappointed that i put my trust and faith you, i thought you were trying to make a well willed argument. I was wrong and that felt bad. I wasted time and effort on you, better to watch paint dry than to waste further time with you. Ciao.
- D
- DaFink
- nxg
- 15 Mar 2025
Anonymous, 15 Mar 2025You don't seem to understand the concept of innocence ... moreAh so add uneducated to the list of slurs levelled against me. Again though, I’m the one whose angry 🤷♂️
I don’t see why assuming them guilty is anti Huawei bias, especially as I said I also assume every major tech firm may also be at it. And even if it is, you gonna deny your own pro-Huawei bias, I’d like to see you try. So at best we are both different sides of the same coin.
Show me where I have actually declared Huawei guilty? I said this is ongoing investigation, let’s see what happens.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0p}
- 15 Mar 2025
alejo, 15 Mar 2025I love it when people start making up bs excuses for Huawei... moreGoogle left the Chinese market because they wouldn't comply with local laws. They weren't sanctioned or harassed by foreign governments like Huawei.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0p}
- 15 Mar 2025
DaFink, 15 Mar 2025Others get fined for breaking rules yes, now it looks like ... moreYou don't seem to understand the concept of innocence before proven guilty. Huawei is innocent before proven guilty. Apple was proven guilty and convicted before being fined. You can't just assume that Huawei is guilty just because of there are accusations. Your lack of understanding of that concept shows your lack of education.
The way you just assume that Huawei is guilty shows your bias.
- a
- alejo
- GBh
- 15 Mar 2025
I love it when people start making up bs excuses for Huawei, like seen here in these comments.
Huawei is a CHINESE company operating in the West. Try asking Google how their attempt at China went last time they tried.
Why should Huawei not be investigated if something's off in their operations?