Apple reaches 500 million iPhone sales

25 March, 2014
Apple has recently sold it's 500 millionth iPhone since it's incendiary release in 2008.

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  • J
  • Joey
  • ijW
  • 26 Mar 2014

I have owned 4 iphones.. still have them all, when you have the best you want to keep the best!

    • D
    • AnonD-151727
    • pEg
    • 26 Mar 2014

    AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreI think someone misunderstood the whole thing...

      • M
      • MisterCats
      • RHT
      • 26 Mar 2014

      MdN8, 26 Mar 2014Apparently they can not get rid of 3 million 5Cs, are you n... moreCondescending on the internet. Too cool!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • RjM
        • 26 Mar 2014

        AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... morenot all the iphones sold are in circulation at ones genius

          • D
          • AnonD-243358
          • Y6q
          • 26 Mar 2014

          The fact that they sold 500 million doesn't mean that 500 million people own an iphone, it means that they sold 500 million, so 1 person could own 3 iPhones. That drops the number to around 350 million people who own an iphone. (Remember that USA and China make up most of it)

            • D
            • AnonD-77892
            • UNA
            • 26 Mar 2014

            Samsung just dreaming to have that sale milestone. well done Apple!

              • S
              • Sebastian
              • 9LH
              • 26 Mar 2014

              AnonD-209094, 26 Mar 2014First of all, lets say 300 million of those phones are stil... moreSeriously, You think that 300m survive? from the release of the first iphone till now, its been almost seven years, I even change my phone 7x for example in the phils. the population there is 90m but according to NTC they already have 100m of phones, that does mean even infant, incapacitated, and babys on the womb of their mother already have cellphone? dont be so brainless,

              even if being brainless is free, dont do it daily!!!

                • D
                • AnonD-209094
                • Kg{
                • 26 Mar 2014

                AnonD-142922, 26 Mar 2014True +1First of all, lets say 300 million of those phones are still surviving and in use, now thats not so many iphones per person in the world.

                Now lets look at the distribution, in some western countries and Japan about a third of adults have an iPhone, thats 1 out of 3, and in the rest of the west and some asian countries more than one in 10 persons have an iphone.

                It really doesnt matter that iPhones are rare in India, yes its a big country but the fact is that iPhone is walking away with the biggest smartphone profit in India, there has to be some then, just because you dont know anyone they dont exist?

                I have never seen a rattlesnake, what is more likely reason,
                A. because rattlesnakes does not exists, or
                B. because i never been to the Americas?

                Now do you understand why less than 1 in 14 of your friends have an iPhone?

                  • F
                  • Fukar
                  • 9LH
                  • 26 Mar 2014

                  AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreHi Fubar, that does not mean that 1 in every 14 people have iphone, that 500M shows the total number of iphone being sold, and 1 person can have multiple iphones, even I i change my iphone every version, so I technically used 7 iphones, not including my spare phone, and that is not BS,

                    • j
                    • jelly pol
                    • PG1
                    • 26 Mar 2014

                    AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreawww, jelly jelly. How do u calculate this? What abt those that have had 4 to 5 iPhones since the first one came out?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-142922
                      • nxk
                      • 26 Mar 2014

                      AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreTrue +1

                        • D
                        • AnonD-209094
                        • Kg{
                        • 26 Mar 2014

                        MdN8, 26 Mar 2014Apparently they can not get rid of 3 million 5Cs, are you n... moreYour bias lies in thick layers around your post. If Apple could not sell those 5c why didnt they sell them in markets where 5c is selling well then? The myth about stockpiles of 5c is getting tiresome, or maybe you are new to this business? 5c is one of the worlds best selling smartphones, not as good as 5s obviously but that was the goal for Apple, make 5c less desirable to make people go for 5s instead.

                        Even if it was true, 3 million 5c is nothing, they can easily sell them later by reducing production (they may be impossible to divert to sell in other regions due to differences in LTE bands). 3 million iphones, lol, thats like a drop in the ocean.

