Nielsen: dedicated apps beat mobile sites for US droid users

18 August, 2011

Nielsen have put out an interesting report about app usage on smartphones - it asks the question "Are dedicated apps more popular than mobile web sites?" And the answer is yes - twice as popular, in fact.

The usage statistics were collected from US Android users and compares the time spend using a service's dedicated mobile app to the time people just head over to the mobile web site of that service.

And the dedicated apps unequivocally have it - the ratio is two to one in their favor.

It's also curious how uneven things are when looking at the top 10 apps and less popular - people spend about 43% of their time on the top 10 apps, 61% on the top 50, while the remaining 250,000+ apps get only a 39% share of the users' time.

Our own phone usage report shows that using apps is one of the essential features - but browsing the web ranks higher. But then it was a world-wide study, so it shows that usage patterns in the US are not the same as in the rest of the world. Check out our Mobile phone usage report 2011 here.


Reader comments

  • Jon (Swe)
  • 20 Aug 2011
  • mhB

I really disslike this App-hysteria. Mobile web-sites could be evolved to include all the same features as apps (integration with built in GPS, and so on). That would gain everybody, no matter what phone they use. Or tablet. Sites scales bet...

  • Jon (Swe)
  • 20 Aug 2011
  • mhB

Actually USA did not invent the mobile phone. Several of countries were involved. The Cell-technology comes out of sweden. The dialer also comes out of sweden. The firt mobile phone call was made in sweden. But there were other coutries invol...

  • Jeromeo
  • 19 Aug 2011
  • Rbq

The US is the nation which invented the cellular phone. The US is the nation with the most lucrative smartphone market on the planet. Just because the sheer numbers of internet usage vs. apps reflect differently because of India & China (both...

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