OnePlus 5 to get the Face Unlock feature from the 5T

Prasad, 25 December 2017

The OnePlus 5 will be getting the Face Unlock feature from the OnePlus 5T in a software update. This information was relayed by OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei on Twitter, who said the feature is being added to the OnePlus 5 by popular demand.

Currently, OnePlus' Face Unlock feature is only available on their flagship OnePlus 5T. It's a much simpler version of the technology used on the iPhone X as it uses just the front facing camera. This allows it to be much faster but at the same time, less secure. As such, it is only available for unlocking your phone unlike Apple's implementation.

OnePlus did not specify a timeline for when the OnePlus 5 will be getting this feature. It was not found in the new OxygenOS 5.0 update based on Android Oreo.

OnePlus did not comment on if the older OnePlus devices will be getting this feature as well but it's almost entirely likely that they won't.


Reader comments

Nothing. He's just a hater. Face ID is excellent.

  • AnonD-696124
  • 27 Dec 2017
  • ix9

true, apple's face id is a smart implementation which works flawlessly even in low light. The oneplus 5T struggles hardly at night, taking as much as a whole 2 seconds to unlock or not even unlocking at all. But i love the onelpus 5T no matter what. ...

  • Anonymous
  • 27 Dec 2017
  • 0cL

Did you read the article: "OnePlus' Face Unlock feature is only available on their flagship OnePlus 5T. It's a much simpler version of the technology used on the iPhone X as it uses just the front facing camera. This allows it to be much faster ...

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