                          • M
                          • MdN8
                          • 60P
                          • 26 Mar 2014

                          AnonD-209094, 26 Mar 2014They sold half a billion, and should do it on ordering basi... moreApparently they can not get rid of 3 million 5Cs, are you new on this page?
                          Also, he's somewhat right about ordering, but on a larger, carrier basis: at least in some markets such as USA where AT&T ordered way more iPhones than they could sell there were some legal issues. A lot of carriers order iPhones under very different terms from what other brands do. For a while there were no carriers in Russia, for example, who wanted to sell iPhones due to Apple's policy.
                          Free? No. Just no. If you get it for free the monthly subscription is so high that by the time your 2-year contract is over you paid them around 2000 Euro. And a no-contract iPhone 5S is around 1000 Euro. I don't call that "free" and some shops in my country refuse to sell them off-contract because they make more money from people who sign.
                          Anyway, to each his own. When there's a new iPhone out I just look at it, see what's new, play with it a little and return it and never miss it. Boring phone, boring US flat square design, hideous icons, no basic options. But I do understand why people buy it. Just as I understand why people listen to Lady Gaga. It doesn't require thinking.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-209094
                            • Kg{
                            • 26 Mar 2014

                            red, 25 Mar 2014May be much more than 2x the figure of sold iphone if not o... moreThey sold half a billion, and should do it on ordering basis? How crazy is that?

                            Dont worry little friend, Apple can get rid of their phones without any problem. And besides, they are cheap, almost in every country in the world you can get an iPhone for free or almost free on contract, including in so-called "emerging markets". (if those markets should still be called emerging is another question, for example Philippines and several other countries in the region are counted in that category but theres nothing "emerging" about them, they are full of money, the only thing is that they have a somewhat low smartphone penetration, growing fast though)

                              • M
                              • Mr. Bale
                              • j8w
                              • 25 Mar 2014

                              Looks great on my utility belt. Eat that Superman.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • k0r
                                • 25 Mar 2014

                                AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreComments like these have me convinced that much of the Apple hate around here comes from ignorance and sheep mentality more than anything else. No, this does not mean there are 500 million currently in use. smh.

                                  • r
                                  • red
                                  • Sfn
                                  • 25 Mar 2014

                                  May be much more than 2x the figure of sold iphone if not overpriced. But even there midrange phone is too expensive, crazy pricing. I have a lot of friends turn on android phone. That why on my opinion, in the future they will manufactured by ordering basis. Who could afford the price, apple make them a phone. No order, no phone to make.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-209094
                                    • Kg{
                                    • 25 Mar 2014

                                    AnonD-247751, 25 Mar 2014So one in 14 people worldwide have a iPhone. I call the BS ... moreI know places where maybe 1 in 5 adults have an iphone, and almost 2 of them also have an iPad.

                                    Maybe you are from india or other place where iphones are rare, the situation is very different in Western countries, Japan, even Korea.

                                    iPhones are very unevenly spread around the world, and by the way, you couldt sell your Micromax or Karbonn in most of those iPhone countries, who is the odd one out here?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 95e
                                      • 25 Mar 2014

                                      people below must be stupid.
                                      so you have used one phone in your life?
                                      i have bought 5 iphones does that make me 5 people
                                      please stay away if your stupid.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-209094
                                        • Kg{
                                        • 25 Mar 2014

                                        Well done, congrats to Apple. Now make a good phone with a decent OS so everyone can buy an iPhone. For a start they could fix the keyboard, at least make an option to turn off autoreplace, only that would move iOS two leagues up.

                                        Its hard to imagine that lots of iOS users install a third party keyboard app where they write their text messages on a decent keyboard, and then they copy the finished text, switches to the text message app, pastes the text there and send the message. Then back to the keyboard app again, repeat the above steps. Thats what Apples limitations means to lots of their customers in real life and this is one of the things that has to stop if they want to expand into new territory.

                                        Apple should learn from BlackBerry how to make things efficient and professional, maybe even buy BlackBerry. iOS is way too cumbersome to use efficently, why dont they do something about it????