Nokia 3310
- K
- Kutu KL
- 18 Apr 2001
I've used this model & it's a great phone. If only it can come with Li-ion battery!
- M
- Marko
- 16 Apr 2001
Much better compared to 3210. The weight is OK with Lithium-battery.
- b
- baisanu zoltan
- 15 Apr 2001
heloo. i have a nokia 5510 is very good.i'm from romania.can u help me to have a 3310 nokia please
- m
- mowaffak kurdi
- 14 Apr 2001
can you send to me all info by nokia 3310
- A
- Alex Freestyler
- 13 Apr 2001
ovo je najbolji mobisa sto puta bolji od svih
- D
- Dark Mark
- 05 Apr 2001
Im gonna buty the fone in 5 days, I just mainly wanted to get my name here, kewl, seems to b a pretty good fone though, it would have to be for me to buy it spose, well im being boring now, so i'll stop
- K
- Konek Keras
- 02 Apr 2001
Wuuuu .... nengok talipon ni konek pun naik tegang lerr ...
- A
- Aca Freestyler
- 30 Mar 2001
Ovo je jebeno najbolji phone ali steta sto su mi ga uzeli!!!!
- A
- Auriux
- 28 Mar 2001
I'm going to buy this phone, because I think that the design is one of the best of all mobile phones. 3310 cuold be a bit lighter (like C35 f.e.).
- S
- Sanch K
- 25 Mar 2001
Although its a good phone, the 3330 is so much better. Please check out my site for a SNAKE guide.
- j
- j
- 10 Mar 2001
i would just like to thank my fans, my record company, and my family for all the wonderful support they have given me over these last few months. I want to say a big thank you for all the fans who voted for me; it wouldn't have been possible without you. But most of all i want to thank god for giving me the strength to continue and for making this come true. Thank you, and goodnight.
- B
- Bassem Kamel
- 24 Feb 2001
It's wonderful ,briliant mobile
- s
- sexy babe
- 20 Feb 2001
this phone is WICKED man, it's the best phone i have ever set my eyes on. It is much better than any other phone ie. nokia 3210, 8210, 5110. It's even better than motorola, ericson, phillips etc. I luv u all
- A
- 18 Feb 2001
the nokia 3310 is great its just the right size and with a lithium battery its only 107 grams. i do think that
if the screensavers would move it would be nice. that said it has the most amazing games ever. i think that if tetris would have been added it would blow GameBoy away :)
- s
- shit
- 13 Feb 2001
i thing nokia 3310 should have infraed port
- L
- Law 001
- 11 Feb 2001
Phone is totaly fucked up - M35 is much better
- C
- Cesar
- 21 Jan 2001
Great phone, awesome messaging capabilities. I also like the ringtone composer and the pic messages. Nice and cute.
- R
- 20 Jan 2001
- V
- Vikram KN
- 17 Jan 2001
I am not finding the manual for the cell phone anywhere.pls advice
- K
- Kawan kutu Nokia 800
- 10 Jan 2001
Apa la gaduh2 pasal tipon nu pulak? Kalau memang takde langsung pun masih boleh pinjam kat Hulk Hogan Kantin tu ... hehe