Nokia 3310
- ?
- Anonymous
- fs@
- 22 Mar 2009
Really the bessst phone everrrr! It rocks man! Nokia owes its popularity to this fone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- fs@
- 22 Mar 2009
One of my first phones, THE BEST PHONE really! Nokia surely came up with this phone!
- A
- Ali Raza
- uWA
- 19 Mar 2009
Its a joke not a mobile phone i think the cave men had it once
- S
- Shameem
- 2Zc
- 19 Mar 2009
This was the Greatest phone make by Nokia. i used this phone 6 years back.
- l
- luciano
- p7K
- 16 Mar 2009
i had used this mobile only for 3yrs. now i have a new one and it is better than this
- o
- os_gunar
- 25K
- 12 Mar 2009
if this phone has 3G services....its a great phone....
- S
- 2In
- 09 Mar 2009
grrrrreat phone cant break even if it is thrown on the floor i have experienced it
- z
- zardari and Musharaf
- uWE
- 06 Mar 2009
Great phone u can compare it with W910.But 3310 camera sharpness is high and Walkman of 3310 is ever great.
U must dont purchase it.thanks
Topak zama qanoon day
- c
- cellphonexp
- p2I
- 06 Mar 2009
this phone is a classic.
- E
- ibq
- 04 Mar 2009
wow! all hail the best ever old skool nokia phone. i've only used it the first time very late though in 2007 for 2 years. i trade in with my crappy k800i 4 this from my college lecturer that time. the total age of the phone is 6 years old. then i just upgraded 2 the N82 a month ago and would notably be my largest leap of mobile phone upgrade ever. now the 3310 is left in my drawer waiting 2 be used again. LOL!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pT6
- 04 Mar 2009
it`s my closest friend that u can rely on for life time :-)
- F
- Francis
- vpH
- 28 Feb 2009
this phone is very strong and durable. this is the strongest cp ever in the whole universe.
- :
- : )
- 03M
- 27 Feb 2009
I m now 8 years with it : )) and still working !!
- D
- D3vilgoD Sp3llbound
- P$I
- 27 Feb 2009
the set rockzzz!!!! the phone must continue!! 3310 rockzzz
- n
- net_boy
- n4W
- 26 Feb 2009
The best and strongest phone ever. I have it for about 6 years and still works with no problems. I must note that this phone sunk under water 2 times, and stay alive.
- m
- mini
- 2Wc
- 26 Feb 2009
my dad used this fone years ago wen it was released and its still working,and if my fone doesnt work i can always rely on this...3310 rox!!
- s
- sammy
- NaD
- 25 Feb 2009
hey joe, remember this phone you first asked me to get engaged on?
- S
- Scyther
- 22 Feb 2009
This phone is a hammer-head... Can be used for various purposes..!!
1) Use it as Paper-weight
2) Use is a self-defence weapon.
3) Use it to wreck a house!!! (lol)
4) Use it to scare your Girlfriend away.
5) Or else just use it for calls..!!
- m
- mile
- ptR
- 21 Feb 2009
great phone, the best old phone. I had it 5-6 years ago, and that was wery good phone, I love it!!!
- H
- HIgHLY_caution89
- 25K
- 21 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 29 Jan 2009if u miss the phone there are bettr dildos in shops with be... moreK wat 3310!!!gud phone.