iPhone users are switching to the Galaxy S5

01 July, 2014
Apple customers tired of waiting for a big-screen iPhone have been switching to the Galaxy S5.

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  • I
  • IceCreamSandwich guy
  • 2mA
  • 02 Jul 2014

I want Galaxy S5 on ics. so that I can transfer the downloaded/installed app to the external SD card. :)

    • s
    • shafooo
    • NvI
    • 02 Jul 2014

    I don't think so, IOS user can leave IPhone and IPad. Samsung is good product but operating system is shit.. IOS is the best OS in the world... Apple is leading..

      • D
      • AnonD-89109
      • ute
      • 02 Jul 2014

      AnonD-243544, 02 Jul 2014still the galaxy s5 has a too big of a screen. the maximu... moreAbsolutely. S4's total dimensions are the maximum a human hand can hold on to and use with one hand more or less comfortably! I really have no freaking idea why the nuisance of this huge screen size is still on, definitely for some losers, who don't have a big enough monitor or TV and purchases a phone to replace those, cheap people.

      Everyone knows at one time all the manufacturers will have to dial it back, it simply can't go on, otherwise in 2025 your phone will carry you but the opposite.

      There should be three categories,

      A : A smartphone for human beings. 5-5.2" display, and max size like of Galaxy S4's.

      B : Phablets, Note 3 and this kinds.

      C : A huge stinking brick for cheap people, and go on with the current nonsense trend of upping the size, no one will bother.

      Do that fast, give us peace. I love the Moto X.

        • i
        • inox
        • mZs
        • 02 Jul 2014

        Anonymous, 02 Jul 2014Why are people still transferring files to phone? What are ... moreDrag and drop, seriously there are no excuses for needing to use itunes every single time for everything i do, cmon this is a no brainer - also PSD files for me / mini edited clips / or any other work document - just because some things i don't want up in the cloud...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • keg
          • 02 Jul 2014

          Samsung is king!! I love Samsung!!!

            • T
            • Tomm
            • Mjx
            • 02 Jul 2014

            I was not satisfied any more with the iPhone 4S screen size. iPhone 5S was no option for me, as it is still to small.

            I bought early this year a S4 for little more than I got for my 2 year old iPhone 4S.

            The screen size of the S4 is GREAT. I was not sure if it will be a problem to have it in the pocket. Until now I had never a problem with the size, only benefits.

            But with the user interface experience of android/samsung I'm not so happy.

            If there will be a bigger iPhone in this fall, I expect, I will switch back to iPhone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PGX
              • 02 Jul 2014

              Why are people still transferring files to phone? What are you transferring?

              My music / video / image collection already exceed 4TB.. why still squeeze into a small phone?..

                AnonD-87800, 02 Jul 2014That's right. When you buy an Apple product, you also buy t... moreThank you. Well said. The facts are overwhelming, and cannot be denied. +1

                  • P
                  • Paul
                  • 9CM
                  • 02 Jul 2014

                  I couldn't care less about screen size, I like my iPhone 5S and the fact that iTunes takes care of all the syncing. If I was to go back to Android I would buy a Nexus device as I prefer the vanilla Android experience to the heavily skinned Samsung one.

                  If you like Android devices buy one, if you like iOS devices buy one. It's your personal choice and no one can tell you that you are wrong.

                    • S
                    • Saleh
                    • Hxe
                    • 02 Jul 2014

                    Me too, I bought the S5 yesterday and I admit that, it is way way better than all my iPhone(s). Even my wife agreed with me,and she will be getting the mini s5.
                    Great job from Samsung folks.

                      • A
                      • AdamBoy64
                      • Fv4
                      • 02 Jul 2014

                      AnonD-123996, 02 Jul 2014Joke of the year. Are you watching a puppet show?No, time and time again new iPhone releases have been big sellers.

                      I see no evidence to suggest that this won't be the case again.

                        • d
                        • dlads
                        • 3GZ
                        • 02 Jul 2014

                        Compare a HTC with an Iphone 6 and you can see that Apples design team had a day off and just spotted a HTC in the paper an just thought you know what, no one will notice :)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-87800
                          • jKZ
                          • 02 Jul 2014

                          That's right. When you buy an Apple product, you also buy their services. That's why your device gets even more expensive as you use it. Apps in the app store are mostly expensive, iTunes cost money because it's the only thing you can use for file transfer (and you're tied to it whether you like it or not mainly because of its very RESTRICTED ecosystem). Apple might be a standard SEVEN years ago but now they ended up playing catch up (like catching up with the android big screens, adopting widgets, copying the notification bar, split screen multitasking, etc...


                            so lets fight....

                              • G
                              • Greek Analyst
                              • K5i
                              • 02 Jul 2014

                              Hmph I'm not surprised. Who doesn't like big displays? Once the iPhone 6 is out, those people will crave it and probably trade in their GS5 for it.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • wg5
                                • 02 Jul 2014

                                Bull_is_Bull, 02 Jul 2014Whaaat I think someone needs to clear up concepts. D... more1) Apple is no longer the standard for quality that it was. You only have to look at the hardware and software problems of the past few years. (screen quality, purple cameras, charging issues, battery issues, maps problems, i message issues etc)

                                2) Apple is actually the one playing catch up on hardware and software... larger phones, phablets, 7" tablets.... APPLE MISSED THE BOAT which is why they are losing market share on both phones and tablets.

                                Software wise they are behind android too.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-243544
                                  • mTV
                                  • 02 Jul 2014

                                  still the galaxy s5 has a too big of a screen.
                                  the maximum size of a phone is the galaxy s4 which i think is best for everything .
                                  in few years we won't be able to carry the new versions of galaxy by hand and we have to buy a carry bag for it .

                                  please don't write those article it only encourages the manufacturers to make bigger phones and the mini ones are also getting bigger and bigger
                                  the we will have the micro version of each phone.
                                  then the nano version .

                                    • O
                                    • Oncom
                                    • PZs
                                    • 02 Jul 2014

                                    Bull_is_Bull, 02 Jul 2014Whaaat I think someone needs to clear up concepts. D... moreOh, I fully agree with you that Apple is a standard. But Samsung driven by Android is a PREMIUM product.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-123996
                                      • SYK
                                      • 02 Jul 2014

                                      AdamBoy64, 02 Jul 2014They'll likely regret it when the iPhone 6 comes out. I ca... moreJoke of the year. Are you watching a puppet show?

                                        Bull_is_Bull, 02 Jul 2014Whaaat I think someone needs to clear up concepts. D... moreEvery company has their own problems and weakness dude......