iPhone users are switching to the Galaxy S5

01 July, 2014
Apple customers tired of waiting for a big-screen iPhone have been switching to the Galaxy S5.

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Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014What research results are you talking about? For this same... moreThe article is one thing, but my comments are based on Android vs iOS overall.

Following the third source link from the article, you can clearly find that Android is dominating Apple in every region aside from Japan. On a worldwide scale, Android destroys every mobile OS in existence.

This is bigger than the percentage of consumers switching from the iPhone to the Galaxy S5 in the UK, or the iPhone 5s/5c sales in that particular region (which it did lead).

Step back and look at this thing in its entirety. Android is a phenomenon! Globally, nothing comes close to its dominance on the mobile front. This is a fact that you can't dance around.

So, when you say to me, "So tell me who won." I can say, without a doubt, Android did and still is.

BTW, there are plenty of articles which detail fourth quarter gains/losses of Android, Apple, Windows, Blackberry.


Samsung forecast earlier this month that it expected to earn a quarterly profit of $8.3 billion on strong sales of its Galaxy handsets as well as solid demand for flat screens used in mobile devices. Samsung's full results are due by Jan 25.

Apple is forecast to have shipped 46 million iPhones in the quarter, up 25 percent from a year earlier, according to the poll.

The poll showed analysts expect Apple's full-year shipments to grow to 167 million this year from 134 million in 2012, while Samsung's shipments are expected to grow to 283 million smartphones in 2013 compared to 210 million in 2012.

There isn't anything left to be said. Facts!


    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PGX
    • 02 Jul 2014

    Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014His argument wasn't about Samsung it was about Android. So ... moreiPhones of course.

    If you consider Apple as one of the phone makers.. they still have the biggest share.

    What kinda unfair advantage do you want? 100025834096830468 vs 1 ?

      • D
      • AnonD-151727
      • pE4
      • 02 Jul 2014

      That's right!...

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mg9
        • 02 Jul 2014

        Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014This article states that 26% convert to Samsung S5, compare... moreHis argument wasn't about Samsung it was about Android. So therefore if Apple have this 22% where is the remaining 78%??? Probably about 60% going to android so therefore who is winning??

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PGX
          • 02 Jul 2014

          AnonD-205417, 02 Jul 2014what a funny joke, no one goes from 5' to a limited 4', LO... moreIt seems in the UK .. 22.1% prefers the 4 incher vs the 9% of the 5 incher ..

          Your point seems invalid there lol.

            • R
            • Robin
            • 6PP
            • 02 Jul 2014

            Even after the increase iphone screen will be a huge waste of space. Bcz there notorious home button and sensors in the upper part of screen take away huge chunk of screen and result is screen size remain same. moreover phones of similar physical size will have 1 inch larger screen than iphone can manage in that huge space.
            cheap cheat apple; the biggest loser

              • D
              • AnonD-205417
              • HFg
              • 02 Jul 2014

              what a funny joke,
              no one goes from 5' to a limited 4', LOL

                • K
                • Kettzy
                • bER
                • 02 Jul 2014

                Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014I have been using a Note 3 for the past 6 Months and the S5... moreYour comment seems very fake. And if you knew from Note 3 that the software is crap, why would you chose to get S5? Please make some sense even when you're trying to fake the comments.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4$v
                  • 02 Jul 2014

                  FreezeGame, 02 Jul 2014Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. Face the facts. The f... moreWhat research results are you talking about? For this same time period, how many of those iPhone buyers were switching from Android? Why are you glossing over the fact that the 5s and the 5c still sold more than the GS5 even though this was the first month after its release? Where are these numbers for 4Q? That's when the most phones are sold. You don't seem to have any meaningful benchmarks to be making such bold statements.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PGX
                    • 02 Jul 2014

                    FreezeGame, 02 Jul 2014Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. Face the facts. The f... moreThis article states that 26% convert to Samsung S5, compared to previous year 12% (likely S4)

                    Yet the highest sales for phone is:
                    1. iPhone 5c (11.1%)
                    2. iPhone 5s (11 %)
                    3. Samsung S5 (9%)

                    So in the end.. iPhone 5S + iPhone 5c (22.1%) vs S5 (9%).. despite the increase convert from 12 to 26%

                    So tell me who won.

                      Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. Face the facts.

                      The few people who say they switched from Android to iOS and it's the best move they have made are most likely trolls who can't stand the fact that the research results are in. Your comments are without merit when compared to an actual study.

                      Kantar has been reporting these statistics for years. Apple fans didn't have an issue when iOS was leading in market share. Now, however, when the shoe is on the other foot, with Android completely destroying Apple, its fans cry like babies.

                      Too bad. Accept the defeat and move on.


                        mixa, 02 Jul 2014Over 10 million S4 users switched to iPhone 5, true fact, s... moreLol. Source or it didn't happen.

                        Don't worry, I'll wait...but we all know that you're not going to produce any facts.


                          • m
                          • mixa
                          • pwT
                          • 02 Jul 2014

                          Over 10 million S4 users switched to iPhone 5, true fact, same as this while article.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mg9
                            • 02 Jul 2014

                            As an android user and working in the mobile phone market (in the UK) the S5 is a huge flop in my opinion, interest in it is very poor so i don't know where the evidence from this has come from?? Sales of the S5 have been that poor the CEO behind the phone actually resigned because it was doing that badly! Why pay and extra £10 per month for an S5 over even an S4 as there is barely any difference. The article may concentrate on how many people are going from iphone to the S5 but i would like to see how many people have gone from the S3 or S4 to the S5 and imagine the results will be poor as the phone just hasn't evolved, much like the iphone.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • frj
                              • 02 Jul 2014

                              I have been using a Note 3 for the past 6 Months and the S5 for about a month. Really good phones but very unstable software. Devices switching off. Wait months on end for an update for the OS. So i moved over to iOS and was the best move ever. Stable software, finger print scanner way better than S5, The audio it plays whether from the speaker or headset is superb. Not a single app has crashed. So in my opinion whether it matters or not, iOS will always be miles apart from Android.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PGX
                                • 02 Jul 2014

                                Never Androids. They do not have an app like StreamToMe.

                                Stuck with 64gb limiting storage... and 2~3 hrs to fully load with songs... Ewww.

                                While iOS users are enjoying good games... even WoT bliz.. android stuck with cartoon games LOL..

                                  • J
                                  • Jhonyy
                                  • m2D
                                  • 02 Jul 2014

                                  I switch from Samsung to Iphone and I`m very happy no lags and everything works fast and phone is made of solid materials.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-142922
                                    • 39x
                                    • 02 Jul 2014

                                    They want to have S5 instead of 5S now.. you know..

                                      left a premium material, went to a cheap quality material. Apple users! dumbs! lol

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4$v
                                        • 02 Jul 2014

                                        It's interesting to see the Apple haters jumping on this article without actually doing any critical thinking, yet criticize people who buy an iPhone as not doing critical thinking themselves. Why is this report only focusing on the third best selling device? Why not report on the 1st and 2nd best sellers as well? Since both the 5s and 5c sold more than the GS5, why not report how many of those buyers are coming from Samsung or Android in general? Why doesn't Kantar release a report on what percentage of people switch during the 4Q, the most important quarter of all? Is 26% better than average? What is the benchmark? There are so many unanswered questions about this report, but the Android fanboys will lap it up without actually looking at any context at all.