Samsung has sold 10 million Galaxy Note units in Korea
- D
- AnonD-46153
- 6PF
- 16 Jan 2014
AnonD-171436, 16 Jan 2014Is it just me in thinking that most Samsung phones look the... morewell that is definitely better but it is not practical... we put it in our pockets and rounded corners are better that way as they do not take up much space and the phone is considerably smaller... i admit that the looks suffer a big big deal due to that... s3's shape made me puke but i am satisfied with my note3 which follows the s2's shape...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QS
- 16 Jan 2014
AnonD-171436, 16 Jan 2014Is it just me in thinking that most Samsung phones look the... moreAll companies find a design scheme they stick with. Especially flagships. And in especially in the Note 3 there has been some change.
Also that is your preference, but Samsung goes for the more round ergonomic designs to be easier to use.
- m
- manuel
- m1W
- 16 Jan 2014
Anonymous, 16 Jan 2014I've always been a fan of the Galaxy Note Line, thats the o... moreLucky you that can change phone every year. I have a Note 2. I bought it in july 2013 after a lot of research the chosen were between Note 2 and HTC One x+.
- D
- AnonD-171436
- 0mw
- 16 Jan 2014
Is it just me in thinking that most Samsung phones look the same? I'm not doubting the raw specs but its high time for a new design. Something square like the Lumias would be nice.
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- Anonymous
- DQm
- 16 Jan 2014
I've always been a fan of the Galaxy Note Line, thats the only phone I've used over the past 3 years from the original Note to the Note II and my current phone the Galaxy Note 3. I have never looked into any other phone models and have always been eagerly waiting for the next generation Note model. Keep it up Samsung.
- m
- manuel
- m1W
- 16 Jan 2014
I still think Note 2 is better than Note 3. If samsung will not bring something new on the Galaxy S5 I think will lose the market.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QS
- 16 Jan 2014
Anonymous, 16 Jan 2014Beast of a device!! I might be bias but its the best phable... moreNot even arguably. Just is. Now that is preferences aside. It is the best packaged deal out there.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QS
- 16 Jan 2014
"There are many phablets available in the market, the exclusive S Pen and highly functional TouchWiz still make the Note 3 king of the hill."
Looks like they came out and said it now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XrV
- 16 Jan 2014
Beast of a device!! I might be bias but its the best phablet available and arguably the best phone in the world.