Nokia Lumia 520 goes on sale for $50 off-contract
- ?
- Anonymous
- v{u
- 28 Nov 2013
sold out!!!
- D
- AnonD-4697
- 9As
- 28 Nov 2013
Lets see if Android OEMs can beat this......hmmm I dont think so
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- AnonD-199384
- t}9
- 28 Nov 2013
wth am i dreaming?!!
i rly need to get some friends. :|
- D
- AnonD-134749
- KAe
- 28 Nov 2013
[deleted post]because they speek and troll lues about nokia. ask like trolls who says wp has no appzz and gamzzz
where as i am curenlty playing asphalt 8 on my 520
- D
- AnonD-186952
- Mfx
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-209094, 28 Nov 2013Duhhh! Check the source, its sim locked units that will wor... moreit's 10-15 bucks to unlock online so it doesn't matter
- r
- red
- tha
- 28 Nov 2013
Salvage value and increasing the popularity of wp8 user to claim for fast growing. This is one of market strategy.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 28 Nov 2013
One word "ugly".
- r
- red
- tha
- 28 Nov 2013
Salvage value and increasing the popularity of wp8 user to claim for fast growing. This is one of market strategy.
- D
- AnonD-209094
- Kg$
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-134749, 28 Nov 2013stupid att. give it free after all they will gain more mone... moreBuyers will have to use it with ATT SIM anyway, they will earn a lot this way as well. Maybe more than on contract.
- D
- AnonD-134749
- KAe
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-210527, 28 Nov 201350 dollars for a smartphone. now why anyone will buy Nokia asha?stupid att. give it free after all they will gain more money on plans
- D
- AnonD-134749
- KAe
- 28 Nov 2013
this deal started 7 days agow
- D
- AnonD-209094
- Kg$
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-210527, 28 Nov 201350 dollars for a smartphone. now why anyone will buy Nokia asha?The best place to hide a dead body is behind the Source link in Gsmarena news articles, no-one ever click it. Except me of course.
- D
- AnonD-209094
- Kg$
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-210527, 28 Nov 201350 dollars for a smartphone. now why anyone will buy Nokia asha?Because Asha is unlocked and this is not?
- D
- AnonD-209094
- Kg$
- 28 Nov 2013
Anonymous, 28 Nov 2013i mean the average total cost to manufacture a unit of Lumi... moreDuhhh! Check the source, its sim locked units that will work only on US AT&T, they dint need to cover the cost of the phone, it is subsidized. Can't believe how some ppl always think Off Contract means unlocked, of course they could not sell unlocked units at that price.
- ?
- Anonymous
- niy
- 28 Nov 2013
AnonD-210527, 28 Nov 201350 dollars for a smartphone. now why anyone will buy Nokia asha?Indeed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XMp
- 28 Nov 2013
Anonymous, 28 Nov 2013i feel much is the average total cost to manuf... morei mean the average total cost to manufacture a unit of Lumia 520...will $50 able to cover it??
- ?
- Anonymous
- XMp
- 28 Nov 2013
i feel much is the average total cost to manufacture a Lumia 520???
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@y
- 28 Nov 2013
Wou, its a great deal
- D
- AnonD-171436
- 0mw
- 28 Nov 2013
And robbing vodafone in Malta sell this for 200 euro!!!
- D
- AnonD-210020
- p%p
- 28 Nov 2013
is it unlocked?