Concept: This is how Oxygen OS 10 under Android Q could look

Ivan, 22 July 2019

Recently OnePlus hosted a contest for an honorary community Product Manager for the development of Oxygen OS 10 and winner Léandro Tijink submitted the following screenshots as his idea for the next version of OnePlus' OS.

Oxygen OS 10 will be the next version of OnePlus' OS that will run Android Q in the fall and will likely premiere on the OnePlus 7T series.

While strictly a concept with ideas and suggestions, this showcase of what Oxygen OS 10 could be can lead to some of the suggestions to be featured in the final product. Léandro Tijink met with the team working on the future versions of Oxygen OS in Shenzhen to propose his ideas.

Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept
Oxygen OS 10 concept

His concept of Oxygen OS 10 looks clean and refined. He has included a new Amoled Black theme to go in line with Android Q's own Dark Theme.

The circular icons are reminiscent of Google's Pixel launcher. The recent apps switcher is a carousel-styled list of cards and the Shelf UI (the one to the left of the homescreen) has been redesigned too.

Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept
Oxygen OS 10 concept

There's no telling how much of Tijink's suggestions will be taken into account by OnePlus. But it's a nice concept of one of the cleanest Android OS' around.

Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept Oxygen OS 10 concept
Oxygen OS 10 concept



Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 23 Jul 2019
  • 6wN

Much lightweight and better than heavy user interfaces. Less features more performance. Remember that before buying new smartphone.

  • Anonymous
  • 23 Jul 2019
  • Y7u

Good point, it'll be a very handy feature for 6T owners like me and owners of more recent models.

  • Anonymous
  • 23 Jul 2019
  • Y7u

The system icons are reminiscent of Windows 10, not that I'm complaining or anything.

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