Nokia 3310
- s
- srm
- Uq4
- 31 Aug 2007
Is there any way to enlarge the writting front.
Its cooooool fone.
- r
- raju
- M{3
- 30 Aug 2007
hai guys
can anyone tell me what is the formatting code of nokia 3310
may god bless u
- j
- jak
- nFS
- 17 Aug 2007
i bought the nokia 3310 as soon as it came out in 2000 and i paid 100 pound 4 it at carphone warehouse oops so it was pricy but that little phone is without doubt the most durable phone ive ever seen and after being droped and things it still is in working order i would like to see more nokia phones with more features than the 3310 (duh) but the same amount of durability
- r
- razam
- NhE
- 16 Aug 2007
i love them soooooooooooooooo mush cos this hard worker
- G
- Govind
- 2Z2
- 16 Aug 2007
I am using this phone from 2002 and it is still working and i am using. It worths the money and it is amazingly durable.
- a
- ajith
- TLx
- 10 Aug 2007
nice phone i am using this fone from past 4 years... i changed only panal and battry once.. ultimate phone... now it still in working condition.... i purchased it for RS 5200 in 2001
- d
- dino
- PB4
- 09 Aug 2007
my 3310 was bought last may 2002, and is still working untill today with no problems at all. this is a very durable fone.... i hope nokia will consider the same durability to their new negeration of fones...
- j
- james
- 2Am
- 06 Aug 2007
diz is d best fon..i remember my high skul days..diz is the gift of my dad to me when it is my bday..i love diz fon..but now im using is also great..
- M
- M.Daud
- 04 Aug 2007
I got Nokia-3310 3 years ago. Its really wonderful :). It has approx. all functionalities of calling and sending sms etc. It's most important feature is DURABILITY.
- K
- K
- wYC
- 03 Aug 2007
I remember having that phone when I was 9 years old. :)) I am now 14 years old and I own a Nokia 3230, and it's friggin' slow. :| Smart phones can never beat the 3310, it never shuts down for no reason. :P I miss my 3310. :)
- b
- bobo
- n4W
- 30 Jul 2007
very very good phone!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Jul 2007
awesome machine !!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Jul 2007
awesome machine !!!!!!!!
- u
- uzzi
- 0vx
- 27 Jul 2007
i have a 6280 and a 3310. 3310 is 5 years old and i stil use! it`s a very good phone
- a
- archelle18
- PSw
- 24 Jul 2007
yey! i bought it today to my friend! i like it.. hehe my 4th fone.. i love it.... :) 1st time to use 3310 and a nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4GA
- 22 Jul 2007
the best fone ever produced by nokia. A good weapon to kill anything. Stone the fone against a rock and u can be sure that u will have it back.
- M
- Madani
- ftD
- 21 Jul 2007
I still use this phone. it's hard and easy to use.
- e
- ezeriRJ
- 21 Jul 2007
no phone in the world can defeat this phone. GREAT!!!. I'm still use it since 2002
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD%
- 20 Jul 2007
this is my first i have when i was 1st year high school hahaha nice phone easy to use!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mXS
- 18 Jul 2007
Quite a good reliable phone
But Vastly out dated