Nokia 3230
- a
- alghe
- iy{
- 09 Apr 2005
Phone looks ok. Is simbian, big screen, PTT, video, 1.3 megapixel, mp3 player, mono or stereo is ok for me. Looks very solid made, I was have it, in my hand. I will buy this phone soon.....
- k
- kutub
- M{3
- 08 Apr 2005
THE phone have stupid look with excellent feature.whateva it is.its more like a baby toy then a phone.who eva has designed the phone must be a stupid just like the phone itself..DXB
- n
- nisarg
- ij1
- 08 Apr 2005
the bugs so far
1) camera at normal and high resolution not proportional
2) when ringing mode (whichever profile) put to silent, SMS DOESN'T VIBRATE
3) beep comes out everytime before the phone rings. (for both calls and sms)
4) the basic resolution 640X480 quality is MUCH MUCH worse than compared to 6600's 640X480 quality!!!
5) The max and min vol of real player is SAME!
6) bluetooth messages r stored in phone memory and not in memory card. solution for this is to install a file called MsdriveE which u can find it at any symbian website.after installating it my phone stored messages on memory card. but once i remove my memory card from phone it again stores messages on phone memory and then after installing a new memory card , even on insatlling MsdriveE the messages are stored on phone memory. i will soon find its solution u guys 2 try 2 find it.
- W
- William Davidson
- ms3
- 08 Apr 2005
I have this mobile phones from sale and other models. I have a big lot received from Dubai. If is anyone interested to buy just contact me at :
- M
- Mark
- iLQ
- 08 Apr 2005
I have it on Orange too! To change the settings on the first screen, go to: Settings>Phone>Standby and you can choose which function the left and right keys are assigned to.
I love this phone, not really bothered by the bugs, other than the camera one, that needs fixing! As for the beeps before calls, it's a so what really.
- J
- Jason
- 08 Apr 2005
Hey anyone knows that wherther i can use an normal Rs MMC card instead of a Dual voltage RS MMC on the 3230. Would it spoile the phone or create any problem to the downloading process cos dual voltage seems alot more expensive..
- k
- kevin
- B$F
- 08 Apr 2005
can your post up the website for Nokia partner website of the bugs
thank you
plz e-mail to me if u can ......thank you
- N
- Nick
- mnX
- 08 Apr 2005
I have just bought this phone on orange (uk) and am very satisfied with it, except for one drawback - the standby screen is somehow tailored to Orange - it has a strip down the left hand side of the screen with shortcuts to contacts, messages etc. Unfortunately these shortcuts are much more difficult to use than the normal nokia screen (for example, you can't hit left to start a new SMS).
Is it possible to change this so that when my phone turns on i get the normal nokia standby screen instead of this Orange rubbish? Can anyone help or even tell me they have the same problem?
- L
- Loreto
- TS8
- 08 Apr 2005
this is the laest firmware version available on the Nokia partner website..
V 3.0505.2 19-02-05 RM-51
I have the same version on my mobile & it is full of the bugs u people are talkin abt..I will let u know when there is a new firmware release..& the improvements in it..
- b
- bingkun
- 08 Apr 2005
-no auto keypad lock function
-annoying beep sound during sms
-no virbation for sms when silent profile
-when taking picture muz stay still after clicking if not will become blurry
-gallery, only shows the number of files in the folder and not adding up the no. of files in the sub folder
-need to put mp3 file in sound/digital for the tone setting to detect
- K
- Kinetic
- 08 Apr 2005
Thanx superman..
Now i discovered new problem.. the REAL PLAYER when playing MP3 songs the MAX and MIN volume is exactly the same! no difference! its either loudest or no sound!! thats the same problem i encountered with 6260!! kaoz.. NOKIA better come out with a GOOD FIRMWARE UPGRADE SOON!
the bugs so far
1) camera at normal and high resolution not proportional
2) when ringing mode (whichever profile) put to silent, SMS DOESN'T VIBRATE
3) beep comes out everytime before the phone rings. (for both calls and sms)
4) the basic resolution 640X480 quality is MUCH MUCH worse than compared to 6600's 640X480 quality!!!
5) The max and min vol of real player is SAME!
Anymore bugs pls feel free to add on. (copy n paste)
- S
- Superman
- 08 Apr 2005
To Kinetic,
i went to singapore nokia care centre that day . they said that my version was the latest at the point of time . but i ain't sure if there's any new firmware in singapore now.
- B
- Bit Bit
- TC$
- 08 Apr 2005
may i know about nokia 3230 the mp3 sound clear anot,nokia6670 clear or 3230 clear le,thank.
- K
- Kinetic
- 08 Apr 2005
6230i takes pics at 1280x1024.. think that this is the SUPPOSED to be resolution for 3230 right?
Anyone in singapore brought the phone to nokia care centre to do the upgrade for the firmware? really hope they can come out with the solutions to the many problems soon..
- T
- Tarek
- iJc
- 08 Apr 2005
is there any way to store the messages at the memory card insted of the phone memory
- J
- JaS
- 08 Apr 2005
There's no way to turn the beep sound off, could be a software oversight again.
To erase all messages in your inbox, go to options, scroll to Mark/Unmark, choose Mark all, click on the 'c' button and delete all.
Mark/Unmark enables you to select which messages you want to keep, which you don't.
- a
- alexa
- inV
- 08 Apr 2005
is there a way to turn the beep sound off?
btw, how do you delete all the messages in the inbox?
i couldn't figure it out, it's not listed in the manual.
that's weird because old nokia's phones are able to erase all messages.
- s
- sean
- yRP
- 08 Apr 2005
yup there is a beep sound before receiving calls/ messages
- T
- Tarek
- iJc
- 08 Apr 2005
dose any ony has a peep sound befor receving any calls or messages. coz i have this problem
- s
- sean
- yRP
- 07 Apr 2005
man u hav a hell load of questions believe me 3230 is worth it ;its got everything