Nokia 3310
- m
- malek
- 09 Jun 2003
i have one
- D
- Dr.Octupus
- 31 May 2003
Simply this is a phone for poor ugly people, who do not know what is to posses a Mobile phone!!!!!
- k
- karthik
- 26 May 2003
Dear sir,
i own a 3310 ,is there anyway to know abt the phone details like date of manufacturing and no of days used i heard u have a secret number ,if u can send me it will be helpful to kill piracy,thank you
- K
- Kondor
- 20 May 2003
simply i want to say : I love this phone
it's a perfect phone .
- T
- Tommy
- 16 May 2003
the guinness cover is great
- h
- harjono teodor
- 12 May 2003
Hi, i want to buy 3310 secondhand for 100 pcs, how much?thanks.
- K
- Kawal Deep - - - - >
- 07 May 2003
Hi ppl here man..i have being using 3210,3310,8210 and presently 5210...i teel u man all phones r kooooool! but i luv luv 3310..its damn kool.It has all the good function and thebest COMPOSER..its sexyyy;)
Take care 4 more information mail me..
Chill Out
- a
- alex
- 02 May 2003
it's one of the and populer phones in my country Nigeria. the functions are excellent and easy to operate. keep it up.
- y
- yens
- 01 May 2003
this is very stupied,it's a fucking phone with a fucking menu IT SUCKS
- y
- yens
- 27 Apr 2003
it's a very stupied phone .
- c
- chan
- 24 Apr 2003
B-E-S-T.....Best phone, infact the best nokia production believe me...resonable price and damn strong phone will last for ten years without any problem!!!
- s
- samuel ainoo
- 24 Apr 2003
I really love it becos it is very easy to to be used.its functions are not complicated.I'll really appreciate it if you give some to me for FREE.Please do.
Please reply to me on mail soon.
- W
- WW
- 23 Apr 2003
The greatest phone I ever had! It's heavy but it has an easy menu, the buttons are easy to press, the software is quite fast (if you have an updated version) but it did had a lot of bugs.
- D
- Dr.Octupus
- 19 Apr 2003
Posibly the worst phone of all.But Siemens c45 is worse!!!!It is a "tuhle"This word in my language is called a brick
- j
- justin
- 11 Apr 2003
hi . this mobile is simpler and beeter . but i heard that this mobiles production isd stopped to promote 3315 .is it true?
plz send me your answer and also its price.
- d
- dursun uzun
- 07 Apr 2003
dear sir I want to buy nokia cellphone plaese send me preces liste.
from turkey thank you wery mach
- A
- Ashley Gupta
- 02 Apr 2003
Where to get the software for 3310 to use mobile handset through my PC.I have the connecting cable also but don't know from where i'll get SW.Pls advice.
- k
- kevin
- 24 Mar 2003
hi ,my name is kevin and i want some ringtones so i can compose in to my cellphone ,the nokia 3310 .
i want the list so that i can make my own ringtones
- s
- sebica
- 19 Mar 2003
its very reliable, its to much heavy but it works. i think that all the products from Nokia are the best in the world!!!
- y
- yalsavar
- 12 Mar 2003
I'm searching for tools to change English menu of this phone to arbic or persian ,
would you please help me.