Nokia 2760
- t
- toh
- N9M
- 14 Mar 2008
I'm using this phone and it's a very good, convenient piece of machine. I like browsing the net too!
- k
- kalachuchay
- vxv
- 14 Mar 2008
hello, this phone was very great phone.. I love the camera of this phone.. Great cellphone.. I have no bad times with my phone 2760..
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxf
- 13 Mar 2008
dis is a gud is really gud....itz just a value 4 money ph!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv0
- 13 Mar 2008
I love this phone, the buttons are so nice and big, something my old phone didn't have. Great phone :)
- J
- 0au
- 09 Mar 2008
this phone sucks--- way to many dropped calls- oh yeah i can never hear the person on the other end and i always have to say "what did you say, im sorry i didnt hear you", i hate and i mean hate this phone-- i will take it back and get my money !! dropped calls in a major city, really pisses me off, i could understand if i were in a wooded area or the country but no a city!! never buy this phone !!
- g
- grace
- Sar
- 08 Mar 2008
nokia 2760 is a very superb phone. Sleek and easy to operate. has so many features. thanks to nokia. the camera is nice i love 2760.
- K
- KooL
- PxR
- 07 Mar 2008
dis cell is awsome
i am using dis cell
its awsome for me
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4S7
- 06 Mar 2008
Can't hear very well from the speaker, sending it back, i like everything else about the phone, but what's the point when you can barely hear the person on the other end!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nxs
- 05 Mar 2008
nice phone dudu
- h
- hassan
- n9j
- 05 Mar 2008
10 seconds vedio so little.good wave rings.i will change it soon.
- j
- jack
- 0Uj
- 04 Mar 2008
it's a phone very good i love't
- m
- md firoz
- PUb
- 01 Mar 2008
there is a wrong information about nokia-2760 in your specifications.
In data section:
Edge: class-10
but there is no edge in 2760.
so correct it frequently.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xZ%
- 29 Feb 2008
It is normal that new batteries need few full discharge-recharge cycles before they reach their full capacity, so don't worry - just make sure you completely discharge it this first few times, before recharging, and it will be ok...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv0
- 29 Feb 2008
this phone is awesome, it has a great camera and does everything a nokia should do :)
- s
- shif
- U2h
- 28 Feb 2008
can you please tell me about the battery back up. i bought this 3 days back but the battery is draining out fully after a day. i m really worried.
- k
- kabita
- 2SU
- 27 Feb 2008
it is a very good phone.I use it with very joy. I suggest all can buy this phone without any fear.
- M
- MarkL
- MK6
- 26 Feb 2008
To the dude below:
ya must have weird hands!
it fits perfectly, and it's nice to hold while talking.
nice to write text messages too.
gr8 phone, i'm lovin it. never loses signal.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@4
- 25 Feb 2008
This is the worst phone I have ever used... Reason being that it's the most uncomfortable phone to hold in hand with very cheap build quality...
Price/Features wise it good but it's design just makes it crap...
- M
- Mahin
- M@T
- 25 Feb 2008
I want to buy this phone.i want to know about its performance.plz suggest me at
- ?
- Anonymous
- jsM
- 23 Feb 2008
I just want to say that I really love this phone, I upgraded from a Nokia 6061 to this phone. This was the smartest move I ever made when dealing with my cell phone