Nokia 3230
- s
- smanthrala
- iws
- 16 Aug 2005
When i switch-on my 3230, it is giving an error saying 'App Closed, StartUp'. and then onwards, none of the functions are working except making and receiving calls. I'm facing this prob from 2 days. Earlier it was working fine from 3 months.
One observation is if I switch-on and switch-off multiple times, i was starting properly once in 10 times.
Can anyone tell me if anybody faced similar problem? Is it a prob in instrument or something can be done to fix this?
Thanks in advance,
- c
- chard
- P%u
- 16 Aug 2005
uhh. hey guys!! does it play wav files?? :-) need an answer asap.. pls? hehe
- s
- shailesh
- TRc
- 16 Aug 2005
AZIZ .....if u want to use MMC card memory for contacts & messeges...kindly download one of that software is Contacts....then u can use MMC card for contacts & msgs...for ne other details mail me
- Q
- QD
- 14 Aug 2005
Same here with my n-gage qd orange version.. The problem is that we shouldn't buy the fone if the mini bulb is placed left and right side of the fone.. else we will have a diff view from a diff angle.. be sure when buying a fone next time that the bulb is placed up and down side to have a perfect view from different sides..
- s
- s
- nbq
- 14 Aug 2005
when i look to the top of the LCD from a side veiw , i see alternating light and shadow , but when i look at the LCD straight on , it is absolutly normal , my mobile is brand new , i bought it 5 days ago .IS THAT NORMAL ?
- B
- Balazs Steppán
- mYe
- 14 Aug 2005
Processor ??? MHz 3230 nokia.
Siemens SX1 = 3230 Nokia ???
- a
- amit
- Q5x
- 14 Aug 2005
hey krishna this one is for u
i have a nokia 6600 and the camera settings i can decide where the store the pics ie in phone memory or mmc by default it stores it in phone momory untill and unless u change it
chk your camera settings and see it stores it in phone memory or mmc
hope it helps u since i havn't used a 3230 yet
- a
- amit
- Q5x
- 14 Aug 2005
i was about to buy this one for my sis but the nokia gallery owner said plenty of probs with keyboard, plenty of n3230's are coming back with keyborad problem; any n3230 user experienced the above problem plz let me know as soon as possible
- a
- ati2
- nme
- 13 Aug 2005
My battery maximum standby time is 5 days in Hungary (same as my old SE T300).
- a
- arnas
- nbt
- 13 Aug 2005
How many days battery holds to you?
- x
- xGTx
- jnP
- 13 Aug 2005
Use MsvDriveE, get it from
- A
- Aziz
- Pxd
- 13 Aug 2005
Is there any possible way to copy sms to mmc. Messages recieved via bluetooth also saved in the phone memory, pls help to copy these messages to mmc
- j
- jo
- Pv9
- 13 Aug 2005
the song quality its kind of good really, a friend of mine have this one a love it =)
- S
- Shailesh
- TRc
- 12 Aug 2005
man...just ask this mobile..which function u dont contain ? just it contains all..the 1st mobile by nokia which has almost all the camera..1 HR video recording..what else u want in ur life ? go n buy it...the best phone..i ever had...i used 9500 u can trust me..
- t
- tom
- 12 Aug 2005
guys please refrain from askin da same questions over n over again; all these things hav been discussed b4 ; plz do hav a look at da previous pages
- ?
- ???
- Ihm
- 12 Aug 2005
are mono mp3 players goodish?is the sound qulity ok?cld som 1 plz tel me.thanx!!!
- m
- matty
- Ihm
- 12 Aug 2005
hello!i hav jus ordered this fone and wld like to no if u can use mp3s as ringtones???i jus wanna no 4 sure.thnx!!!
- N
- Nick
- ii9
- 12 Aug 2005
Does anybody know if it fits on the original nokia music stand?
- t
- tom
- 12 Aug 2005
hey pj n all nokia 3230 owners
regarding da dust problem tat keeps comin in on da screen !!
tis is wat u can do to avoid da dust problem
;infact tis is wat i do
u get these transparent plastic covers with tiny zippers 4 da mobile , all u hav to do is buy one of em and cover ur fone ; it looks kind of cool and makes ur fone a lil more water resistant and even protects da screen ; these covers r pretty cheap
i use em and havent experienced da dust problem eversince
- P
- PJ
- P@D
- 12 Aug 2005
I think its a great phone for the non-purist.
It does have a few annoying issues, takes forever to boot up, always plays the Nokia intromusic on start up, and gets dusty inside the screen, I have taken it to Nokia service centre here in Brisbane once for a clean, but its still coming in via the toggle and small gap above the keys, I am about to take it in again while still under warranty, it needs some form of seal, does anyone else have this problem?