Samsung Galaxy S4 set ablaze by counterfeit battery

26 July, 2014
The phone started burning while being kept under a pillow, fortunately not harming the person sleeping on it.

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I know right? The father uses a S3 while she uses a S4... He should of took the S4 and handed her the S3. Kids these days are so demanding. But of course, the parents are to blame for spoiling their kids. It's a lot easier to buy them something to shut them up then to teach them the value of earning for something.

    • T
    • The Neighbour
    • U@1
    • 27 Jul 2014

    These are tricks used by samsung to make people buy s5 and original accessories from them.

      • D
      • AnonD-146750
      • 7Xc
      • 27 Jul 2014

      Lesson Learned. DO NOT USE other battery or any accessories not approved by the manufacturer. And DO NOT ever ever ever! Blame the manufacturer for what ever reason of negligence. Read the manual carefully first, the terms and conditions including maintenance and warnings.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • t1$
        • 27 Jul 2014

        I am very bored entertain me pls

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t1$
          • 27 Jul 2014

          Hahaha Tolfree. Where is her toll free number for me 2 fone her for free? Hehehe jst kidding. Thankfully the kid is safe

            • H
            • Hani
            • a43
            • 27 Jul 2014

            I have S4 Samsung with original battery, I think every two months I need to change the battery from heat,which is really bad, thinking seriously to back to iPhone after years with Samsung.

              • i
              • iPhone better
              • fxM
              • 27 Jul 2014

              Best to buy iPhone. No such issues.

              Best price for value. Keep yourself safe. And resell when you do not need it anymore.

                • D
                • AnonD-2179
                • t7X
                • 27 Jul 2014

                I've always been sleeping with my phone under my pillow and nothing happens to it. Also sometimes I wake up in the morning and without knowing that my phone is already under my back, and still nothing happens to it! The company is not RESPONSIBLE for what happened, luckily it didn't happen to my samsung wave before hehehe, there's no such incident on my life.

                a battery will explode if putted on fire , Imagine on a hot day and you put your phone under your pillow , it would generate heat,until that heat is sufficient enough to swell your battery or either to explode it!.

                Or another reason is that your phone is shorted! and last thing is overcharging!. Those are the possible reasons for a phone to light up.

                But all I can say is this! F**Ck Samsung for this matter, I've never heard such case on other manufacturer's except SHAMESUNG I mean SAMSUNG. =)

                AND LAST THING EVEN IF IT"S A FAKE ONE if you take care of it properly and follow safety precautions it will not happen! I have my Samsung S2 with a fake battery! I bought it for 4$ and it's alive with a HEAVY USAGE!

                  • G
                  • Guru
                  • t1$
                  • 27 Jul 2014

                  Nowadays I see a lot of fake Samsung earphones and batteries with same packaging that Samsung uses but in those fake products, the brand name wouldn't be engraved but a plastic sticker would be attached on these accessories with the Samsung name and this decives many people into thinking the product is genuine and therefore ending up buying it and they only realize when the accessory doesn't perform as the original one. INHO all these so called big brands should have official stores in every big city wherein a user can buy original accessories and these brands should take legal actions against those brands that make look alike products and accessories of the original products.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-230517
                    • 7tJ
                    • 27 Jul 2014

                    Every electronics needs a ventilation process...why did he kept under the pillow???? Its not Samsung's faults!!!! Dont blame the company..

                      • D
                      • AnonD-109505
                      • jS9
                      • 27 Jul 2014

                      The U.S version comes with slight-overclocked version of Snapdragon 600, not the Exynos 5. As Snapdragon 600 is LTE-compliant.

                      This is another reason a 13-year old shouldn't have a high-end phone when if someone doesn't how to take care of it. A starter phone should always be an entry-level phone that costs between 100-150 dollars.

                      I also blame overcharging as well.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-81824
                        • v{U
                        • 27 Jul 2014

                        who doesent kno samsung gave money and changed the story

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Ki}
                          • 27 Jul 2014

                          AnonD-67553, 27 Jul 2014Sometimes use our brain that any mobile phone is need venti... moreBetter dun put it inside your pants. Best is u dun assume anything before the investigation is completed.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-276125
                            • 7w4
                            • 27 Jul 2014

                            chocowii, 27 Jul 2014This is the con of removable batteries. There is a chance t... moreWhat if i told you that you can replace "non-removable" batteries as well, even by yourself, if you have a little fixing and tech skills.
                            Even if you dont have skills and tools there are always these shady mobile repair centers, which in central and south east asia are the most accessible places. Taking in mind to the fact that not all brands have outlets in every counrty.

                              • T
                              • Tcool
                              • mGu
                              • 27 Jul 2014

                              xz2 user, 27 Jul 2014Whow. The mattress, the pilow, the phone? Replacement? th... moreNice idea.
                              Maybe I should try that at home.
                              Putting counterfeit battery in my Samsung phone and covering it with pillow all night long.

                              Samsung will replace my old bed, pillow and phone with new ones.

                                • R
                                • Rupinder singh
                                • uF0
                                • 27 Jul 2014

                                It happens with my S4 too. just kept it under pillow before sleeping and when woke up found it like hot as fire. Immediately I remove the battery and jept kept it a side coz I was afraid of it being blast.

                                  • x
                                  • xz2 user
                                  • t1$
                                  • 27 Jul 2014

                                  Whow. The mattress, the pilow, the phone? Replacement? thats great sumsung. I wish i could have any Sammy in my life.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-218710
                                    • y@W
                                    • 27 Jul 2014

                                    If this can happen n USA, stuff China sends, then rest of world is flooded with a dollar batteries. They are only available, never n my 20years have I used, said to be original. They look alike with all specifications printed, then The Original wth set are to from China.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-5197
                                      • QwE
                                      • 27 Jul 2014

                                      AnonD-5197, 27 Jul 2014There are more benefits in having replaceable batteries th... moreBTW, 99% of the times the counterfeit batteries work perfectly fine. When's the last time you heard of battery flaming up on the news in the last 10 years of so many people using these replaceable batteries? It takes just one idiot to give bad name to something so useful.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-5197
                                        • QwE
                                        • 27 Jul 2014

                                        Angry Mobile Nerd, 27 Jul 2014Nope, I WILL partially blame Samsung. This is a huge probl... moreThere are more benefits in having replaceable batteries than worrying about people not following user manual or not using common sense. It's not fair for the people with common sense to be rid of those benefits.

                                        "We shouldn't allow anyone to drive a vehicle because some people don't follow rules and don't use common sense. It's just simply too dangerous."