Nokia 3310
- ?
- Anonymous
- X0J
- 28 Sep 2013
22 years ?
- x
- xeen
- tU6
- 28 Sep 2013
could you plz temme when nokia 3310 was launched, you said 22 yrs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 27 Sep 2013
hi mee :)
- g
- guddu
- bJg
- 25 Sep 2013
My first phone and still working like new. No repair for last 22 yrs. Is Samsung listening?
- a
- aa
- uZa
- 22 Sep 2013
Great phone
- R
- Ringoman
- pWT
- 21 Sep 2013
Ethan Dean, 18 Sep 2013This is the Legend of all phones,if you have never experien... moreConsider Ringo as that fatality making dropping device...
I had a malfunctioning Ringo with a cracked glass, could only hear what the caller was saying but the mic was dead. Dropped it in an accident into a pool of water. Took it up and WHO, it worked as it should!
- k
- kelvin
- sF{
- 21 Sep 2013
this is the "thing" that protect you when you chase by dog, just throw this phone to the dog, BANG!!!! the dog die, hahahahaa
- v
- vibi
- sSN
- 21 Sep 2013
i want to npkia 3310
- E
- Ethan Dean
- SdD
- 18 Sep 2013
This is the Legend of all phones,if you have never experienced the fine quality and workmanship of this phone you have never lived. Some say this phone was used as a military tool to drop on enemy lines. You will never have to charge this phone,I have had mine since 1970 and haven't charged it since. #quality
- E
- Ethan Dean
- SdD
- 18 Sep 2013
This is the Legend of all phones,if you have never experienced the fine quality and workmanship of this phone you have never lived. Some say this phone was used as a military tool to drop on enemy lines. You will never have to charge this phone,I have had mine since 1970 and haven't charged it since. #quality
- f
- faraz
- u1v
- 16 Sep 2013
i want nokia 3310 in low price
- D
- AnonD-185648
- N9@
- 16 Sep 2013
3310, this phone was a legend in its time. robust, I swear you could drop this phone 20 time and it came apart, put it back together and it's all good. Fare thee well Nokia 3310. your 'smart' Grandchildren aren't doing so well though
- t
- tiara
- YT$
- 15 Sep 2013
my very first phone, actually i got it secondhand from my dad. he got a new motorola and gave me 3310. and it officially broken, turn off every 5 minutes. But after repaired, all works well. i sold it about few months later to get nokia 8310
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7E
- 14 Sep 2013
ubaid, 10 Aug 2013Are you in your senses?Galaxy S4 is betterplease tell me in what way that puny Galaxy S4 is better than the GODLY Nokia 3310.
- j
- josh
- uSQ
- 11 Sep 2013
this was the first cellphone i ever had in my life, i could say that Nokia Mobile Industry is incredible....
Go Nokia...
- D
- AnonD-167452
- Nkp
- 10 Sep 2013
my first phone and I wish I could buy a new one beside my galaxy grand
- r
- riz
- 8jp
- 10 Sep 2013
In 2000 my dream phone.
- k
- kevin allwyn
- PUh
- 09 Sep 2013
Nokia u we a KING back then, u jus need to jump into android nd ual get ur throne back
- s
- suraj gupta
- 9xY
- 09 Sep 2013
h0bbit, 13 Jul 2013Cool story bro.. I have this same mobile and it is my first mobile in my house now i have three mobile on today
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwe
- 07 Sep 2013
all world fisrst phone;;;;;
i love it
vikram thakor