Apple looking to diversify production of ultra-wide-angle lens due to coronavirus

Yordan, 03 March 2020

The consequences of the novel coronavirus named Covid-19 are hitting the smartphone world and its future products. Apple’s main provider of ultra-wide-angle lenses in Yujingguang is having issues with meeting production deadlines, which will lead to diversifying the orders, therefore Cupertino might have to pay a bit more for the shooter.

Apple looking to diversify production of ultra-wide-angle lens due to coronavirus

According to a researcher’s note, the company might get only between 30% and 40% of all orders, and other manufacturers will join the race due to lower-than-usual production levels as many cities in China are under quarantine. Looking to diversify its deliveries might also help Apple in the future if one factory closes completely.

The impact of Covid-19 in China pushed Apple to change its guidance for the January-March financial quarter. Apple’s whole retail operation in China closed around the outbreak of the virus, but then half of the stores reopened with extra safety measures and limited opening hours on top of people being limited to get out and go to stores in general.



Reader comments

Really surprise to hear that. I thought Exynos is good.

By your logic, all iPhones are inferior. Their displays, for instance, were sourced from different manufacturers ever since because no single supplier can satisfy the bulk of productions worldwide.

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