Sapphire crystal maker for Apple Watch goes bankrupt
- D
- Dot-WiFi
- IV$
- 07 Oct 2014
AnonD-301829, 07 Oct 2014Apple: I have a dream! one day I can make apple watch and s... moreother sue samsung nobody bats an eyes , apple sue samsung , everybody lost their mind
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ibx
- 07 Oct 2014
Shaun, 07 Oct 2014Am not surprise of this and any other company that supplies... moreYes, you're one of the few people who understand how bad it is for suppliers to do busy with Apple.
Apple is notorious for grinding suppliers to dust with deals that hardly pay them anything. Suppliers feel they have to make the deal, so they can have the cache of being a company that supplies Apple and attract other customers that way. And they don't want to be the one who was passed over or couldn't work with Apple. But they really don't make money directly off of Apple.
It's not surprising that a relatively small company, making the sapphire crystals, couldn't handle this brutal business model. It's really only something for a very big supplier with deep pockets.
Apple is a mean company. But it makes the herd of nice American yuppies happy, as if somehow they're doing a favor to the world by using Apple products.
- D
- AnonD-301829
- C6m
- 07 Oct 2014
Apple: I have a dream! one day I can make apple watch and sue other companies who make the same smartwatch
- S
- Shaun
- kiQ
- 07 Oct 2014
Paying $27 for the glass and bet it doesn't cost a hundred dollars to bill but the price of the watch start at $350, what did you supplier expected?
- S
- Shaun
- kiQ
- 07 Oct 2014
Am not surprise of this and any other company that supplies Apple with parts. As we can all see, Apple pay cheap and sell very expensive. No wonder they get extra rich in such a short time. Apple suck the life blood out of every one they touch and doing it so convincingly that they have million following them and believe every thing they say. They copy some one after a couple of years and their follower believed they are the first/innovative. Whenever their product are flawed and the media point it out they strike at you as if you are wrong. the two last boss at Apple did it and Steve Job say bad stuffs about Microsoft and then run back to Bilgate for help to keep Apple alive. Blood suckers!
- J
- Jerryisback
- Bqx
- 07 Oct 2014
So Apple will surely buy it, just like siri.
And later on only Apple can make the patented Sapphire lens and screens.
Way to go Apple!
- A
- AdamBoy64
- Fv4
- 07 Oct 2014
Chupacabra, 07 Oct 2014Considering Apple iOS has a shrinking 10% world marketshare... more10% is huge. And there's a massive amount of profit for Apple in that 10%.
- C
- Chupacabra
- c}h
- 07 Oct 2014
Considering Apple iOS has a shrinking 10% world marketshare, any of its suppliers can end up bankrupt like GT Advanced.
- D
- AnonD-212255
- 07 Oct 2014
Trooper, 06 Oct 2014You obviously don't know the joke ?.Joke? There's nothing funny nor clever. Your analogy was dead wrong. Get educated
- D
- AnonD-5197
- Yde
- 07 Oct 2014
AnonD-105795, 06 Oct 2014Apple is the cheapest company on earth. They never got list... moreHahaha. I think Apple sales people have pretty decent jobs. I hear a lot of decent pay and enjoyable work. What you should really avoid are the companies that work for Apple. Such as the Sapphire screen providers in this article. Lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- D3%
- 06 Oct 2014
Mucl, 06 Oct 2014I'm no financial expert or something, but I thought bankrup... moreBankrupcy means a person or company can not pay its current debt. It does not mean they have no money. A company could have billions of dollars and still be bankrupt because they are not able to withdraw their funds in a timely manner to pay its debtors.
- s
- sturmen
- NN9
- 06 Oct 2014
Mucl, 06 Oct 2014I'm no financial expert or something, but I thought bankrup... moreIt simply means they have more debt they can ever pay back. So they may have $85 million in cash but owe like $250 million.
- j
- justaguy
- jGf
- 06 Oct 2014
Mucl, 06 Oct 2014I'm no financial expert or something, but I thought bankrup... moresee here:,_Title_11,_United_States_Code#Chapter_11_in_general
chapter 7 is liquidation, 11 is not
- D
- AnonD-105795
- FL%
- 06 Oct 2014
AnonD-5197, 06 Oct 2014Maybe Apple under cut them waaaaay too much. LolApple is the cheapest company on earth. They never got listed as the best company to work for.
- M
- McKnully
- QYs
- 06 Oct 2014
This is what you get for slaving for Apple. A lot of work but not enough payment to stay afloat.
- D
- AnonD-292172
- prM
- 06 Oct 2014
Mucl, 06 Oct 2014I'm no financial expert or something, but I thought bankrup... moreYeah you are wright you don't Know, but that money isn't enought maybe for few days and then, goodbye
- D
- AnonD-84571
- HF6
- 06 Oct 2014
"for those who are unfamiliar with jokes, the following statement is Joke,"
Apple: Recently we filed a patent infringement for our Watch; an unknown company is producing such sapphire crystal for watches' screen like ours that we introduced in September. And as we have someone in judicial system we won the case and the good news is that the company filed their bankruptcy. there is also an unknown issue which production line of our watches met which we have to post pone the arrival of the watches!!!!!!!
- R
- RejZoR
- 3pt
- 06 Oct 2014
Mucl, 06 Oct 2014I'm no financial expert or something, but I thought bankrup... moreThat's why they are mentioning Chapter 11, which allows restructuring and continuation of the business. Chapter 7 however means complete bankruptcy, close down of the offices and plants, sales of teh assets and yeah, liquidation of the company.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TXn
- 06 Oct 2014
AnonD-212255, 06 Oct 2014The "midas touch" turned everything into gold. ... moreWrong
"Midas touch" turns everything in sh...
But because the zombies buy it anyhow, you confuse the sh..t with gold.
- K
- Kelka
- sED
- 06 Oct 2014
Other companies will learn from this and avoid doing business with Apple, lol.