Nokia 3310
- m
- mdz
- uCk
- 11 Jan 2009
the legendary it very much..bought in 2002 and still using it as my 2nd phone..
- K
- Kelly
- wgH
- 10 Jan 2009
I had this phone for 3 years (2001 onwards) and my partner had it for 5! He only upgraded to cope with 3G!
I got the phone when I was in highschool- every kid had this. My parents made me wait til I was 15 to get a phone, and it felt like so long. I was so annoyed when my sis (4 years younger) got one off my dad the week after me! :O
Sucks being the eldest- you are the test kid. Mobiles were new then, and my parents mustn't have trusted them... >.>
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVn
- 06 Jan 2009
I truly support all of this comment... cause i aslo throw this phone about 100time before XD and i have throwed into the washing machinece before... Haha... 3310 I'm loving It...
- s
- stelios
- 3A7
- 06 Jan 2009
That was my second mobile.I bought it at 2001 and it's still working!!!water,beer and falls were not problem!!!!
- U
- Ubo
- Pxi
- 06 Jan 2009
The LEGEND From nokia,.... in indonesia it called "HP Sejuta umat"
- f
- freedz
- ibh
- 05 Jan 2009
3310 fan, 04 Jan 2009truely legendary.this is my first mobile phone n i bought i... morebought the 3310 in 2003. Still using it till now. Super handphone!
- 3
- 3310 fan
- SvM
- 04 Jan 2009
truely legendary.this is my first mobile phone n i bought it on september 2001...well till now no problem...thumbs up 2 the man who designed it...
- S
- uCp
- 03 Jan 2009
i was use tiz type fon ,.,, it realy realy realy very gud n the more best fon,, i was throw more 60times but ,tiz fon stil can use , realy marvelos.thank u 3310.
- w
- wink2
- TC}
- 01 Jan 2009
i love its cam and bluetooth connection...hikhik
- o
- oldschool
- 0xL
- 31 Dec 2008
You can never beat the legend...
- ?
- Anonymous
- nxQ
- 27 Dec 2008
Still using this since 2002. I'm so retro!
- W
- Wayne
- ib4
- 22 Dec 2008
legendary was my first phone...and it was just awesome!!!
- b
- boybawang
- v0X
- 21 Dec 2008
The 5MP camera takes decent photos and videorecording better than N95. good video playback with DivX and web browsing with Opera 9.5 is smoother than the iPhone.
My only complain is the touchscreen has no multi touch. Guys where can i buy a stylus for this because I lost mine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3cc
- 20 Dec 2008
Incredible battery life and SURVIVE a (more than once) 10 m (30 feet) fall and a bus that run over it (i droped it accidentaly :) ) it's one of the best!
- R
- Rawat
- Na0
- 19 Dec 2008
nokia 3310 "one of one"
- (
- (FRED)
- P$a
- 18 Dec 2008
i was a trucking all the way to alice springs last year when adelaide had it longest an hottest heat wave of 38c for 13 days an the good old 3310 never let me down once in all that heat.i have just bought a new battery for the first time in 7 years not bad.a..i dont know what all the crase is about with all these down loaded ring tones..being in the cab with the engine running at 5000 revs plus.the message assending still beats all the new ring tones.have a beaut day.a
- s
- sean_dude
- jst
- 14 Dec 2008
BEST PHONE EVER, This unit can stand up to the test of time!!!
- m
- miklos
- ji{
- 13 Dec 2008 pr0ud t0 have and use it for a long time... The ph0ne of all time... il0ve3310.. And maybe even the creat0rs of that ph0ne pick it as their fav0rite...ü
- T
- TechNix
- PWh
- 06 Dec 2008
I still have it but i'm not using it anymore. But it still works well even i dropped it many times and my daughter soak it in a glass of water.HEHEHE. By the way this unit is a classical like 3210 model.
- r
- ryan
- uEx
- 05 Dec 2008
this thing is my best phone ever when i was 9