iPhone users are switching to the Galaxy S5

01 July, 2014
Apple customers tired of waiting for a big-screen iPhone have been switching to the Galaxy S5.

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  • A
  • AlbertAribe
  • 3C9
  • 02 Jul 2014

People have different spec and like. Just like the Samsung Android and Apple iPhone iOS. Whatever spec, features you want on your phone, you have to choice which is characteristics you belong. Whether Android or iOS. People keep competing each OS running to there phones. ARE YOU SATISFIED ON YOUR PHONE THAT YOUR USING AND IT'S OS?

    • D
    • AnonD-269201
    • nHg
    • 02 Jul 2014

    John, 02 Jul 2014That is partially correct. I have bought the 5S but as soon... moreDo you buy a new phone every 3-5 months? I can afford these devices, but its just stupid. I only upgrade devices every 2 years.

      • D
      • AnonD-105795
      • Qrj
      • 02 Jul 2014

      Game's over as Eric Schmidt stated while ago "We clearly won the war" . So stop defending

        Sherlock, 02 Jul 2014That's strange, even me as android user don't have interest... moreIt seems perfectly normal to me. For instance, I'm a Note 3 owner. I'm not interested in the S5 because I already have the most productive device on the market. It fits my needs perfectly and can only be replaced by another Note device.

        Now, when you take a non-Android user or iPhone owner, offer he/she the choice between the Galaxy S5 or iPhone 5s as a new purchase or upgrade, it's a no brainer to pick the Galaxy S5 as it trumps the iPhone 5s in high fashion.


          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • cT@
          • 02 Jul 2014

          Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014try to do some math... how many manufacturers/brands using ... moreYes, android is better than apple.

          The android OS is better, the android hardware is better, the range is greater, there are no restrictions, the prices are a lot less.

          That's why android has 80% or the phone market world wide.

            • S
            • Sherlock
            • vfx
            • 02 Jul 2014

            That's strange, even me as android user don't have interest to S5. but non-android user interested with S5. hmm...

              • J
              • Jarret
              • 25G
              • 02 Jul 2014

              Love Samsung's forever.......

                • D
                • AnonD-216196
                • 3Jy
                • 02 Jul 2014

                Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014That's the elephant in the room that they conveniently negl... moreYou've conveniently forgotten to mention that GS5 is hot on the heels of iPhone 5s (11% vs 9%) despite launching 9 months later - quite a headstart, and one would assume based on this uptake rate that it will comfortably overtake the Apple product over the summer. An article is quite right to focus on the third biggest selling smartphone, when it is by far the fastest selling!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nC6
                  • 02 Jul 2014

                  This article is hilarious, so basically people with a phone almost a year old, are buying a brand new model?

                  Will the same writer write the reverse article when iPhone 6 comes out?

                  Hilarious. It's all about headlines, which affects the feeling of the article.

                  For the same article, you could write this headline "Samsung Galaxy S5 unable to topple iPhone 5s and 5c sales despite being almost one year old"

                  This is how we're easily misled by media.

                    • d
                    • damo
                    • MyH
                    • 02 Jul 2014

                    Best thing i have ever done. No longer restriced what i can do with my phone. Apple needs to relax more.

                      • A
                      • Ankur
                      • U@b
                      • 02 Jul 2014

                      I play lots of online games like street fighter volt 4,kof ders r best online games in iphone not available in andriod phone soo i m still with iphone

                        • J
                        • John
                        • Mfx
                        • 02 Jul 2014

                        That is partially correct. I have bought the 5S but as soon as the iPhone 6 comes out I will go back to it.

                          • A
                          • AJ
                          • 3xy
                          • 02 Jul 2014

                          That's a silly Rumor , people usually upgrade.

                            Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014try to do some math... how many manufacturers/brands using ... more1.) try to do some math...

                            Here's some math: 2(a -3) + 4b - 2(a -b -3) + 5 = 6b + 5 (simplified)

                            2.) how many manufacturers/brands using android...

                            There are many manufacturers/brands using Android. Why? Well, because Android doesn't use a restricted ecosystem that limits everything its users do. The manufacturers are happy to build on such a great platform.

                            3.) and how many phone/brand is using ios?

                            Just one as far as I know. There is no other choice. You're stuck with whatever Apple decides is best for you. That's really sad.

                            4.) lets say, at least 100 against 1?

                            Okay, let's say that. (shrugs shoulders)

                            5.) well of course you will think that android beats ios, but does it really?

                            Well, if we're dealing with the facts, then yes, it does. Really.


                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 9x1
                              • 02 Jul 2014

                              AnonD-278523, 02 Jul 2014are you crazy? iphone 6 looks like ceap. Tin dustbin. even ... moreiphone has been proving these claims wrong... time and time again iphone beats everyone else....they've been doing that on performance, not on white papers

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PGX
                                • 02 Jul 2014

                                inox, 02 Jul 2014Drag and drop, seriously there are no excuses for needing t... moreWhy do your brain automatically turn to iTunes, when you talk about file transfer?

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-222616
                                  • PUB
                                  • 02 Jul 2014

                                  Hello Apple are you reading this??

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 9x1
                                    • 02 Jul 2014

                                    FreezeGame, 02 Jul 2014Catch up to what? Android overtook iOS as the most popul... moretry to do some math... how many manufacturers/brands using android...

                                    and how many phone/brand is using ios?

                                    lets say, at least 100 against 1?

                                    well of course you will think that android beats ios, but does it really?

                                      People are becoming more aware that Samsung is way better than iPhone that's why they are dropping their iPhone to s5 not only for the screen size. Americans... they need to start thinking out of the box

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • bJx
                                        • 02 Jul 2014

                                        People are so simple. Don't they know everyone is different? Don't try to force your opinion on others. Everything is subjective. 'Apple is the leader in quality', 'screen size is too big' etc, these are all OPINIONS not facts that you make out to be and attack others who disagree. Calm down. It's just a PHONE and I can't see any reason why you are blindly defending/attacking others like your life defended on it. Different people have preferences which might not be the same as yours and you have to accept that.