iPhone 6 sales reach record 10 million in first weekend

22 September, 2014
Apple's new, bigger iPhones have already managed to break a sales record for the company.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • EYH
  • 23 Sep 2014

destro, 23 Sep 2014Iphones are always going to be big sellers due an excellent... moreexcellent marketing indeed LOL
all the bullshit numbers
best phone in the world, LOL, dummy's favorite!

    • s
    • samsunic
    • Ibx
    • 23 Sep 2014

    Good news for apple; however, samsung note4 is going to outsell that number (10,000,000).

      • I
      • Imacatlover
      • RxV
      • 23 Sep 2014

      This post like all others before it is ambiguous, half truth at best. Are all this 10 mil phones sold to end user purchases or did some of it went to 3rd party retailers and online sellers, I'm betting on a hefty chunk went to the latter as the post said and i quote "Though if you were hoping for a breakdown of sales between the two iPhone 6 models, you're out of luck, as Apple didn't provide more details".

      Its a bait tactic people, all brands do it so take it with a grain of salt and a lot of common sense

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4$v
        • 23 Sep 2014

        Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014Wow. They gained a few sales because they finally joined 20... moreYes, and now millions of NEW users are going to buy iPhones because they can have larger screens without having to depend on Android.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4$v
          • 23 Sep 2014

          Every year a new iphone is released and every year it's the same story. . . iHaters gnashing their teeth and pulling out their hair in frustration. And most people just ignoring them and focusing on the more important things in their life.

            • M
            • Mark
            • bCj
            • 23 Sep 2014

            AnonD-299124, 23 Sep 2014My Galaxy S5 developed the mm-qcamera-daemon bug after a me... moreI almost agree with that.. but if you know rooting and backing up your files in your Ext. Card, which Apple never do, then there's no way for you to loose your files, coz you can RESTORE all over again.. It's just a mind game that Android loyals like me does, with lesser bucks to spend.

              • S
              • SamX
              • t7{
              • 23 Sep 2014

              i wonder if note 4 could reach that sales??? a lot of android users praises note 4 but it turns out they cant afford the damn unit thats why ALL the comments are praises for note 4 top of the line specs, but thats it, most android users are just upto drolling over note 4 but cannot but it, but apple users, well let the numbers speak for itself. no matter how "old" the specs the facts remains the same, iphone outsells every android phone

                • h
                • hell ho
                • u7I
                • 23 Sep 2014

                mixa, 22 Sep 2014As someone already said.- Everyone wants one (iphone 6).Eve... moreit's a marketing gimick!

                  Iphones are always going to be big sellers due an excellent marketing Apple does.

                  If you like an "easy to use" phone, then iphone is the one. It is also a status symbol, people buy them because of that.

                  No matter what anybody says here, that's the reality and it is not going to change.

                  Good luck to iphone buyers.

                    • A
                    • AdamBoy64
                    • Fv4
                    • 23 Sep 2014

                    Angry Mobile Nerd, 23 Sep 2014As I predicted, the iPhone 6 just blew every other phone ou... moreWell said. That's an undisputable fact right there.

                      • A
                      • AdamBoy64
                      • Fv4
                      • 23 Sep 2014

                      [deleted post]There are so many things wrong with this comment, it's hard to know where to begin.

                      That takes effort.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-299124
                        • 6u9
                        • 23 Sep 2014

                        Samsung fanboy, 22 Sep 2014I feel extremely sorry for you if you truly believe that. s... moreMy Galaxy S5 developed the mm-qcamera-daemon bug after a mere month of use. The only solution for it is a full factory reset which means losing all your Data. Samsung cant fix it under warranty as well. I paid 750 USD for my phone. Cash.

                        My friend's 3GS however, still runs strong and just needed a battery change after years in service.

                        That shows Android is nowhere near ready for prime time and thats why Android users who have been burned are going to iOS.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • q8Q
                          • 23 Sep 2014

                          AnonD-299124, 23 Sep 2014Specs and features =/= User experience. Galaxy S4 is a p... moreYou started off sounding on the right track but then veered way off.

                          Except yes. Apple wins in per phone sales.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-299124
                            • 6u9
                            • 23 Sep 2014

                            Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014The better features and specs mean better experience/qualit... moreSpecs and features =/= User experience.

                            Galaxy S4 is a prime example. It has a ton of features, but 90 percent of them are totally useless or gimmicky. The Camera of the HTC One M8 is another example.

                            Android rules at the low end because of the sheer numbers of Android OEMs out of china who can sell at a few percent above cost due to the high volume.

                            However, Apple owns the flagship market, as seen by sales here.

                            Out here in Dubai, Used S5/G3/One prices have crashed. Used S5 can be had for as low as 350 usd.

                            People are throwing their Samsungs and HTC phones in the trash for new iphones with the 128 GB models costing up to 2000 USD and STILL finding buyers. That is the value of the Apple brand.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Kh@
                              • 23 Sep 2014

                              most people buy and resell at higher price.
                              at least 1/3 are going to China

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • bx9
                                • 23 Sep 2014

                                5 million were sold and used in US.
                                5 million were sold and shipped to China for corrupted officials at 2x price

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-276592
                                  • vpH
                                  • 23 Sep 2014

                                  It won't sell in the Philippines, even hardcore social climbers can't afford it.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PG{
                                    • 23 Sep 2014

                                    The sales figure doesn't equal to the real user figure. In Asia, every non user just try to get one and put it on ebay to have a good price. In the end I expect only 1/3 of the sales figure are the real users

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • xU9
                                      • 23 Sep 2014

                                      AnonD-299124, 22 Sep 2014Apple sells because people buy experiences, not specs. This... moreWell, I am an Android fan (not a fanboy-crazy-type, though). What I do understand is that experience includes the ability to customize your phone exactly to your liking. Both cosmetically (layout, widgets, etc.) and functionally (adding or extending features). Android truly excels here, while Apple... well... :) I may have been lucky, but I never experienced serious bugs in Android, apart from a couple of hardware issues (that's an OEM fault, not Android's!). I am mostly using stock ROMs, but rooted and tweaked to my preferences. And it works. My devices are fast, stable, with features that I like, and without bloat and useless crap. I don't personally own an iPhone, but I used them, and I find iOS way less convenient and often counterintuitive, compared to Android. I do own a MacBook Pro, running the latest Mavericks OS, and I will take a good Windows PC over it any day. Same reasons: customizations and convenience of use. You will laugh, but my main PC is a 6-year old (!!!) Dell laptop, which is running Windows 8.1 without a single problem.

                                      Basically, people should choose what fits their needs, be it Android, Apple/iOS, Windows, or what not. I couldn't care less what others are using. But Apple products are generally for people that are happy with what they are GIVEN, not with what they WANT. And one thing that Apple is very good at is convincing its customers that they really want what they are given... :)

                                      Objectively, Apple has a huge advantage: a closed ecosystem. Android world suffers from fragmentation, compatibility issues, and inconsistent product quality from different OEMs. No argument here. But diversity is still a good thing. BTW, it's retarded to blame the OS developers for hardware failures (unless it's Apple, of course), and yet people are routinely doing just that. A "crappy Android phone" doesn't mean "crappy Android", plain and simple.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • q8Q
                                        • 23 Sep 2014

                                        Angry Mobile Nerd, 23 Sep 2014As I predicted, the iPhone 6 just blew every other phone ou... moreWow. They gained a few sales because they finally joined 2011 screen size and resolutions and billions of fans are throwing themselves at the long awaited change....
                                        So shocking and meaningful.