LG sells 100 million handsets in 2008, ranks 3rd globally
- K
- Karim
- pTK
- 21 Jan 2009
well done LG, Nokia killed it though approx. 470mil phones whoa!
- P
- Phone Addict
- Y1U
- 21 Jan 2009
Oh and another reason LG, Nokia, and Samsung are at the top is because they sell phones for EVERYONE, not just smartphones.
- P
- Phone Addict
- Y1U
- 21 Jan 2009
grimjow, you also have to remember that apple only has 1 handset, the iPhone. And it is at a fixed price. When they say LG sold 100 million phones, it also includes the cheaper ones.
- A
- Andy Burgin
- 3pH
- 21 Jan 2009
I can"t believe this news as the Lg phones never impress me after they started of releasing mobiles on the "3" Network,they were not good mobiles at All,
- U
- USA_Arrogance in ya
- Mqs
- 21 Jan 2009
SE will fall apart. Even on the upcomming MWC in Barcelona SE won't have anything new to show except a few new phone covers (new colors for old phones) and some accessoir like little stereo-boxes. Oh, and there will be some 'new' phone... some copy-cat solutions... LOL.
SE looks like a backyard-cell-phone dealer in my opinion. Better to split that company apart!!!!! RIGHT NOW!
- b
- b j rocks
- M3s
- 21 Jan 2009
grimjow, 21 Jan 2009Where is iPhone? I bet they only sold about 2 million units... moreiphone is a phone lg is a brand the best selling handset in the pay monthly market for 2008 was iphone.
- A
- Arron
- SbD
- 21 Jan 2009
grimjow, 21 Jan 2009Where is iPhone? I bet they only sold about 2 million units... moreGF apple...
however if they had more models available E.G low end model then may have got a bigger piece of the pie me thinks...
- b
- b j rocks
- M3s
- 21 Jan 2009
lol and 99,999,999 have been returned faulty
- i
- ip
- w98
- 21 Jan 2009
I'm really sad and shocked I heard this news, because I'm a Sony Erisson lover.
I cannot believe this. Because SE designs are really well. SE phones are really good.
In Q3 2008 already SE pushed LG and Motorola down.
We'll see how about Q1 2009?
However Still I love SE.
- E
- Erick
- MAg
- 21 Jan 2009
The market presents challenges for all the manufacturers. One thing which all manufacturers will gradually have to realise is that gradually with wider awareness of the technological potential of mobile devices, the buying public has greater appetite for advanced devices that are logical to operate. Not low cost basic handsets that have a brief period of use. As a result, in my opinion, it would be foolish for these manufacturers to focus on widening their presence at the lower end of the market with cheap devices. Sony Ericsson have realised this to their cost.
- g
- grimjow
- wY5
- 21 Jan 2009
Where is iPhone? I bet they only sold about 2 million units just like the camera they use with the phone. 2MP.. LOL!!! I feel sorry for all Sony fan boys here...
- R
- Rici
- w9L
- 21 Jan 2009
Its the LG KU 990 Veiwty that drove all the sales up (Read: Most sold phone unit of the year). Plus, the touchscreen revolution changed the way the game was played. Samsung and LG quickly adopted and produced many models. Thats the success story.
SE lost purely by mucking around with the Xperia for almost 10 months. And due to NO innovation in their phones since 2004!!
Nokia surely would have got bitten off on market share by LG/Samsung
- 4
- 4v
- mNj
- 21 Jan 2009
LG makes different, much more miscellaneous devices, than SE or Motorola.
SE are all the same, since k750i & w300i. I told them: stop clonning your phones! Now we've got the RESULTS.
- b
- binu
- vxg
- 21 Jan 2009
why sonyericsson is loosing brand image in india why sonyericsson is not having low end product . for these reason samsung is taking chance.plesase do some thing doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
miracle i love sony ericsson.
- B
- Bill
- i2G
- 21 Jan 2009
While this is good news for LG, I still don't like their phones very much. Every time I've ever touched one in a shop it felt like a cheap plastic toy in my hands.
- g
- gaurav
- vGi
- 21 Jan 2009
its good for LG KEEP IT UP,,,,,,,,,,
- R
- Reality Check
- 21 Jan 2009
Should the lousy 4th & 5th manufacturers stop whatever they are doing to save the planet further ? Rather than churn out more nonsense which no one wants to buy and ends up being dumped to some backward region .
- m
- motodown
- p$t
- 21 Jan 2009
well done Moto!
Let's keep your line and in 2010 you will be second after Siemens history...
- [
- [deleted post]
- P%n
- 21 Jan 2009
David, 21 Jan 2009None of these can touch Nokia, SE is not doing well and Mot... moreWell LG sold 100 million, Motorola sold 100 million, SonyEricsson sold 96 million and Samsung 200 million (?).
Nokia does not sell 2.5 billion phone's in a year, you obviously read some flawed maths.
Nokia also sells a lot of cheap phone's in third world countries, when they release their results tomorrow you can expect falls at the top of the market and gains (if any) at the lower end.
It's quite likely Nokia sold less than they sold the year before.
- j
- john
- vCG
- 21 Jan 2009
LG, you've done it again. LG is great