Nokia brand gone soon, the "Phone" in Windows Phone too
- D
- AnonD-105312
- sSJ
- 11 Sep 2014
It's really heart touching.
One of d leading company in mobile history is now no where but its still going to remain in everyone's heart forever.
Good bye Nokia & Thank you so much for all your great phones.
- D
- AnonD-305748
- nxI
- 11 Sep 2014
Imagine a world where Nokia went with android instead of windows. They would probably be best sellers and the competition and innovation would have been better meaning all android phones would be better because of it. Now we can only dream that could have happened.
- H
- Hesht
- Mm7
- 11 Sep 2014
In terms of quality products, I don't think this will change much. The Microsoft Surface, for example, is a very well built tablet, I would even put its build quality on par with the iPad. The Lumia 730 and 830 seem to be very well put together devices and I don't think the build quality will be adversely affected.
I do think, however, that consumers will react negatively as they view Microsoft in a poor light when it comes to mobiles and tablets. This started with Nokia's decision to make Windows Phone devices and certainly wasn't helped by Microsoft's purchase of Nokia earlier this year. I think the move is a poor one that will cost Microsoft its mobile sales but will have no affect on the quality of the phone hardware.
- t
- theBreadSultan
- nxX
- 11 Sep 2014
As someone who sells phones - This is a BAD move. Nokia has very strong brand recognition - and is fairly unique in that almost every single person who is likely to buy a phone in the west has had a positive experience with Nokia - the brand makes people think about reliability, build quiality - not many tech companies (are there any others?) have the same?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 11 Sep 2014
AnonD-6193, 11 Sep 2014logically for the true fans of Nokia..
Nokia is not dead..... moreIts more like "Fanboys" and not fans....
I can't see the Nokia of past anymore, as far as my sights go...
Nokia's fans were fans of certain culture & products, and all that is gone. Now, I only see a company where mostly all the old timers have left, and nothing called values exists anymore.
A company which will gladly screw up Symbian and MeeGo owners of their services, even those relating to other services, like Facebook.
Hell, even the products are not the same, so how are you saying that Nokia is living inside Microsoft?
And think for a moment, why was Jolla Inc. made? Think about it.
- P
- Praveen
- uw8
- 11 Sep 2014
Microsoft can erase the name only from device but not from millions of heart,,
- D
- AnonD-6193
- vGj
- 11 Sep 2014
logically for the true fans of Nokia..
Nokia is not dead...
Nokia is living inside Microsoft
- a
- anand
- xgD
- 11 Sep 2014
I can wait for Nokia ...10 years
- D
- AnonD-179801
- Bgd
- 11 Sep 2014
THISARA, 11 Sep 2014
No need NOKIA with Windows OS
We need NOKIA with Andro... moreI believe they did that already, seems like they still insists of "Microsoft"-ing the Android. No Play Store on the device.
As you can predict, it fails in the market.
- D
- AnonD-179801
- Bgd
- 11 Sep 2014
I don't understand why Microsoft insists of eliminating Nokia brand. Is it because of "owner" ego?
Apart from XBox, Microsoft has bad reputation regarding Hardware so changing Nokia to Microsoft might hurt the growth traction.
Better they just create a new brand called "Lumia" instead of using Microsoft.
- S
- SX@
- 11 Sep 2014
Windows Phone, Android ?! MeeGo was much better, but before people can try it Elop kill it. And he know what he do, because MeeGo will overcome Microsoft product, they even try to rule out a possiblity buy phone with MeeGo. Nokia N9 with Harmattan MeeGo 1.2 + Qt was really great phone and OS.
Nokia should make phones with MeeGo and...Symbian, they have Nokia Music, Ovi shop, Maps/Here..and many fans. Maybe they have little delay but Belle was good. If not Symbian they should really fast change it to Android but not 2010-2012. MeeGo and Android could be best for company, many old Nokia fans wait for good phone with Android. WP today is little better but still dont have Symbian functionality (wp lose also android) and is locked. Microsoft market share in smartphones is so poor, WP market share is weak. RIP Nokia
- J
- Joy
- uNV
- 11 Sep 2014
"Nokia" we will miss you! :'(
- P
- Phone facepalm
- uS{
- 11 Sep 2014
Lumia Lover, 11 Sep 2014Good move by MSoft. Microsoft Lumia is much better and more... moreAgreed. It maybe bad for some but good for some people.
- D
- AnonD-301832
- uua
- 11 Sep 2014
This move has dug the grave for MS. Nokia is a brand that has stood for legendary reliability and stability unlike the crash-happy Microsoft S/W. The only way out is despite the new brand , MS lets Nokian engineers work the way they do.
- W
- Wild Flowers
- ibf
- 11 Sep 2014
AnonD-55961, 11 Sep 2014OMG! Microsoft has finally killed the great giant.
Oh Noki... moreI say is the best and wise decision Nokia has had taken by far. By leaving the phone business to others, Nokia can concentrate on other profiting business.
Phones used to be luxury items, then a necessity but now a commodity. With more and more models coming out from China and Korea, consumer spoiled with choices from A to Z with wide pricing ranges, so are profit margin getting smaller and smaller till zero as most network carriers give away the phone almost free to end-user + package.
If Nokia were to stay in the business, it has to innovate and invest but human resources not easy to come by, specially in the commodity business which needs huge sales volume to cover the cost.
If performance hard to maintain, it will drag Nokia down financially, not a good news to investor.
- D
- AnonD-397
- 0V{
- 11 Sep 2014
Thanx good, finally!
Nobody crying, bye!
- R
- w9D
- 11 Sep 2014
- s
- sajid latif
- uQ{
- 11 Sep 2014
No nokia no windows phone...we love nokia
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 3xJ
- 11 Sep 2014
Nokia you will never die, You Will always live in million of our Hearts. Microsoft we hate you we don't wanna your mobile or tablet. Have better other user friendly choice.Good bye Nokia...!! your decision is worst decision in 21st Century....!! :-(
- L
- Lumia Lover
- t1$
- 11 Sep 2014
Good move by MSoft. Microsoft Lumia is much better and more modern. Finally, we can expect good things from Microsoft and WP OS